[ prog / sol / mona ]


What Is To Be Done?

1 2021-08-24 14:10

22% of Americans are functionally illiterate. 27% of Americans haven't read a book in the last twelve months. 29% of Americans can perform basic arithmetic but not computations involving two or more steps (I doubt they even have complete multiplication tables memorized). 40% of Americans are obese, with 32% overweight but not yet obese. 3.1% of US grown produce has illegal pesticide applications with nearly all of the remainder having legal pesticide applications. Pesticides pollute every stream and over 90% of wells in the US. Pesticides are not removed by typical water treatment processes. Commonly used paints, cleaners, and furniture all emit large quantities of VOCs including endocrine distrupters. The EU estimates that even in their more strict regulatory environment that endocrine distrupters alone cause 46-288 billion Euros in health related costs, disregarding other sorts of economic damage. There is no likbez coming, a 30+ billion dollar cottage industry has sprung up around systematic corruption, and the politicians are far more eager to appease these dollars than their electorate, even if the electorate cared about what had happened. The school house has been burnt down, the crops ravaged, the wells poisoned, the highest institutions of government are filled with rats. What is to be done?

2 2021-08-24 16:19

It would be nice to have more than one statistic for each of those distributions, reading this post makes me feel like a god.

3 2021-08-24 17:50

A god could fix this; what can you do?

4 2021-08-24 17:55

1. The obese people don't seem too worried about it.

2. The people that are affluent enough to be concerned about pesticides (as opposed to worrying about their jobs and homes) are buying organic farm-to-table stuff and authentic Amish furniture made from 100% organic Amish trees.

3. Any remaining people who actually manage to get a protests together will end up working for NGOs that pesticide producers will hire to give them cover through various green tech initiatives.

4. The fully co-opted protest leaders will go along with it because they can't afford Amish furniture without that sweet pesticide money.

5. Everyone gets fatter.

5 2021-08-24 18:05

40% of Americans are obese, with 32% overweight but not yet obese

Usually these statistics are generated from BMI. Anything bellow "overweight but not yet obese" is usually considered "underweight" by women. It shouldn't be surprising that only 30% of people are in that category.

6 2021-08-24 18:38

Yes, protest movements, NGOs, and business ethics (?) are beyond useless. I agree that the people who have been poisoned and made retarded don't seem to care. This is part of a much broader issue of course, but the question of the surplus army of labor, etc. It was likely useless to ask this question here. Just some sort of compulsion I suppose.

Well, you can just focus on the obese number then if that's your preference. It should be more than enough.

7 2021-08-24 20:51

Everyone's first observation: fat people are just fine with being fat. It does seem to be a matter of perception - people are measuring themselves against other people, rather than against a medical standard. I used to have BMI of 26 and no one was ever concerned about my weight. I got fit a few years ago, and I get more people expressing concern about my weight at a 20 BMI than I ever did when I was actually overweight. I've had to show charts to family members to prove that this is actually a healthy weight.

All paths lead to Moloch. You could do what the environmentalist Paul Kingsnorth did, and move to the west coast of Ireland, convert to Romanian Orthodoxy, and raise livestock.

8 2021-08-25 01:29

starts with the change of your own heart and the grace of God.

9 2021-08-25 12:15

I have decided to join the Reformed Church in North America, with me good luck.

10 2021-08-25 13:59

They sound pretty reasonable.

11 2021-08-28 16:43

Why won't anyone think of the Americans! *sobs lightly*

(defvar my/prompt-returns
   #'(lambda (a)
        #'(lambda (b)
            (cons (format "%d * %d = ?" a b) (* a b)))
        (number-sequence a 9)))
   (number-sequence 2 9)))

(defun my/times-table-helper (time-expectation prompt-return-alist)
  (let (incorrect-alist)
    (while prompt-return-alist
      (let* ((too-slow-p)
             (timer (run-with-timer time-expectation nil #'(lambda () (setq too-slow-p t))))
             (q-and-a (seq-random-elt prompt-return-alist))
             (attempt (read-number (format "Evaluate: %s\n" (car q-and-a)))))
        (cancel-timer timer)
        (cond ((/= attempt (cdr q-and-a))
               (message (format "You answered %d instead of %d." attempt (cdr q-and-a)))
               (push q-and-a incorrect-alist))
               (message "You answered too slowly.")
               (push q-and-a incorrect-alist))
              (t (message "Correct!")))
        (setq prompt-return-alist (remove q-and-a prompt-return-alist))
        (sleep-for 0.5)))

