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Clown World explained: It Was The Gay Frogs All Along

1 2022-10-16 17:29

The Post-Modern Circus is a reductio ad absurdum process by
which the current 'progressive' social movements reify the extreme end-goals of transhumanist and
collectivist mindset, as explanatory xenoestrogenic cultural substrate(trans-feminism) that ignores the innate biological value of human genetics(sex vs gender) in natural environment in favor of 'utopian managed society'(i.e. automated,bureaucratized and legislated): the "Hypercentralization" of social networks
fuels fast transmission of 'validation by social proof' that enables to build social
consensus over fast-paced sub-cultural
'feedback loops'.
What is actually going on(mass poisoning by xenoestrogens) is accelerated
by technological augmentation of news
cycles and 'citizen journalism', shaped up
by gender-centric narrative and wrapped in
social fabric of privilege and caste;
The concept of 'caste' is the closest idea
to encapsulate the sub-cultural groupings
of new post-modern digital societies:
the movements created through social networks and message boards are
forging 'new castes' with their private
ideologies and allegiances,
It would be a mistake to see small
communities as marginal - the early
digital development of every subculture
will be irrelevant at start: the social
influence of publicity and exposure can
grow such subcultures overnight.
A caste-forming subculture is not a
new thing in principle, however the drastic
lifestyle changes and sub-cultural influence
through social reinforcement no longer
require centuries and generations of
culture-forming indoctrination:
the modern world allows to delineate
social castes by contrast and anecdotal
evidence, in memetic or humorous form
that eases the spread of 'caste markers'
towards mainstream and media:
e.g. the idea of 'Chad' caste is intuitively
understood when the speaker contrasts
the 'caste markers' making up a 'Chad' vs an 'Incel'
and people subconsciously grade their persona as belonging
to the nearest archetype of emerging social caste.
These digital castes are evolving, quite
fast and most people seem to obliviously
ignorant until they get out of the loop
of 'social progress'(e.g. gender pronouns) and don't expect
social support for transgenders that
(as mentioned above due xenoestrogens mass poisoning) society is changing for
the worse: its castes of chemically castrated
and damaged, with abnormal dysgenics and genetically gifted creating greater contrast
as environmental destruction continues.
The 'right-wing' hyper-individual egoism
would celebrate the 'Top Genetics' of
surviving the chemical onslaught and
do nothing as humanity goes downhill, and 'left-wing'
would celebrate the genetically damaged
dysgenic collectivist horde of NPCs
as ideal state of affairs, with ideal
'progressive society' struggles confined
to compete for the gayest frog in a
bowl of chemical sludge.



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