[ prog / sol / mona ]


Developing a new public license

1 2024-01-24 03:07

Here is a draft of a new public license for natural language content such as works of fiction. I am making it for reasons. The text below is not final.

Permission is granted to copy, adapt, modify, translate,
and/or distribute this work for any purpose, with or without
fee, provided the following conditions are met:

1. All redistributions of this work, or of any derivative
works thereof, must retain this copyright notice and list of

2. Any altered copy or derivative work used for commercial
or political purposes must be accompanied by clear and
unambiguous video evidence that all contributors (original
author(s) excluded) have satisfied the terms of this

3. Every such modifying contributor must perform one or more
of the following tasks:

    a. Read *Structure and Interpretation of Computer
       Programs*, second edition (1996, MIT) and correctly
       complete all exercises.

    b. Install Gentoo Linux on a physical computer (ie. not
       a virtual machine), boot into it, log in, and use it
       to make a public post on any form of social media.

    c. Go fuck yourself.

Critiques are welcome.



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