What about the thousands of examples Christians who murder other Christians every day?
Are they actually Christians, as in, do they either have fervent faith in their religion or obey either the spirit or letter of Christianity? Are they ethnically Christian? I'll save the trouble: no and no. Anyone can become a Christian and be recognized as such by other Christians; nobody that is not ethnically Jewish can become a Jew to all Jews.
What about all the Jews that didn't do such bad things?
Do you blame the soldier ant workers for the behavior of the sentinels? Yes, you do, because they form a stigmergic mass that has decentralized coordination. If you don't remove the queen and the workers, they'll reproduce new sentinels.
Say what you will about the Catholic Church (or even temple Judaism), but if you destroy the Vatican and its inhabitants, the Catholic Church ceases to exist, as the lineage and continuity that underpins the legitimacy of its heritage has been destroyed. The ant hill can be destroyed, the queen killed, and the colony will end.
Rabbinic Judaism and deracinated Jews do not fit this mold. They are army ants. So long as the queen, that is the Talmud and Pentateuch, exists, any Jew can rediscover their "heritage" of victimhood, separation, and the permitted exploitation of gentiles.
Are you going to give them the maximum punishment, too? How would you feel about being murdered as a punishment just for being a Christian, atheist, white or whatever?
There has never been a time in history more anti-racist than the present, with broad development and legitimacy obtained by ethnically-tolerant whites and Christians. Minorities didn't "win" these rights, but were *given* them. Similarly, slavery was broadly extinguished from the planet by willing European Christians over the pleas of the non-European and non-Christian nations.
And there's the ultimate irony: the Ashkenazim's existence in the West has *always* been one of perennial guest underpinned by Catholic, Christian, and European charity, with ample invitation to integrate. Yet history perennially demonstrates that Jews are voluntarily ethnically separate and will never reciprocate the hand extended to them and will instead abuse their hosts until they respond. Then they use this response as further justification for separation and abuse, adding it to the tome of victimhood, perennially repeated and celebrated for all time (Boo, Haman! Boo, Hitler!). And there's the rub: the predicates of Ashkenazim existence in the West and in Israel are fundamentally jeopardized by the fading away of Christianity and ethnic Europeans. The world will not tolerate the Jewish people as Christian Europeans did.
The tragedy of anti-racism, amply embraced by Jews in the West to create a multicultural environment to nominally prevent another shoah by an exclusive ethnic hegemon, is that the logical conclusion of anti-racism is the extermination of the Jews as a people because they, as a totality, will never join the melting pot that everyone else has been forced to jump in.
It won't be ethnic Europeans that exterminate the Jewish people in the name of racial purity, but the de-Christianized "race of the future" that will exterminate the Jewish people for precisely the opposite goal: racial impurity. The logic that demonizes the existence of National Socialism (which is German Zionism by any other name) *must* inevitably demonize Zionism itself. And all too late, as events since October 7th have shown, will the Jewish people recognize that they sold the rope that will be used to hang them.