(defun my/times-table (time-expectation)
  (interactive "P")
  (cond ((not time-expectation) (setq time-expectation 2))
        ((not (floatp time-expectation)) (error "time-expectatation must be a float."))
        ((<= time-expectation 0) (error "time-expectatation must be positive.")))
  (let ((prompt-return-alist my/prompt-returns))
    (while (setq prompt-return-alist
                 (my/times-table-helper time-expectation prompt-return-alist))
      (prin1 prompt-return-alist))))
12 2021-09-02 20:48

This is version 2, save the Americans edition, get it while supplies last!

(defun my/make-question (prompt response required-time)
  (list prompt response required-time))

(defun my/required-time (question) (nth 2 question))
(defun my/response (question) (nth 1 question))
(defun my/prompt (question) (nth 0 question))
(defun my/quiz-round (randomp prompts)
  (let (incorrect timelyp q-and-a attempt)
    (while prompts
          (setq q-and-a (if randomp (seq-random-elt prompts) (car prompts))
                prompts (delete q-and-a prompts)
                timelyp (let ((time (my/required-time q-and-a)))
                          (or (not time) (run-with-timer time nil #'(lambda () (setq timelyp)))))
                attempt (read-number (format "Evaluate: %s\n" (my/prompt q-and-a))))
        (when (timerp timelyp) (cancel-timer timelyp)))
      (cond ((/= attempt (my/response q-and-a))
             (message (format "You answered %d instead of %d." attempt (my/response q-and-a)))
             (push q-and-a incorrect)
             (sleep-for 0.5))
            ((not timelyp)
             (message "You answered too slowly.")
             (push q-and-a incorrect))
            (t (message "Correct!")))
      (sleep-for 0.5))

(defun my/quiz (randomp prompts)
  (while (setq prompts (my/quiz-round randomp prompts))
    ;; (prin1 prompts)
    (message "New Round!")
    (sleep-for 2)))
(defmacro my/time-check (required-time default)
  `(cond ((not ,required-time) (setq ,required-time ,default))
         ((not (floatp ,required-time))
          (error ,(concat (symbol-name required-time) " must be a float.")))
         ((<= ,required-time 0)
          (error ,(concat (symbol-name required-time) " must be positive.")))))

(defun my/beginner-multiplication-quiz (required-time)
  (interactive "P")
  (my/time-check required-time 2)
  (my/quiz t (my/basic-times-table required-time)))

(defun my/intermediate-multiplication-problems-quiz (digit-time)
  (interactive "P")
  (my/time-check digit-time 4)
  (my/quiz nil (my/random-multiplication-problems 10 digit-time '(1000 100000) '(2 10))))

(defun my/advanced-multiplication-problems-quiz (digit-time)
  (interactive "P")
  (my/time-check digit-time 4)
  (my/quiz nil (my/random-multiplication-problems 10 digit-time '(1000 100000) '(100 1000))))

(defun my/intermediate-division-problems-quiz (digit-time)
  (interactive "P")
  (my/time-check digit-time 4)
  (my/quiz nil (my/random-division-problems 10 digit-time '(1000 100000) '(2 10))))

(defun my/advanced-division-problems-quiz (digit-time)
  (interactive "P")
  (my/time-check digit-time 4)
  (my/quiz nil (my/random-division-problems 10 digit-time '(1000 100000) '(100 1000))))
(defun my/basic-times-table (required-time)
   #'(lambda (a)
        #'(lambda (b)
            (my/make-question (format "%d * %d = ?" a b) (* a b) required-time))
        (number-sequence a 9)))
   (number-sequence 2 9)))

(defun my/bounded-random (min max)
  (+ (mod (random) (- max min)) min))

(defmacro my/generator (number fun)
  (let ((prompts (gensym))
        (i (gensym)))
    `(let (,prompts)
       (dotimes (,i ,number ,prompts)
         (push (,fun ,i) ,prompts)))))

