Why are you jumping to such conclusions? No, violence against invaders won't make them go away. I prefer the somewhat diplomatic approach by either donating money to organizations/political parties/political activists who promote sane policies or by joining a far-right group. The end goal is to either diplomatically overthrow the government or forcibly, depending on the political climate of the country. Countries like US for example are beyond saving, the only peaceful way fascism/nazism could work there is by creating an ethnostate. I don't necessarily see what's wrong with wanting Europeans to only be surrounded by other Europeans. Christians for example are treated like garbage in the middle east but that's somehow acceptable. People in the middle east can have their own culture without interference of foreigners and so can Africans and Asians but if you'd like to see cultural homogeneity in Europe/North America/Australia you're a hateful bigot. I don't think that it's normal for Europeans to have fear of terrorist attacks committed by people who shouldn't be here in the first place nor do I think that it's normal for police not to arrest pedophiles because of fear of racism.