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Disable Emacs discriminating non-Anglos

1 2022-07-02 16:52

Hi, Emacs-bros.

How to make Emacs understand Cyrillic letters for hot-keys? I'm sick of switching layout, when I'm editing plain HTML of my static website. I just want C-x work, when I type C-ч, which is exactly the same key, and so on.

I had hard-times of making it for Vim (and failed to implement what I need eventually), maybe, Emacs is better with that?

I think it would be especially comfy since Emacs offers handy mode for editing HTML and I wouldn't even need to switch layouts to insert an HTML-tag anymore.

2 2022-07-03 08:00

I never had this problem, but a quick search ended up with this:

3 2022-07-03 10:54


Works like a charm, thanks.

4 2022-07-04 02:58 *

i never understood this "anglo-saying"
what is to works well as a talisman?
talismans do not really work lol

5 2022-07-04 08:15

Emacs discriminating non-Anglos

This is all part of the plan. There's nothing wrong with this.
Learn your ABCs and use the one and only correct writing system to get closer to the superior culture.
All other writing systems are obsolete junk and should not be supported.

6 2022-07-04 15:10



7 2022-07-04 16:27

>>6 How to cope with being a bad programmer?

8 2022-07-05 08:55 *

>>7 Install CopeBSD, see its ssystem design decisions, understand that you are not the worst programmer.

9 2022-07-05 10:50

>>8 Which one copebsd though.

10 2022-07-05 11:04 *

>>9 OpenBSD.

11 2022-07-05 11:48

>>10 Does this make the antithesis dragonfly good design.

12 2022-07-05 13:34

>>11 Haven't tried DragonflyBSD, but OpenBSD design solutions are awful, package manager is anti-intuitive and fucking unusable.

13 2022-07-05 15:03

>>12 You don't like freebsd's pkg*? This isn't a copebsd design and ports are not considered part of any system except for the new pkg covering base with freebsd recently. The design issue with copebsd here is that using anything out of base or copebsd pet projects in ports breaks copebsd's intention but that's considered intentional if you ask them. When using a system that has pkg* it's safe to install something like guix and use that instead.

14 2022-07-06 08:33

FreeBSD has just pkg (https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkg). I don't understand, why a user needs 4 commands instead of just one with flags (https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html). I play with CopeBSD for couple of days in VM and it's annoying to type all those different commands instead of one.

The only benefit of CopeBSD I can observe is they still care about inventing the wheels and some of their new wheels are nicer than the traditional ones (e.g. doas vs sudo).

15 2022-07-06 17:59

FreeBSD has just pkg (https://wiki.freebsd.org/pkg).

Except for the new pkg covering base with freebsd recently.

Who is jordan hubbard and why is it signification to the creation of __the new__ pkg.


pkg_info, pkg_create and pkg_add were used for registration of local packages and provision of remote packages.

pkgng provided a new generation (ng) of commands.

pkgng became known as pkg.



Jordan Hubbard



Jordan Hubbard
Initial design.

Marc Espie
Complete rewrite. ~~Sure retards.~~

Why is freebsd's __new__ pkg shit.

Not so much recently. https://www.freebsdnews.com/2016/03/18/httpslists-freebsd-orgpipermailfreebsd-pkgbase2016-march000032-html/ I'm getting old and dying where 6 years ago was a month ago.

Illumos with guix or any other bsd that isn't copebsd and complies with prefix. That isn't freebsd due to dissolving base with pkg. Is better and doesn't lose sanity completely by removing pkg*.

Will copebsd ever make a package manager instead of throwing things in from the three bsd soup as filler for fanboys.

There are many applications one might want to use on an OpenBSD system. To make this software easier to install and manage, it is ported to OpenBSD and packaged. The aim of the package system is to keep track of which software gets installed, so that it may be easily updated or removed. In minutes, a large number of packages can be fetched and installed, with everything put in the right place.
The ports collection does not go through the same thorough security audit that is performed on the OpenBSD base system. Although we strive to keep the quality of the packages high, we just do not have enough resources to ensure the same level of robustness and security.

The OpenBSD ports team considers packages to be the goal of their porting work, not the ports themselves. In general, you are advised to use packages over building an application from ports.