(defmacro my/defun-random-arithmetic (name bindings fun)
  `(defun ,name (number digit-time bounds1 bounds2)
      (lambda (_)
        ((lambda ,bindings ,fun)
         (my/bounded-random (cadr bounds1) (car bounds1))
         (my/bounded-random (cadr bounds2) (car bounds2)))))))

 my/random-multiplication-problems (a b)
 (my/make-question (format "%d * %d = ?" a b) (* a b) (* digit-time (ceiling (log10 (* a b))))))

 my/random-division-problems (a b)
 (my/make-question (format "%d / %d = ?" (* a b) b) a (* digit-time (ceiling (log10 (* a b))))))
13 2021-09-02 22:43

you have to go back: https://textboard.org/prog/

14 2021-09-03 02:53

looks like a badass simple math game.

15 2022-01-27 01:50

An interesting related link on differences between school districts: https://edopportunity.org/ Excluding outliers it seems there is about a seven grade-level equivalence difference between the best and worst school districts. This helps explain the statistics given in >>1.

16 2022-01-27 10:14

>>1 is that number solid? there are more educational support in americ- oh wait,. this is the agenda to force chinese communism to take control because well.. fuck, democracy and child support has failed. ironic.

i was about to see if president XJB can do kung fu while we give him the wrong supplement....

17 2022-01-27 22:32


18 2022-01-27 23:02

>good idea for thrill report test ampules
>Dont loose sleep, I am the sweetest angel.

19 2022-01-27 23:03

I think like a common slattern.

20 2022-01-27 23:21

I was cupbearer to the king.

21 2022-03-07 22:04


And the answer, said the judge. If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night. His spirit is exhausted at the peak of its achievement. His meridian is at once his darkening and the evening of his day. He loves games? Let him play for stakes. This you see here, these ruins wondered at by tribes of savages, do you not think that this will be again? Aye. And again. With other people, with other sons.

22 2022-04-13 20:26

On average Americans drink 2.33 gallons of Ethanol annually. Only 9% of Americans eat the recommended amount of vegetables.

I was thinking about your reply earlier today (and also >>17-21), a pretty hilarious reaction to recalling you live in a third world country.

23 2022-04-13 20:55


On average Americans drink 2.33 gallons of Ethanol annually. Only 9% of Americans eat the recommended amount of vegetables.

These actually aren't too surprising. That's about a beer can and a third per American per day, and enough vegetables for everyone with a net worth greater than $2,000,000.

24 2022-04-13 23:08 *

In all seriousness, while this thread makes a mockery of the country, I dream of it really being something one day. While we may never have had a good relationship with food, or valued education as much as some cultures do many of the values of the people are sound. A strong work ethic, antagonism against moochers, and dislike of being controlled together are a sound foundation for a society.

25 2022-05-01 15:44

Interestingly even though the overall ethanol consumption isn't too outlandish 13.9% of Americans are still alcoholics making them tied for fifth. Also of interest is that America has more alcoholic women than any other country at 10.4%. I'm actually still surprised it's as low as it is. I would have guessed more than one in seven Americans were drunks.

It's also funny to be reminded that only 9% of American households have a net worth of two million. That's just about what's required for a couple to retire at a middle class standard of living, and be taken care of well as they inevitably approach disability. Yet the median net-worth of 55+ year olds is around $200,000. Really if you've not got a very traditional family with someone who can stay home and take care of you life is probably going to suck.

26 2022-05-01 15:53 *

As an aside I won't be posting anymore for quite sometime, likely starting tomorrow or the next day. Not that it really matters.

27 2022-05-01 16:03

RE: Alcoholism, how one counts matters a lot.
See these graphs of European consumption for example:

28 2022-05-01 16:10

Aye, that's pretty much exactly to what I just discovered. We've got a similar usage pattern to Russia, although it's not quite so bad here as there: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country

29 2022-05-05 05:08


immigration to canada: It is near USA & their education system is the best!

30 2022-05-05 06:08


What are a few pieces of your most straightforward, actionable advice for outdoorspeople who want to live a “frugal yet Badass life of leisure”?

