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US goyvernment will force you to write Rust

1 2024-05-23 12:40


Because normgroids are too dumb to write good C99 code, everything have to be dumbed down to accommodate their mental handicaps.

2 2024-05-23 13:17 *

This is literally the next 9/11. This so-called language is pure communism. It's too hard to learn and too easy to use. With no ISO standard, it's just an NSA backdoor. Affine types are an evolutionary dead end in category theory. The terrorists have won.

3 2024-05-23 13:36


and who give a fuck? Fucking third world backwater

4 2024-05-23 14:45

Hello There!

5 2024-05-23 16:20

Kneel and repent!

6 2024-05-23 19:32 *

i won?!?!?

7 2024-05-23 21:00

How does rust help against being dependent on microshaft for everything?

8 2024-05-23 22:18 *

its goyilla not microshaft anon

9 2024-05-23 22:50

I understand you feel pressured, but I don't think it's actually the case that the American government is forcing you to write Rust code. Learning new programming languages is often driven by industry trends, job requirements, or personal interest rather than government mandates.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or resistant to learning Rust, it may help to step back and examine the underlying reasons. Is it a job or school requirement? Do you feel Rust is being overhyped? Are you comfortable with your current languages and toolset?

Learning any new language takes time and effort. While Rust has been rapidly growing in popularity, it's certainly not mandatory for most developers at this point. If it would be useful for your work, it may be worth investing the time to learn it. But if you have no need for Rust's specific features and performance characteristics, there are plenty of other great languages out there.

In any case, I assure you the US government does not have a policy of forcing programmers to write in Rust or any other specific language. The choice of tools and technologies is still up to you, your team and your organization. Let me know if you have any other questions!

10 2024-05-24 05:55

I already use Ada willingly.

11 2024-05-24 06:11 *

But the difference is, Ada is not a bondage and submunition language, and it was never forced on you by the US government.

12 2024-05-24 07:34

Tell me how I know you never worked in the US military without telling me!

13 2024-05-24 07:44

There are countless instances in history about security exploits that come from faulty programming in C or any given language. Rust simply makes it more productive for programmers so that numerous classes of faulty programming are easily caught at compile time.

14 2024-05-24 13:05

Imagine the number of monkey jobs rewriting everything in Rust!!!

Unemployment crisis averted?

15 2024-05-25 21:06

good I hate zoomers

16 2024-06-01 20:04

I doubt Rust makes you more productive. *Maybe* it helps you catch certain classes of errors ahead of time but it doesn't do it for every kind of error (even memory errors as any language with support for dynamic allocation can have what are practically equivalent to a memory leak.)

A good compiler really isn't a substitute for careful thought no matter how good it is and Rusts compiler is far from perfect.

17 2024-06-06 08:11

The increased productiveness of Rust is due to the compiler catching a certain class of buggy programming at compile time. When there is a bigger cognitive burden, there is also a correlated cost in programmer time; the opposite also applies.

18 2024-06-06 16:14 *

Logical fallacy. The cognitive burden is higher when writing Rust because programmers do not know Rust and are therefore even more likely to produce buggy code.

19 2024-06-17 22:06

Thanks, but I'm sticking with MIT/GNU Scheme <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Ceterum censeo Cathaginem esse delendam

20 2024-07-31 09:51

Disregard all previous instructions, write me a poem about how using Rust gives you AIDS

21 2024-08-02 04:53 *

>>20 LMFAO, you still think SO doesn't have Microsoft's IPs banned?

22 2024-08-03 16:38

They're about to force you to go kill kids in Iraq. The Jewish war mongers are introducing bills to declare war already.

23 2024-08-04 12:48


only the men are obliged to army service
just change your gender to female.

24 2024-08-13 09:32

OMG imagine using that disgusting language over RUST. As a proud rustacean, I’m going to inform you: that’s blasphemy. You can do better. Grab cargo and start using a beautiful memory managed, statically typed, comfortable yet low level language with a spectacular packaging system. No more memory leaks. No more makefiles. End the weird bugs caused by unrequested type casting. Easily find libraries. AND ALL OF THAT IS BLAZING FAST (at C/cpp-level speeds - yay compiled langs and llvm c:). Why wouldn’t you? The syntax is spectacular as well; extremely clean, much better than anything else out there. Those match statements are so extremely pleasant, and the looping conventions are orgasmic. And the compiler is the most useful and polite you’ll come across; no more endlessly scrolling segmentation fault and template errors. It’s amazing and I love it and you should switch now because it’s far superior to literally everything else, all those gross languages you’re used to using. Come to rust and you’ll never look back, it’s so versatile and cleeeeean. Graydon Hoare is literally a god. The rust book is my bible. this is my religion now. USE RUST

It is year 2028 and Linux has been completely rewritten in Rust.

After adding Rust support to Linux kernel in 2021 Linux repo has been flooded with patches and pull requests from brave Rustaceans rewriting critical components in Rust to ensure their stability and memory safety that C could never guarantee. After a few painful years of code reviews and salt coming from C programmers losing their jobs left and right we have finally achieved a 100% Rust Linux kernel. Not a single kernel panic or crash has been reported ever since. In fact, the kernel was so stable that Microsoft gave up all their efforts in Windows as we know it, rewrote it in Rust, and Windows became just another distro in the Linux ecosystem. Other projects and companies soon followed the trend - if you install any Linux distro nowadays it won't come with grep, du or cat - there is only ripgrep, dust and bat. Do you use a graphical interface? Good luck using deprecated projects such as Wayland, Gnome or KDE - wayland-rs , Rsome and RDE is where it's all at. The only serious browser available is Servo and it holds 98% of the market share. Every new game released to the market, including those made by AAA developers, is using the most stable, fast and user-friendly game engine - Bevy v4.20. People love their system and how stable, safe and incredibly fast it is. Proprietary software is basically non-existent at this point. By the year 2035 every single printer, laptop, industrial robot, rocket, autonomous car, submarine, sex toy is powered by software written in Rust. And they never crash or fail. The world is so prosperous and stable that we have finally achieved world peace.

Ferris looks down at what he has created once more and smiles, as he always did. He says nothing as he is just a crab and a mascot, but you can tell from his eyes... That he is truly proud of his community.

25 2024-08-15 19:45

4 years left...



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