Updated draft:
Permission is granted to copy, adapt, abridge, modify, translate,
and/or distribute this work for any purpose, provided the following
conditions are met:
1. All redistributions of this work, or of any derivative works
thereof, must retain this license in its entirety, with no further
restrictions applied.
2. Unless distributed with a COMPLIANCE WAIVER, this work MAY NOT be
sold for a fee. It MAY be broadcast through ad-supported distribution
methods (eg. streaming) provided the work itself has not been modified
to include sponsored content.
3. Unless distributed with a COMPLIANCE WAIVER, this work MAY NOT be
modified to endorse, promote, or disparage any political cause or any
ongoing or future political campaign.
For the purposes of this license, a COMPLIANCE WAIVER constitutes
clear, thorough, and unambiguous video evidence that the distributing
party has completed one or more of the following tasks:
a. Read *Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs*, second
edition (1996, MIT) and correctly complete all exercises.
b. Install Gentoo Linux on a physical computer (ie. not a virtual
machine), boot into it, log in, and use it to make a public post on
any form of social media.
c. Go fuck yourself.
I tried out several ways of rephrasing the requirements, but most of them resulted in the license being split across multiple pages. I felt it was important that it all fit on one page.
I have about eight hours left to make corrections before the initial release, but anything I've missed can be incorporated into future versions for later use.