Biblical Masculinity= T;2
X "Romanian Orthodox"
Reddit saved threads- experian & see what's up with my credit problem.
More Couchsurfing?
Ten words and jewelry for a cool thing to do.
Jungle Gem
{instrument chain diagram}
(Delayed gratification)
Lu. 17:36-37
taken away
&taken to
where the vultures are --->
the sheep/goats?
*Doctrine of election - an encouragement for your soul in harships. Worthy of review.
Write today- poetry, CF reset again, --> 2-with you/among you
-- look at original language and strong's. compare
Lu 17:21 ESV cf. NKJB
in green's interlinear & strong's, vine's, etc. Better understanding. Look at NKJV study notes. Day hour / year & Daniel- ???
--> Give Thanks!
Be in prayer, but in heart- cry to Him
sure, you'll be exalted, but mainly becaue it's the right thing to do.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Discovered "give" game, neat @
*Church work day- Sat XXX 2nd
8am-3pm- sign up online
Ps. 71- Ameelion to [redacted] :)
[[Musical Notation]] 80-75BPM
Drums? Breakbeat?
Punchy 808 kit with a funky chopped 8-16 bar break loop?
303 squelch wub wub wub wub
Bassline changes
are we above funky drummer here?
May have better options
glitch machines chip/glitch sfx
dynamic range- 606 OH sizzle
& fax machine, shuffle drums
women fighting and being uglu?
"Curse God & die"
serve others
drop octave and overdrive? detune?