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On Neospam

14 2023-12-17 02:28

I have low tolerance for elitism when I find it unjustified, but I regret how the tone of my post went overboard, upsetting you so. Let's not get the signal to buzzword ratio too low; after all, even if you take me to be a lost cause, your responses might still be insightful to lurkers.

There is uncensored broadcasting where the recipient determines what the definition of noise is.

So you mean an advanced version of 4chan's user wordfilter, correct? If my view of such a tool is skeptical, it's not because I find it useless, but because you seem to be putting too big a weight on its shoulders. Private correspondence looks nothing alike spam; a friend will not write to you about cheap viagra or the health benefits of the root of ginseng, so even a naive statistical algorithm based on word frequency can do a decent job at distinguishing spam from genuine mail. I don't think even a sophisticated one can easily tell whether a post is being "emotionally manipulative" or not. Now, I'm not denying that such a filter could do wonders at eliminating a very specific type of spam; just like 4chan's word filter can work very nicely at hiding repeated shitposts. But I don't think you would be suggesting a fundamental change of the platform down to the protocols if what you were after is a specific, niche kind of "spam". You have a fundamental grudge against the kind of content that's predominant on social media, but that type of content is not advertisements for viagra, and it's not going to be as easy to get rid of with a fancy wordfilter.

This is where the open platforms come in: have a non profit internet, and you won't have to deal with engagement-driven algorithms that makes this type of garbage proliferate. But what about 4chan? It doesn't have any shady algorithms, so why is it so shit? It even has a very basic spamfilter! And this is where you run out of ideas, so you end up with the classic, dumb, lazy plan for having a good community: make it hard to reach, so only deserving people do. Just make users take an IQ test to create an account, filter sub-130s and Wa-La! You got yourself a forum of geniuses. But! MENSA is an embarrassment. So let me guess, IQ is a jewish construct? A government tool of deception? Don't think I haven't sniffed you out skizo. I know you. I know who you are. I've met you many times before. You're a whiny little stupid bitch. And you're everywhere, all in people's heads. But not in mine. I can see you for what you are. A little stupid bitch. Such you will live, and such you will die. I don't care. I'm unaffected, I'm wearing a raincoat against your chinese torture dripping of "it was better before"s and "it's all this one thing I don't like"s. I didn't fall for teddy the bomber, and I'm not going to fall for your bullshit.

As for the internet... It's too late. Like all artforms, once it's properly explored and its potential realized, it becomes a commercialized caricature of itself. Like rock. Punk even. It's all over now. It's our whole culture that's running out of ideas. Clinging to the past is stabbing future in the back. Not that it matters

beep bop beep bop. perhaps if i speak so the social robot will understand me

~ Maximilien Robespierre



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