[ prog / sol / mona ]


How do you guys listen to music?

1 2023-09-29 08:27

I have a youtube playlist that I download and transfer to my phone. I use the VLC app to play music.

2 2023-09-29 15:42

Personally, I
1. go here: https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead
2. click "this day in history",
3. select one that looks good,
4. copy the "VBR M3U" link,
5. open it with mpv from a shell

3 2023-09-29 20:29

Modded Spotify apk. Working towards my own library that I am getting through Deemix/Deezer.

4 2023-09-29 21:50 *

ORP and RED flacs.

5 2023-09-30 16:03

Vinyl on my phone, mpd on my computer and laptop
FLACs from RED or from albums I've purchased

6 2023-09-30 17:29

with my ears

7 2023-09-30 20:01

Spotify, YouTube (and YouTube Music), Bandcamp

8 2023-09-30 22:00

My prefred way of listening to music is to imagine it on my head.

Ocasionally I play it on youtube, but my computer is slow, and youtube is
bloated so its quite tedious to search and launch music this way.
So I just ytdl the file and run it over mpv/ffplay on loop.
I never organise these music files tough, so I end up losing them,
and go back to my imagination

This isn't a problem to me tough, because the main metric by which I judge
music, is by how memorable it is. A good song just plays itself.

9 2023-09-30 23:42



good knight sweet prince

10 2023-10-01 01:34

I just came up wit some scripts to play music :DDD
There are four files, they use mpv internally:

play_song.sh stop_song.sh next_song.sh prev_song.sh

NOTE: These only work properly if there is no instance of mpv running other
than the one they start.

Also, they hold a shared counter variable within /dev/shm


play_song.sh starts a random song from a given directory, when that song ends
it moves to the next song randomly

stop_song.sh stops the current song from playing, if we run play_song.sh after
the same song will start playing

next_song.sh kills the instance of mpv in play_song.sh, this causes the first
script to pick a next script

prev_song.sh kills the instance of mpv in play_song.sh, and it then decrements
a shared counter in /dev/shm, causing the RNG to roll back (thus effectively
playing a previous song)




song_count=$(ls $music_directory | wc -l)

while :; do
    # If mpv is already running, ragequit (avoid duplicate instances)
    pgrep mpv > /dev/null && exit 0

    if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
        # If there is a counter, read it
        counter=$(cat $music_counter)
        # If there is no counter, set it to random number
        counter=$(printf "%d\n" 0x$(xxd -l4 -p /dev/urandom))
        echo $counter > $music_counter
    # Increment the counter
    echo $(expr $counter + 1) > $music_counter
    # Generate a random number using the counter as seed
    randno=$(printf "%d\n" 0x$(echo $counter | md5sum | xxd -l4 -p))
    # Select a file based on this number
    fileno=$(expr 1 + $(expr $randno % $song_count))
    file=$(ls $music_directory | sed ${fileno}q | tail -n 1)
    # Save currently playing song so we can pipe it to script
    echo $file > $music_name

    # Play file, the execution locks here until the song ends
    # or mpv process is killed 
    mpv "$music_directory/$file"




pkill play_song.sh
pkill play_song.sh
pkill mpv

rm -f $music_name

if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
    counter=$(cat $music_counter)

    # We decrement the counter by 1, because play_song.sh
    # will reincrement it
    echo $(expr $counter - 1) > $music_counter


pkill mpv




if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
    counter=$(cat $music_counter)

    # We decrement the counter by 2 before killing mpv,
    # since the counter will increment by 1 right after
    echo $(expr $counter - 2) > $music_counter

    pkill mpv
11 2023-10-01 07:45

Are you German? Because this seems a little overengineered

12 2023-10-01 09:59

No. Quite contrarily, I am from a country so mediocre it has no famous engineers at all

13 2023-10-02 07:24

MPD + MPC keybindings for my WM. I also use YouTube. Sometimes I listen to music from http://tracker.modarchive.org

14 2023-10-02 15:02

I don't

15 2023-10-02 16:54

ocp or ffplay in a while loop.
The age of good software is over.

