[ prog / sol / mona ]


SUBLEQ status?

5 2024-06-02 01:28

which defeats the asinine simplicity purpose of atleast dawnos midori neko
im not sure what the purpose of "subleq os" was but it was on some obscure forum that was barely about niche operating systems and it looked similar to dawnos really bad interface but came long before 2017
the author was acting how do you say it like a netizen child and most of the forum didnt take him seriously
imo you basically spelled out the issue with the subleq instruction in >>1 "fixing it" by putting in more instructions fails oisc subleq is not a good instruction for "practical oisc" no matter how obvious of a choice it is this shows some of the vast fallacious contradicting logic in this project you need a extremely complex oisc instruction to make it practical not something that does rebound jmp
this paper calls it tisc vary bait and switchy or maybe it was written as a subtle joke on the unpractical subleq oisc case
i mean its using words like bloat seriously monadic can be meme worthy too but its used properly here disregard subleq is already esoteric operating system meme terminology



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