[ prog / sol / mona ]


How can I run my own instance of this

70 2020-02-24 01:13


Thanks for the patches. I can't express my gratitude enough in those apocalyptic times.

As the dumbass who stress tested on the live instance, I felt I should.

I just managed to have a working system again

For future Anons who might face the same issue, what did you do with an MBR-partitioned hard disk and a BIOS that refuses to boot MBR?

and will detail the long overdue installation of SchemeBBS

It would be tremendously helpful if you included a fully functional nginx.conf in your guide.

the regex seems correct when I try it at the REPL
there's a weird bug with the transform rule
I have to sort this out.

Did you undo all of your "temp fix with magic numbers everywhere" from >>52?

Also, thank you for AGPL. You did the right thing.


Is there a performance reason for expand-range to have such convoluted logic?

There is not. This structure is from the admin's "check if posts range are valid" commit on "Feb 20, 2020". The structure was kept as much as possible, as indicated in >>64. The reason it was kept is that this is a critical performance fix, and I do not believe in piggybacking code organization improvements onto performance fixes. They are logically separate issues so they should be separate patches/commits.

As for your proposed code, unifying the lambdas is a good idea. Switching the singleton lists to singleton iotas is not a problem. Combining the parsing and the min is also a good idea, because the raw number is not used for anything else. The admin had to give the raw number a name to avoid recomputation in his inlined min. However, I will note here that while the deps use min the rest of the codebase does not, so avoiding it might simply be the admin's preference, and if that is the case we don't get to complain because as the admin he gets to make the decisions.

$ grep -wne 'min' -r . | grep -ve '^[^:]*.js:'
./deps/irregex.scm:1652:                                 (if lo2 (min lo2 lo3) lo3)
./deps/irregex.scm:1673:                                      (return (+ lo2 (min lo3 lo4))
./deps/irregex.scm:3718:(define (min-char a b)
./deps/irregex.scm:3739:                                (min-char (cdr a-range) (cdr b-range)))))
./deps/httpio.scm:322:	  (let ((m (read-substring! buffer 0 (min n len) port)))


do not edit these