16 2023-10-06 18:01

From archive.org or private tracker. Convert to MP3, put it on my last phone, and Bluetooth is everywhere now.

17 2023-10-06 22:38


What player do you use? Do you use an equalizer?

18 2024-02-02 23:29

I read music as raw bits with a script that triggers feh --bg-scale white.png or feh --bg-scale black.png depending on the value of the bit and I stare at my screen until the music is over

19 2024-02-03 21:43

Are you deaf or do you just hate any kind of noise disturbance?

20 2024-02-03 22:32


There's too much commitment in music; Bach's music literally reveals (that's a side effect) to me that the world we live in is a suffering. To witness so much beauty is insuperable; when the music ends it feels like you're trading all the jewels of the world for one lump of coal.

Beauty is expensive; I spent days listening to the first movement of Vivaldi's winter, I felt like I was ripping the brain out of a jaguar.

I lived so close to the sun that each day on earth feels like shivers.

21 2024-02-03 22:32

I mostly find new songs by idling in ##music on libeta and having a script that plays random youtube link from the log

22 2024-02-04 23:11


23 2024-02-05 12:55

What is "mosrly"?

24 2024-02-09 06:47

Oh shir, I fumbled rhe regex!

25 2024-02-19 13:52

I just listen to radio.
The bluesmusicfan radio.

26 2024-02-19 15:40

i believe he meant to fix libera

27 2024-04-06 08:08


28 2024-04-09 05:46

mpd + ncmpcpp on my laptop
vlc on my phone
youtube on both
i either use torrents, or downloaders for music i can't find alive torrents of

29 2024-04-09 07:42

Once upon a time I downloaded the complete Touhou music collection (I suppose it's not complete anymore, since it doesn't have the new stuff) and have been listening to it ever since. mpd + cantata.

30 2024-07-31 10:49

A little SXHKD config.

mod4 + c ; {c,v,z,b}
	cmus-remote -{u,s,p,n} || notify-send -t 2000 "CMUS is unreachable."
mod4 + c ; m
	raise-or-run -c "CMUS" abduco -e ^z -A cmus cmus

This saves me from constantly mistyping it as "CUMS" all the time.

I wish I still enjoyed things this much.

31 2024-07-31 19:54

Midwit: I akshually download all my music in lossless flac format and play them on my record player for the premium experience
Genius: Spotify premium with airpods

32 2024-08-03 16:37

I got banned from Spotify. I'm not sure how but they act like my user account doesn't exist. I just rip music from YouTube and play it in ocp-curses now.

33 2024-08-04 12:52

Nigga, you must pay the recording industry money for these 1s and 0s

The main reason your account gets banned is that third-party tools such as Sidify are being used more and more often to download music for offline listening. Spotify has started suspending these users, which they call “improperly downloaded tracks.”

Spotify knows when you listen to its music because of how it is accessed. This means that, through quick ripping rates and other factors such as IP address identification with your provider’s network accesses (for example), they were able to determine what percentage of their users had been listening for a certain amount of time or distance from where he/she sits now – all without breaking any privacy laws!

The developers of this software have been caught red-handed using it to speed up the music-playing process so that they can create copies in shorter times. They can also get information on users who listen for 50 minutes compressed into five! This is an obvious flag that these users are streaming music to create improper copies.

34 2024-08-04 15:05

digital music: do not pay

Live beethoven symphonies: it’s ok to pay

35 2024-08-04 18:55

I only pay for nigga rap
Beethoven aint a nigga

36 2024-08-06 16:09

he doesn’t know

37 2024-08-09 10:16

With tears in my eyes.

38 2024-08-10 06:08

We inaugurate the evening... just drumming up a little weirdness

39 2024-08-15 01:27

fucking sue me



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