On every system using ports you can see some similar disclaimer where the ports team is a separate entity from the operating systems team. The difference here is copebsd claims they can not make the same intention with ports as the operating system. If you consider making your own ports it will become obvious the base system is not designed with ports in mind. The name ports declares where it's applied.

Copebsd is not made for end users or sysadmins. It's for theo and his developers. Caving into fanboys and making a faq or adding ports doesn't change the faq makes fun of the end users intelligence and ports are a addiction fix for fanboys.

The only benefit of CopeBSD I can observe is they still care about inventing the wheels and some of their new wheels are nicer than the traditional ones (e.g. doas vs sudo).

What you missed is distributing copebsdware incorrectly severely cripples it. It's more likely the local correctly patched sudo package has less potential exploits than opendoas made without copebsds yacc and getopt. This is why copebsd forces it's ports to be used and makes using another package manager on copebsd harmful. It's fragile and always coping to the end user need for external programs since some of theo's developers are corrupt and use him and who he interacts with as lolcows :^).

16 2022-07-07 00:28

Illumos with guix or any other bsd

Is Solaris BSD?

17 2022-07-07 00:32

the base system is not designed with ports in mind

I could not even install a port I need since there was no Makefile in that port's directory.

18 2022-07-07 02:11

Is Solaris BSD?

It's system 4. That's why the or and not an and but it has a similar pkgadd. That is why it's mentioned the same concept applies.

Illumines are shit with portability there is something wrong with gate.

Everything has been ported out of the illumines it has no use beyond a third backup and study.

I could not even install a port I need since there was no Makefile in that port's directory.

I'm not surprised. Hope the lesson made more sense. I usually make my own port but time is relevant in production and it's better to tell the customer to fuck themselves and get fired than deal with a maintenance hell. Ports are only medicore but not horrible like something trying to claim it isn't ports then forcing a weird ports when you need real package scripts dpkg.

19 2022-07-07 02:29

But you might of confused a empty flavour directory for the port.

Try make FLAVOR=$subdir on the parent.

20 2022-07-07 09:05


But you might of confused a empty flavour directory for the port.

I used this guide: https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/ports.html -- rsnapshot has a Makefile, while hs-xmonad-contrib, which I wanted to install with ports, doesn't.

So, is CopeBSD just for fanboys and FreeBSD should be used for real work?

21 2022-07-07 13:03

How do I volunteer to be a lolcow for the CopeBSD project?

22 2022-07-07 13:55


That port was wiped from cvs in 2021.

2021-03-03 gnezdo
Log message:
Remove unused x11/hs-xmonad-contrib

Unused may mean they don't want to maintain it or the contrib doesn't work with the current xmonad port.

Copebsd is for the base system where all the homegrown projects are properly developed and integrated and freebsd can be used for real work if you know what you're doing. The issue you had before could still exist with freebsd ports and the solution would require you reading man pages and the freebsd svn log. If a new port was needed pulling out the old one from svn and updating it. Requiring reading ports classes and makes man page. Maintaining your own ports tree. This is why i recommended using a bsd that can handle external programs not copebsd and doesn't dissolve base forcing that package manager freebsd forces pkg by doing this. So that you can maintain with your preferred package manager instead of using something mediocre. Hurd is usable with guix if the drivers work for you and gnu tooling is your preference.


Go to openbsd-misc. Make retarded arguments ignoring the mdocs but don't overdo it and get ignored. If theo takes the bait keep pushing.

23 2022-07-08 06:32

What are "mdocs"?

24 2022-07-08 07:46

You can't go reading them https://mandoc.bsd.lv/man/mdoc.7.html ^~^

25 2022-07-08 07:59

Thank you, but that's very dry. I prefer 21st century technology such as JavaScript web pages, VS Code, and Node.js. Unix man pages are from the dinosaur age. It almost seems that the authors of those man pages love to write using technobabble-inspired language to make themselves feel smart.

26 2022-07-08 08:25

I prefer 22nd century technology like Scheme, JavaScript is not even from the previous century and plagiarizes part of its name.

27 2022-07-08 14:11


It almost seems that the authors of those man pages love to write using technobabble-inspired language to make themselves feel smart.

It's this but unironically. This is overdoing it. ^~^



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