[ prog / sol / mona ]



1 2021-07-18 08:14

Come to this thread if you're lonely too, I guess, and we will be less lonely?

2 2021-07-18 08:38

Let's be lonely together.

3 2021-07-18 09:07

i sucked a dead man's dick

4 2021-07-18 17:43

I am fairly lonely myself anymore. I have a couple of companions, but sometimes the weight of the world is hard to deal with. I guess I'm going to try to be grateful for every day as a gift, and try to do more of what I like and if the "normies" (a derogative term I detest) don't like it, they can go to hell. I have to live my own life in love and liberty, and if they don't like it they can kiss my sweet ass.

5 2021-07-18 17:58

I recently discovered that I cannot love.
I look at women and I feel nothing. I talk to them and I feel nothing.
I think all these years of mindless stroking have rendered me senseless.
Have been trying to distance myself from these sneaky, yet horrible habits, but all my efforts were futile so far. I guess all I can do now is wait for Elon Musk to start selling neko robowaifu's.
Until then, I'll remain - lonely.

6 2021-07-18 23:21

wtff gtfo

7 2021-11-01 17:38

How to cope with loneliness?

8 2021-11-01 20:31

Go to AA and lie about having a drinking problem.

9 2021-11-01 21:14


I am quite sure that your perfectly genuine and serious but it's really self deception. You don't talk to or look at random women and "feel something". Sure certain parts of society try to make it look like this would/should be the norm when it's really just a stupid game. The real "feel something" part starts when share something personal. Sure there is this chemistry thing but that's probably easy to overlook if the interaction part is lost on you.

Well meaning recommendation: Practice your social skills. Not with a lot of expectations for things to suddenly change but slow and steadily learn to engage in interaction. Your chances to meet someone you actually click with might be slim (which actually isn't reflecting all that badly on you) but if you don't train your interaction they'll be next to none. Besides even if the next to none chance still works out, because the stars align right, or whatever causes implausible things to happen, you'll almost certainly kill it by being completely overwhelmed.

I figure your still (somewhat) young and your possibilities for positive change will never be better than now. If everything fails you still have a ton of time to become a jaded asshole but you'll never be able to turn back time and in life there often are no "second chances". It might be this one completely random event where you either succeed or get stuck in failure mode. One simply can't save-reload reality.

10 2021-11-01 21:44

You'll get mostly numb to it over time. Drugs help a lot with this if that's your thing. Some classes are obviously vastly superior than others. Just for the love of god forget about alcohol. Whatever you "drowned" will come back 10 times as heavy and it'll ruin you on every possible level way faster than you can imagine. Not even talking about the damage to everyone who gets in the way.

The positive approach would of course be to work on escaping it but that's often times way easier said than done. If you have options for "free social interaction" (like education and surrounding activities) you should obviously use them even if you really think it's a waste of time. You just have to figure out what it needs to it into a good time for you. Again drugs might open doors that were closed before. It's obviously a dangerous gamble if you don't know what you are doing but nothing comes for free. There's also a chance to make bounds by shared exploration.

Obviously i don't know what works or is good for you. Just don't listen to the "you need to to do this on your own" garbage people spew. They don't know what works for you either and it's still way better to be the guy who is fearful of the giant alien spiders on the front lawn than to be socially isolated. Isolation is a vicious circle.

11 2021-11-09 08:12

Anyone want to be my friend? We could talk about Scheme.

12 2021-11-09 14:14

Wtf is scheme

13 2021-11-10 07:59

Sorry we can't be friends.

14 2021-11-10 10:39

What is there to say? R7RS-small is small like Scheme should be. R7RS-large is taking a long time to ratify. Scheme discussion over.

15 2021-11-10 11:38

Lonliness is a matter of relating to other beings. Some people fulfill their loneliness by caring for a pet animal. Some loners are scared of relating to people for various reasons. I believe in personal improvement to aim and strive towards being the best you can be. I pity those who actively choose to remain as they are and refuse to introspect the nuances of nature.

16 2021-11-10 23:35


actively choose to remain as they are

But I like how alone I am.

17 2021-11-10 23:50 *

Good for you, I hope you remain content as you are. What I don't like are people who complain about their own solvable problems and actively choose to remain as they are. Either you don't complain about your problem or you get to fixing yourself.

18 2021-11-11 02:18 *

Cheers to that. It's real annoying when people talk and talk and don't do anything.
People who aren't action-oriented I generally avoid

19 2021-11-11 05:56

Well said. If you try you can fail but if you don't try it will forever remain a question.

That's great but will you still like it in 10, 20, 30, ... years when it's no longer an option but a mere fact with little you can do about it? You can always tell people to go fuck themselves. Not so easy the other way around.

20 2021-11-11 08:22

See? You don't even know me but you already hate me. This is why I will forever remain lonely, no matter what I do.

21 2022-01-02 16:03

I feel lonely and powerless.

22 2022-01-02 17:14

I will pray for you.

23 2022-01-21 01:38

It's lonely at the top.
I hope you find peace in that it is lonely at the bottom, too.

24 2022-05-28 16:16

I watched an anime about friends having fun together, now that it is over I feel very aware of my loneliness.

25 2022-05-28 16:20

Anon is here for you.

26 2022-05-28 16:26

I had grown a fresh circle of nerdy friends, but then *God's special buddies for poor people* infested them and now I'm having to make tough decisions about life and brotherhood. All's fair, beware.

27 2022-05-28 16:57

but were a fresh circle of friends. you and everyone in this thread



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