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Clown World explained: It Was The Gay Frogs All Along

1 2022-10-16 17:29

The Post-Modern Circus is a reductio ad absurdum process by
which the current 'progressive' social movements reify the extreme end-goals of transhumanist and
collectivist mindset, as explanatory xenoestrogenic cultural substrate(trans-feminism) that ignores the innate biological value of human genetics(sex vs gender) in natural environment in favor of 'utopian managed society'(i.e. automated,bureaucratized and legislated): the "Hypercentralization" of social networks
fuels fast transmission of 'validation by social proof' that enables to build social
consensus over fast-paced sub-cultural
'feedback loops'.
What is actually going on(mass poisoning by xenoestrogens) is accelerated
by technological augmentation of news
cycles and 'citizen journalism', shaped up
by gender-centric narrative and wrapped in
social fabric of privilege and caste;
The concept of 'caste' is the closest idea
to encapsulate the sub-cultural groupings
of new post-modern digital societies:
the movements created through social networks and message boards are
forging 'new castes' with their private
ideologies and allegiances,
It would be a mistake to see small
communities as marginal - the early
digital development of every subculture
will be irrelevant at start: the social
influence of publicity and exposure can
grow such subcultures overnight.
A caste-forming subculture is not a
new thing in principle, however the drastic
lifestyle changes and sub-cultural influence
through social reinforcement no longer
require centuries and generations of
culture-forming indoctrination:
the modern world allows to delineate
social castes by contrast and anecdotal
evidence, in memetic or humorous form
that eases the spread of 'caste markers'
towards mainstream and media:
e.g. the idea of 'Chad' caste is intuitively
understood when the speaker contrasts
the 'caste markers' making up a 'Chad' vs an 'Incel'
and people subconsciously grade their persona as belonging
to the nearest archetype of emerging social caste.
These digital castes are evolving, quite
fast and most people seem to obliviously
ignorant until they get out of the loop
of 'social progress'(e.g. gender pronouns) and don't expect
social support for transgenders that
(as mentioned above due xenoestrogens mass poisoning) society is changing for
the worse: its castes of chemically castrated
and damaged, with abnormal dysgenics and genetically gifted creating greater contrast
as environmental destruction continues.
The 'right-wing' hyper-individual egoism
would celebrate the 'Top Genetics' of
surviving the chemical onslaught and
do nothing as humanity goes downhill, and 'left-wing'
would celebrate the genetically damaged
dysgenic collectivist horde of NPCs
as ideal state of affairs, with ideal
'progressive society' struggles confined
to compete for the gayest frog in a
bowl of chemical sludge.

2 2022-10-16 17:50

Isn't the above connection fairly obvious?
Of course it would be seemingly simple to connect
trans-feminism and xenoestrogenic feminization of mankind,
but Trans-Science(tm) is settled and it is highly profitable.
What isn't obvious is that the chemical soup on which
human agriculture has depended on since the 'Green Revolution'
has the equivalent of 'mass psychogenic illness' on hapless
primates consuming the mass-produced crops and vapours
from airborne chemicals 'crop-dusting' into global air.
The Clown World isn't merely gay frogs, its insane gay frogs
with damaged DNA and brains.

3 2022-10-16 18:09

The cancel culture of Clown World and
extreme collectivist 'digital castes' are
in effect driven by xenoestrogenic chemicals and social reinforcment:
without internet and endocrine disruptors pollution
the Clown World can't exist. The trans-feminism is in
effect the grand point of transhumanist 'social change' by
mass medication and cultural indoctrination:
the Homo Sapiens is molded into hyper-domesticated
ultra-emotional emasculated cyber-goblins dependent on technology
and hivemind's social approval. The endgame of trans-humanist
trans-humanity is laid bare when you examine the
next stage of MRNA genetic modifications marked to
hordes of NPCs as panacea from COVID/Heart attacks/cancer/etc.
They are manipulating the hapless primates with full media control
the narrative of next-stage of domestication with
immune systems replaced by medical injections
and casual MRNA genetic mods as 'fixes' to every disease
on the planet - at same time the endocrine disrupting chemicals,
fluoride(and recently lithium), xenoestrogens are pumped into food supply to pacify the masses: the polluted, crippled environment
has no safe spaces and every glaciers in Antarctica have 'forever chemicals' that refuse to decay organically.
This is the End-Stage Trans-Humanism and "Next-Industrial Revolution"
your futurists didn't envision, because its actually a hell world

4 2022-10-16 18:22

The fossil fuels that made modern prosperity have
also made this Clown World a one-track railway into hell:
there is nearly zero chance some 'friendly AI singularity'
will magically unrape the defiled Earth from decades of
chemical onslaught, as transhumanists dream of ascending into
the Matrix the don't pay as much attention to ecological collapse
that is economically the 'most efficient' for global corporations
building the trans-humanist future: i.e. the resource scarcity
of capitalism is inherent feature that makes fossil fuels
and derived chemicals very cheap. Byproducts of fossil fuels
are entire technological sectors, that would rise in complexity
to disguise their bare 'fossil' origin but cannot shed
dependency. Plastics in particular is cheap, pervasive and
easily distributed 'raw material', now in your brain tissues as microplastic that
will not decay(unless your brain is bacterially infected by
plastic eating bacteria, and then you have bigger problems).

5 2022-10-16 18:32

The modern science and media are arms of
Western material hyper-culture, they normalise
this Clown World. They lie and cheat in statistical
manipulations, with media puppets narrating and explaining
away the uncomfortable situation where people
are turned into chemically-infused dysgenic mutt hordes
steered by 'experts' and 'fast-checkers' towards the
mass slaughter(as 'useless eaters') where their jobs are automated
and their life are meaningless exercises in obedience and
bureaucratic rituals to earn social credits.
There is no replacement for first-world intellectuals
driven off the cultural pedestal by far-left demagogues,
the primitive and barbaric global south with more robust genetics
will not be able to preserve the facade of Clown World
as modern civilization - the complexity will break down
and no automation and algorithm can change the underlying
cultural decay and dysgenic anti-intellectual collectivists
will happily march into dark ages once the technological
systems and supply chains collapse.

6 2022-10-16 18:34

Time to bust out CollapseOS.

7 2022-10-16 18:49

You will critique me for bringing up something
trivial and easily observable, but have the masses
ever been faced with their true position and situation?
The media and science paint a fairly rosy picture
of humanity adapting and winning against all odds,
the inevitable 'March of Progress'(hampered by those
cranky luddites and traditionalists) that mistakes of
the past will be amended eventually and all those
sins against nature are temporary lapses of judgement
that enlightened future species will correct on the spot.
It would be harder to maintain this narrative with
bleaker conditions of average social zombie and
no fact-checkers will cope with the reality denial.
The dysgenic effects will not overcome reason and logic,
eventually there will be a critical mass of people
looking at themselves and asking 'how the fuck we got to
this point' without buying the increasingly less believable
media narratives, with fake social consensus engineered by
elites detaching from cultural zeitgeist far enough to become
ineffective attempts to pacify the discontent.
This day you can dismiss these as some 'alt-right neoreactionary'
drivel, but you will begin to doubt the cultural pillars
as your brain is made pliable by insanity brought by endocrine disruptors which make it degenerative spell on ingrained 'social constructs' inside your encultured neocortex
on which society's pillars were built and Western Civilization as
networks of cooperating brains begins to disconnect and diverge
into castes and tribes of brand new Clown World where
realities of different brains are in fast incompatible
conceptually and chemically. You will remember this.

8 2022-11-09 17:30

All people are retarded. Only i am sane



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