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/natsoc/ general

1 2019-10-21 07:56

Ahem hitler did nothing wrong

2 2019-10-22 01:10

He was a meth head.

3 2019-10-22 23:12

He was a jew

4 2019-10-29 19:49 *

My great-grandfather ```Ahem``` was Alois' youngest son, a bastard jew. Orphaned by some pox or other, he left with just his mother's pocket-watch. He made his way around europe, deserted WWI. Eventually, got to America. They gave him an ugly surname. He would take his wife's name. When he had the time, he found out that the portrait in the latch was of his grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber. He had already been an aggressive drunk. Now, knowing what his blood was capable of, the self fulfilling prophecy ensued. His drunken rage grew more violent. He started beating her. They stopped going to church. One monday, he wasn't at work. The next morning, they found her batterred body. Probably did it all again.

5 2019-11-06 13:38


6 2019-11-08 21:42

National Socialism is a fun thing in the hands of such Anarcho-Egotists/Xenophobs like me. For example, Communist revolution would be like the Anonymous protesting the corps but actually and even better, and NS Counter-Revolution/RaHoWa would be like the Communist revolution but actually and even better.

7 2019-11-08 21:47

Also, I hope we all know the Hitler was sponsored directly by Rockefellers (just research on Eugenics and the Institute of Keizer), and the two WWs were all the major conflicts between Rothschilds and Rockefellers expressed globally (as any global events for like the last three centuries basically).

8 2020-03-08 02:55

Is this thread specifically for national socialists? What about fascists? What about people who want to 1488 but don't fall under these categories? Anyways, gas the kikes, race war now.

9 2020-03-08 09:35 *

Authoritarianism is for manchildren.

10 2020-03-08 10:22 *

Follow your leader.

11 2020-03-08 14:40

What makes you say that? Hardcore individualism seems more childish.
Whoa, I know that you dislike the jewish government but killing 6 million of them is a bit extreme

12 2020-03-08 16:28 *

Let me put it like this. Do you think the world as it is isn't good enough for you? Do you want or need to change it?
To me, whatever the political orientation, that's already an immature way of thinking. But if want or need someone to change it for you, a leader of sort, then you're definitely a child.

13 2020-03-10 04:27

I don't necessarily think in terms of just myself. I believe that all this "freedom" has caused us much more harm than good. Mentally deranged pedophiles reading books to children, giving children hormone blockers because they "chose" their gender, sexual promiscuity, letting in the 3rd world, pretending that we're all "equal" and the list goes on. I don't care about the person, about the "leader", I'm more interested in a system that tackles these issues. I think that people are only half joking when they say that nazism/fascism is a political ideology of tomorrow.

14 2020-03-10 07:41 *

You have no business thinking in terms of others than yourself.

15 2020-03-10 13:36

What? I should just wait until one of my family members gets beat up by a third world refugee who has no business living here in the first place?

16 2020-03-10 14:16 *

How do you plan to prevent this from happening? Are you going to randomly beat up refugees as a prophylactic measure? I don't believe it will be super effective.

17 2020-03-11 04:44

Why are you jumping to such conclusions? No, violence against invaders won't make them go away. I prefer the somewhat diplomatic approach by either donating money to organizations/political parties/political activists who promote sane policies or by joining a far-right group. The end goal is to either diplomatically overthrow the government or forcibly, depending on the political climate of the country. Countries like US for example are beyond saving, the only peaceful way fascism/nazism could work there is by creating an ethnostate. I don't necessarily see what's wrong with wanting Europeans to only be surrounded by other Europeans. Christians for example are treated like garbage in the middle east but that's somehow acceptable. People in the middle east can have their own culture without interference of foreigners and so can Africans and Asians but if you'd like to see cultural homogeneity in Europe/North America/Australia you're a hateful bigot. I don't think that it's normal for Europeans to have fear of terrorist attacks committed by people who shouldn't be here in the first place nor do I think that it's normal for police not to arrest pedophiles because of fear of racism.

18 2020-03-11 06:54 *

Take your pills.

