[ prog / sol / mona ]


Disable Emacs discriminating non-Anglos

22 2022-07-07 13:55


That port was wiped from cvs in 2021.

2021-03-03 gnezdo
Log message:
Remove unused x11/hs-xmonad-contrib

Unused may mean they don't want to maintain it or the contrib doesn't work with the current xmonad port.

Copebsd is for the base system where all the homegrown projects are properly developed and integrated and freebsd can be used for real work if you know what you're doing. The issue you had before could still exist with freebsd ports and the solution would require you reading man pages and the freebsd svn log. If a new port was needed pulling out the old one from svn and updating it. Requiring reading ports classes and makes man page. Maintaining your own ports tree. This is why i recommended using a bsd that can handle external programs not copebsd and doesn't dissolve base forcing that package manager freebsd forces pkg by doing this. So that you can maintain with your preferred package manager instead of using something mediocre. Hurd is usable with guix if the drivers work for you and gnu tooling is your preference.


Go to openbsd-misc. Make retarded arguments ignoring the mdocs but don't overdo it and get ignored. If theo takes the bait keep pushing.



do not edit these