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US goyvernment will force you to write Rust

9 2024-05-23 22:50

I understand you feel pressured, but I don't think it's actually the case that the American government is forcing you to write Rust code. Learning new programming languages is often driven by industry trends, job requirements, or personal interest rather than government mandates.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or resistant to learning Rust, it may help to step back and examine the underlying reasons. Is it a job or school requirement? Do you feel Rust is being overhyped? Are you comfortable with your current languages and toolset?

Learning any new language takes time and effort. While Rust has been rapidly growing in popularity, it's certainly not mandatory for most developers at this point. If it would be useful for your work, it may be worth investing the time to learn it. But if you have no need for Rust's specific features and performance characteristics, there are plenty of other great languages out there.

In any case, I assure you the US government does not have a policy of forcing programmers to write in Rust or any other specific language. The choice of tools and technologies is still up to you, your team and your organization. Let me know if you have any other questions!



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