Drive less, and do it in the least expensive, most reliable, and most efficient car you can find—ideally, a small hatchback. Transportation is usually the biggest and most easily cut piece of our excess spending.
Don’t go out to dinner or buy drinks in bars, except as a last resort. Host parties instead. By being the leader of your social group rather than a follower, you get to set more of the agenda, save money, have more fun, and be more popular as a side benefit.
We all have way more opportunities to do fun stuff than we have time. Put everything that you want to do on a list, then sort it by activities that are less expensive and more healthy, and prioritize those first. You’ll find that you never even get to the bottom to do the more expensive stuff, because life is too busy.
Have some courage, and drive to make a bit of money outside of your regular job. If you have a house, rent out a room. If you’re a renter, shop around regularly for a home that’s close to work and has other benefits, like an opportunity to earn money by helping the owner with their own business.

Stop watching TV, and use that time to read books or absorb podcasts on things that broaden your knowledge and give you new ideas on what to do with your free time. That time is your chance to get ahead—and make your life a lot more fun in the process.

31 2022-05-13 01:18

Control over my environment keeps being delayed, so I haven't yet implemented this policy. I've done it before I just need to be in flow, and my environment is preventing that annoyingly. My hope is that things will start to work out by the end of the week.

I've said this before elsewhere, but I honestly doubt any country actually has a quality education system. On most rating the US system isn't even that bad, and yet if you're American you've experienced the mediocrity, and the literacy figure given in the first post for example is indicative. If I had kids they would almost certainly be home-schooled (assuming I could financially support such a thing).

I figured I'd add an additional statistic to the pile. I don't even really understand how this is possible, but supposedly the average American spends ten hours and thirty nine minutes consuming media a day. Included in this is for example an hour and a half of radio presumably while traveling, so much of this is likely "multitasking", but even still.

I feel like kids especially, but really just about everyone would particularly benefit if their only electronic device was a sort of unlocked e-reader with a nice keyboard and without internet access. Maybe if they're good a only-calls-and-text phone as well.

32 2022-05-13 08:05

That e-reader needs e-books which you can't get without internet.

33 2022-05-13 08:30 *

Ideally there would be some sort of library kiosk system. Maybe only supporting Ethernet rather than wireless would have a similar effect.

34 2022-05-13 13:48 *

Really this whole thing has come very close to existing before. The original Kobo reader for example didn't have wireless, could be rooted, and iirc could USB OTG a mechanical keyboard. Libraries already have such kiosks in a way, if you're willing to assess https://libgen.rs on a government computer, and connect via USB. There are even hobbyist who create software and hardware for (nearly) these purposes as it's a relatively tractable problem!

35 2022-05-13 21:49


I don't even really understand how this is possible, but supposedly the average American spends ten hours and thirty nine minutes consuming media a day.

I think I understand now. I suspect this includes not only the multitasking of performing a productive task while consuming media, but also double counts the multitasking of consuming multiple media sources at once. It's very common to use a smart-phone while watching television for example. So the amount of time where consuming media is the primary objective is likely closer to five hours a day on average.

36 2022-05-14 00:54

a resposta usual seria usar alguma manipulação de cadeias e teias alimentares para fazer o controle de pragas

37 2022-06-26 17:28

I'm not sure antagonism to control is a sound basis for a society. It's a mixed blessing isn't it? Useful to the extent it offers "checks and balances", but is it even working there?

A civil service, and business management relatively competent and free of corruption is another virtue. One dating to the British I suppose. It's likely by far our greatest inheritance, and it's stable. Even with insufficient pay compared to the private sector the civil servant persist.

To generalize, this is perhaps part of the broader virtue of conducting work in good-faith, with honesty, and diligence.

38 2022-06-27 04:22

Embrace the ethos:




39 2022-06-27 11:21 *

Ethos: the distinctive culture or spirit of an Era. I'd say obsessing over things irrelevant to material conditions is closer to the ethos.

40 2022-06-30 06:02

The problem with american is they have too many money from welfare just like germany & this give an illustion that they can live a king's life that give rise to the problem that you stated.

41 2022-06-30 23:00

american welfare is no king's life. it's a poverty trap from which few ever escape, and most never realize has them caged in so well.



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