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Clown World explained: It Was The Gay Frogs All Along

3 2022-10-16 18:09

The cancel culture of Clown World and
extreme collectivist 'digital castes' are
in effect driven by xenoestrogenic chemicals and social reinforcment:
without internet and endocrine disruptors pollution
the Clown World can't exist. The trans-feminism is in
effect the grand point of transhumanist 'social change' by
mass medication and cultural indoctrination:
the Homo Sapiens is molded into hyper-domesticated
ultra-emotional emasculated cyber-goblins dependent on technology
and hivemind's social approval. The endgame of trans-humanist
trans-humanity is laid bare when you examine the
next stage of MRNA genetic modifications marked to
hordes of NPCs as panacea from COVID/Heart attacks/cancer/etc.
They are manipulating the hapless primates with full media control
the narrative of next-stage of domestication with
immune systems replaced by medical injections
and casual MRNA genetic mods as 'fixes' to every disease
on the planet - at same time the endocrine disrupting chemicals,
fluoride(and recently lithium), xenoestrogens are pumped into food supply to pacify the masses: the polluted, crippled environment
has no safe spaces and every glaciers in Antarctica have 'forever chemicals' that refuse to decay organically.
This is the End-Stage Trans-Humanism and "Next-Industrial Revolution"
your futurists didn't envision, because its actually a hell world



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