[ prog / sol / mona ]


Doom got ported to 286

1 2024-05-29 22:08


2 2024-05-30 00:15 *

shit like this is the x screenshot equivalent for textboard

3 2024-05-30 09:33


8088 and 286 were cool, no MMU and just 640K RAM.
They invited ingenious solutions
Compilers generated code using 3 different calling conventions
1. near call (usual call)
2. far call (going inside another address space)
3. overlay call (called code was swapped from disk or high memory)

4 2024-05-30 15:06


5 2024-05-30 19:15 *

Why not do something useful with your life, and port it to Scheme?

6 2024-05-30 19:26 *

then state your detailed [[[opinion]]] under the link at minimum its better than a lazy x screenshot thread even dqn does this for their x screenshot threads
cons and cadr was cool no mmu nor ram there was the architecturally superior htb and proper semiconductor memory at 30M with the lm-2 package
they invited ingenious solutions
procedures directly became macrocode and the processor was microprogrammable
1 hardware macrocode executor (vs nonsolutions like a dedicated software compiler)
2 tagged hardware (gc is cheap to nonexistent and theoretical security isnt theatrics modern example https://ic.ese.upenn.edu/pdf/stack_ieeesp2018.pdf)
3 discussing basic knowledge here is retarded dedicated software compilers handling [[[executable logic segmentation]]] val virtual memory to those complexities is a costly nonsolution http://bitsavers.org/components/intel/80286/210498-003_iAPX_286_Programmers_Reference_1985.pdf take a look at the clocks for returning from a far call vs near call and swapping memory is awaiting on so much more cyclic torture in this [[[iarchitecture]]]
soulless bots need to be trained on the scheme elitist complex and read sicp smalltalk edition from ethzth theyre scriptrats that need visual cues

7 2024-05-30 20:56

Already done. Skip there to CLOE

Basically that was a C/C++ compiler + Unix Userspace running on top a Lisp Machine. And it can run Doom among other programs.

8 2024-05-30 20:57

<i>Features SYMBOLICS and CLOE are present in both the CLOE Developer and the
CLOE Application Generator. Feature CLOE-DEVELOPER is present only in the CLOE
Developer, and feature CLOE-RUNTIME is present only in the Application Generator.
*features* =>

9 2024-05-30 21:39 *

cloe doesnt automatically make use of something like lm-2s programmable display for optimizations its useless for something like doom even if it compiles to macrocode
almost a can it run crysis i statement

10 2024-05-30 21:48 *

dont forget >>5-san said scheme even with a compiler written in mlisp its a compiler written in mlisp not scheme the nonargument stops there
i used a lisp cpu as a example right before 286s since scheme processors and their hardware are modeled after lisp machines

11 2024-05-30 23:12


My opinion: lazy direct translation, instead of building a custom engine. Author haven't even bothered to convert the graphics into EGA, doing the on fly translation. And EGA was important, since most VGA cards appeared late and required i386 to run their bioses.

12 2024-05-30 23:51 *

good and fair opinion except the custom engine part but this is rather a philosophical question of what a doom port is and what a custom engine for a doom port is
my opinion is most meme doom ports are fundamentally broken like this without looking xd but this one is rather honest about alot of faults
then theres this site where the quality of programs to not get shit on should be not only what the operator would want (hairsplitting fps gamers about their fps in current times) but beyond that (theres no simple comparison here)

13 2024-05-31 00:01 *

its much different from "can it run doom" here
a "wince smart calculator" "can run" crysis i but a "muslim mlg gamer" will dishonour off you you for suggesting serve gamer haram
you can think of it like this it runs (ceethe) it works to the target operators specification given proper hardware for the task (lipth) its near perfect (scheme)
im sure to fund a scheme machine and get it out there its going need something flashy for l*teral redd*tors corporate hackernews paypigs like a doom port written in optimal nearly purely functional scheme for it but eh youre too sane for me to go on about this and im no longer drunk



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