19 2020-03-11 13:09 *

Why are you jumping to such conclusions?

It was a genuine question, thank you for answering it. You showed up here with quite an undiplomatic vocabulary, amounting to a certain degree of violence, so I may have suspected you of having radical actions in mind.
I find it hard to believe that you love ethnic European people. Most of them are tolerant ``progressists''. They want none of your far right policies. You said it yourself, they'd call you a bigot and probably shun you, were you to express your ideas non-anonymously. I woudn't want to live among people who reject me.

You probably wish to live in an ethnostate but surrounded by imaginary non-existing Europeans. Do you really love the actual Europeans or do you think they're a bunch of ``cucks'' and ``faggots''? Go outside, have a thorough look at them, come back and tell me what you saw and if you're still willing to spend your time and money on them.

nor do I think that it's normal for police not to arrest pedophiles because of fear of racism

You will have a hard time finding someone who disagrees with you on this special matter.

Anyway, I wish you luck, Anon. But you'll have to count me out. I find it hard enough already to lead my own life and I don't feel qualified to give you or anyone else guidance on how to lead theirs.

20 2020-03-12 02:58


You showed up here with quite an undiplomatic vocabulary,

I am not a diplomat.

amounting to a certain degree of violence, so I may have suspected you of having radical actions in mind.

I can see why I came across that way but it was just harmless banter because OP decided to create a thread specifically for national socialism. It piqued my interest because there's much more to right wing extremism than "Hitler did nothing wrong". It's as if crappy opeaning posts will attract crappy replies.

I find it hard to believe that you love ethnic European people. Most of them are tolerant ``progressists''. They want none of your far right policies. You said it yourself, they'd call you a bigot and probably shun you, were you to express your ideas non-anonymously. I woudn't want to live among people who reject me.

Well, for starters I don't dislike them nor do I mind being around them. I believe that it depends where you are in the world, the more west you go the more "progressists" types appear.

You probably wish to live in an ethnostate but surrounded by imaginary non-existing Europeans. Do you really love the actual Europeans or do you think they're a bunch of ``cucks'' and ``faggots''? Go outside, have a thorough look at them, come back and tell me what you saw and if you're still willing to spend your time and money on them.

I think that there are celebrity useful idiots and that there are idiots who flock to them. I don't think that they're either of those two, the more appropriate word I'd use to describe some of them is "lemmings". I actually do have conversations with these Europeans on a daily basis because of my job. I usually chitchat with 10 to 20 people on weekdays. I can say that most of them usually don't think in terms of politics. There are some that I like and there are some that I dislike but even the ones that I dislike we can still find something to talk about. I don't quite understand the "non-existing Europeans" part, I currently live in a society made by Europeans, I speak multiple European languages and I like European school of thought. If you meant something more recent; there is a vast sea of arts, software tools and whatnot made by Europeans. Compare that to something like one of many African societies, I'd rather stick with European ones. Even if we were to compare this with more intelligent East Asian societies I would still prefer my own. So yes, I would gladly spend my time and money on European people so they can live with their own kin.

You will have a hard time finding someone who disagrees with you on this special matter.

It seems that British police disagrees.

Anyway, I wish you luck, Anon. But you'll have to count me out. I find it hard enough already to lead my own life and I don't feel qualified to give you or anyone else guidance on how to lead theirs.

Thank you and I wish you luck as well. Oh and please don't misunderstand, I'm not expecting much to come out of anonymous conversations on textboard. I'm having this conversation because you seem like an alright person to have conversations with.

21 2020-07-06 13:56 *

Sieg Heil

22 2020-12-01 23:00 *


23 2022-05-21 01:38

Natsoc is still socialism. So it's cringe as hell.

24 2022-05-21 14:30

Natsoc is still nationalism. So it's cringe as hell.

25 2022-05-21 16:27

The duality of man.

26 2022-08-03 01:01

What is /natsoc/?!?

