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A Lisp hacker

127 2022-01-25 03:34

I failed to mention some nice Latin with my last post. After being shown FVLGVR (lightning) with an illustration, the book defines TONITRVS (thunder) using this:
QVOD AVDĪTVR POST FVLGVR (what is heard after lightning)
Isn't that fun? There's all manner of fun to have with passive verbs. Imagine a band of secretive men being discovered, and one yelling out AVDĪMINĪ (we are heard).

Consider how closely this modified example from the book fits English, how ESSE (to be) is used so similarly:
AEMILIA MEDICVM STVLTVM ESSE PUTAT (Aemilia thinks the doctor to be stupid.)

I still don't understand, but let us simply drop it.

My progress isn't great either. I don't want to go through my Latin book too quickly, but I'm going through it at a pace of one chapter per month currently. I'm having few issues remembering everything, however, so it's clearly not harming me, per sē. I reviewed, and realized VBI EST BACVLVM MEVM is a verbatim line from the book, although this isn't strictly a poor thing to notice. Learning a language has taught me, months ago, how the English I speak is uncommon, but not nearly as original as I'd first thought it to be. In a way, I'm memorizing the book in addition to learning the language in which it's written.

during which I will likely be attending a computer science masters program

That's very different from a goodbye letter that expects me to be dead, yes. Anyway, I applied for MIT and Berkeley, but didn't get in for reasons I won't mention. I occasionally think about how I wouldn't've had many or any of my nicer ideas, had I learned from such an authority figure. I'm not advising against going, but do keep this in mind.

I look forward to this.

I'm still working on it. Unusually for me, I collected thoughts for a week or two before writing, and it led to an idea I wouldn't otherwise have had, which will greatly improve it. I'd still be interested in thine opinion on it, despite this >>126 post.

Should we speak elsewhere?

The issue has dissolved. On that note, I've been considering spreading my work around more widely, but don't seem to have many options. I'd rather not think I'm already everywhere worth being. Every time I look at Hacker News, the stupidity I see on display simply sickens me, so there's no reason to believe my work hitting the front page again will result in anything worthwhile, as it hasn't any other time. I won't make a Reddit account for this. I refuse to post on 4chan's /g/ any longer, and what I wrote of Hacker News still applies there. I wonder what I should do to get more readers; I've had more traffic in 2021 than in 2020, but still far less than in 2019.

This is one of the only long and active threads on this entire website.



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