[ prog / sol / mona ]


What Is To Be Done?

11 2021-08-28 16:43

Why won't anyone think of the Americans! *sobs lightly*

(defvar my/prompt-returns
   #'(lambda (a)
        #'(lambda (b)
            (cons (format "%d * %d = ?" a b) (* a b)))
        (number-sequence a 9)))
   (number-sequence 2 9)))

(defun my/times-table-helper (time-expectation prompt-return-alist)
  (let (incorrect-alist)
    (while prompt-return-alist
      (let* ((too-slow-p)
             (timer (run-with-timer time-expectation nil #'(lambda () (setq too-slow-p t))))
             (q-and-a (seq-random-elt prompt-return-alist))
             (attempt (read-number (format "Evaluate: %s\n" (car q-and-a)))))
        (cancel-timer timer)
        (cond ((/= attempt (cdr q-and-a))
               (message (format "You answered %d instead of %d." attempt (cdr q-and-a)))
               (push q-and-a incorrect-alist))
               (message "You answered too slowly.")
               (push q-and-a incorrect-alist))
              (t (message "Correct!")))
        (setq prompt-return-alist (remove q-and-a prompt-return-alist))
        (sleep-for 0.5)))

(defun my/times-table (time-expectation)
  (interactive "P")
  (cond ((not time-expectation) (setq time-expectation 2))
        ((not (floatp time-expectation)) (error "time-expectatation must be a float."))
        ((<= time-expectation 0) (error "time-expectatation must be positive.")))
  (let ((prompt-return-alist my/prompt-returns))
    (while (setq prompt-return-alist
                 (my/times-table-helper time-expectation prompt-return-alist))
      (prin1 prompt-return-alist))))


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