Home Food ReviewsCuisineChinese Uncle Keong Noodle Stall, Lorong Jugra

ChineseFood ReviewsHawkerKuala Lumpur
Uncle Keong Noodle Stall, Lorong Jugra
July 26, 2022
A good bowl of curry mee is hard to come by, despite the many options available in Klang Valley. Also, the definition of “good” varies from one individual to another. But I feel the curry mee from Uncle Keong Noodle Stall in Lorong Jugra is one of the better ones I’ve tried so far.

Price list at Uncle Keong Noodle Stall
It was by chance that Jien and I went to Uncle Keong Noodle Stall. We were out early in the morning (7.30am) and the stall just started operating. The best part about going there early in the morning is the cool air and sound of nature as you tuck into the piping hot noodles.

Open air dining. If you go early in the morning (8am or so), it’s peaceful and still quite cooling
Uncle Keong Noodle Stall is located next to the hill along Lorong Jugra and it has been around since 1986. The stall is manned by an elderly couple offering simple yet delicious noodles such as wantan mee, prawn mee and curry mee. Note that curry mee is only available on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Fried wantan, sui kow, fuchuk and seafood roll are available too and they go quite well with noodles. You’ll need to pick the items you want and pass the plate to the aunty who would then serve it to you with the noodles of your choice.

Breakfast for two at Uncle Keong

Wantan mee
Jien and I opted for the wantan mee and curry mee, along with some fried sui kow and fuchuk. The wantan mee is good stuff. We asked for char siew wantan mee and the noodles came coated in this thick, rich gravy – it’s from the stewed chicken feet so there’s plenty of depth and richness from the sauce.

The gravy used is thick and “lemak” from the chicken feet
Definitely my number one spot for wantan mee in Klang Valley at the moment, as Uncle Keong Noodle Stall ticks all the right boxes. In terms of noodle quality, they clearly don’t make their own but the gravy and cooking method makes up for that. This tastes delicious when eaten on the spot and even as a takeaway. I ordered a packet to go for the kids and a few hours later, the wantan mee didn’t clump together.

Curry Mee

Uncle Keong Noodle Stall serves KL-style curry mee and at first glance, the noodles seem relatively unassuming. Topped with slices of pig’s skin and chicken pieces, the first sip of curry broth won me over. It was moderately thick but packed plenty of spices from the curry gravy, which is topped over the noodles for extra oomph.

Thick, robust curry gravy
The broth is spicy and slightly sweet, but I wished there was a bit more santan to add to the richness overall. That said, it’s still a good bowl of curry mee and one I would gladly eat every Monday, Thursday and Friday!

Fried sui kow and fu chuk (RM1.50 per piece)
Regulars were dipping their selected fried items into curry broth and we did the same. While the fried treats are pretty standard, they go well with the robust curry broth. I was told the prawn mee is also very good and I tried it on my subsequent visit (as a takeaway). It was delicious and worth checking out, though not quite Penang style so please bear that in mind.

Early bird catches the worm at Uncle Keong Noodle Stall
Prices are fairly reasonable – a small portion is RM7, medium RM7.50 and large RM8. Go there early as I heard they run out of noodles quite quickly. I’d say 8am is the best time to dine at Uncle Keong Noodle Stall, as you get to enjoy some peace and quiet amidst nature…before the sun comes out to play.
Bangsar Babe on Facebook Bangsar Babe on Instagram
Ambiance: 5.5/10
Price: 7.5/10
Food: 7.5/10 (non-halal)
Verdict: Order the curry mee, wantan mee and if you can, the prawn mee as well.

Uncle Keong Noodle Stall
Lorong Jugra, 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 016-381 5160
Business hours: 8am till 3pm
(closed Tuesday)

27 2022-08-03 19:51

People dislike national socialism because it was a reaction to communism and the people who caused the (far worse) horrors of communism are now running the media and Western governments.

28 2022-08-04 04:40

Hitler isn’t cool. I wish we could have a whites only nation without cringe racists though.

29 2024-02-25 15:08


30 2024-02-26 01:04 *


31 2024-02-26 01:38 *


32 2024-04-20 21:16 *


I wish we could have nice things without the pain or effort it takes to have them.




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