[ prog / sol / mona ]


the bleeding edge of textboard technology; quantum ai and the blockchain

1 2022-05-26 13:46

Volunteer. We are lokoing for individuals to join our team stocking the pantry and distributing food on Sundays 12-12:30pm once a month.

The idea is a medium sized Lutheran Church.

friends- "crisis"

18:24 difficult for the wealthy to enter heaven

*salvation pusher*
*chainers x3

concept: "Heavenly Treasure"

*hive, pyramids- ok to talk about

TYRANT, "Son of Abraham"

Zaccheus was a rich man.

Can't serve God and $ - hyper ancap, feasting on the wind?

Are the rich favored? Are the poor accursed?

Love others & have mercy.

Clothed in tyrian purple

Assemble receipts- as something [[illegible]]

never a sin to be rich or enjoy life. Many good in the Bible were rich.

Absolutely nothing.

Lazarus' life was of little to no regard

"Don't have a life if you're ruled by your wife."

After death- judgement
Abraham's bosom- worth contemplation
"Nothing in my hand I bring."

Worm- conscience

Purgatory- bunk
Annihilation= bunk 2nd [[illegible\\
Everlasting destruction
no presence of Lord, Adonai, YHWHW

greek= complete ruin

"great chasm"


Practical Self Defense- Dave Watts

2 2022-05-26 13:56

Biblical Masculinity= T;2
X "Romanian Orthodox"

Reddit saved threads- experian & see what's up with my credit problem.

More Couchsurfing?

Ten words and jewelry for a cool thing to do.


Jungle Gem

{instrument chain diagram}

(Delayed gratification)

Lu. 17:36-37
taken away
&taken to
where the vultures are --->
the sheep/goats?
*Doctrine of election - an encouragement for your soul in harships. Worthy of review.

Write today- poetry, CF reset again, --> 2-with you/among you
-- look at original language and strong's. compare
Lu 17:21 ESV cf. NKJB
in green's interlinear & strong's, vine's, etc. Better understanding. Look at NKJV study notes. Day hour / year & Daniel- ???
--> Give Thanks!
Be in prayer, but in heart- cry to Him
sure, you'll be exalted, but mainly becaue it's the right thing to do.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Discovered "give" game, neat @
*Church work day- Sat XXX 2nd
8am-3pm- sign up online
Ps. 71- Ameelion to [redacted] :)

[[Musical Notation]] 80-75BPM
Drums? Breakbeat?

Punchy 808 kit with a funky chopped 8-16 bar break loop?
303 squelch wub wub wub wub
Bassline changes
are we above funky drummer here?
May have better options
glitch machines chip/glitch sfx
dynamic range- 606 OH sizzle
& fax machine, shuffle drums
women fighting and being uglu?
"Curse God & die"

serve others
drop octave and overdrive? detune?

3 2022-05-26 14:05

*Mt. Sinai= do we need a Bible dictionary, or is the internet enough?
The table of the shewbread
caught my eye
*wikipedia- Mt Sinai, Ark of the testimony
is the golden calf symbolic, or is this form merely coincidental? "Totem"
bull- worshiped in Egypt, embodiment of Baal in canaan
Pastor, healed from COVID-19, preaches on very pretty fall day
"Campus" 25% attendance in some churches due to virus.

Wed night
Kids learning to drive
Dutch creek farms? Papusarin= ?
Relationships are God's idea.
*kiss hello episode of Seinfield
Depth of friendship
live/should live
*"it's not ketchup!* good action because of salvation.

Unitarianism is heresy. Mormons, Jehovah's witness, Muslim
*Miracles and things that apparently defy the natural laws of the universe do actually happen.

Peter calls him "The Christ of God."

"You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles." Isa 61:6
Heart full of unbelief is a soot black shadow over the manifold works of Christ.
"Transcendant allegiance."
--dispensations & replacement theology
Statement of faith/doctrines regarding the Sabbath.
*who wrote the OT
I believe the Moses did, but why?
*that we keep his commandments- the 10, the 613, moral, ceremonial?

notes: New Bible, new notes!
Gen. 48-49
Shiloh- "To whom it belongs," or- The Messiah.
"hear and __increase learning, ... attain wise counsel." submit to elders, bros in Christ
clothed in humility. 1 Pet. 5:8 pops out- Satan as a "roaring lion."
Ps. 1-5, Prove 2.
Prove 2:10-11 "when wisdom enters your heart, And Knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you,"
"Liar, Lunatic, or Lord" C.S. Lewis
Study- review the history of Elijag. Needs refreshing.

4 2022-05-26 14:16

"are you going to give your life of no?"
Christ first
A right relationship with God
generous- about the welfare of others
"The Kingdom of God is within you" =look at original Greek for better understanding

Acts requires tape repair
*youtube muslim preaching
*review notes
you can, you should
you've trained your whole life-- here we are, at Church for the Easter Service
[[doodle]] 3.755 M$ Campus=Sold! Register & check out website.

The Temple

Fast & pray when there is a need.
Royal Lion
take up His cross daily

The mold-model- is Jesus
"take up His cross daily."

[[doodle of daisy flower]]

"lay them aside" boundaries priorities
returning to foundation, habit, behaviour "pulled in" "course joking"
hear, say, see bad things
-->give up?

Phillipians 3:12-14 (ESV_= "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, i press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Church Camp, Noon reserve
Friday night, Men's Bible Apex
Fun, fun. Sign up!

Spring Forward [[doodle of space alien]]

Be careful of your friends. --Hired enforcers-- "Majority rarely thinks in terms of light."

So many of you are so much brighter than me about so many things.

Spiritual, Godly fashion of light

equality begins and ends with universal depravity

Concluding Thought
Church and Sword not often successful together

Rubber dinosaurs for Christ.

First day of Spring

Define: "Legato"

Lu. 24:13ff

Messianic Prophecies
"Divine passives"

humility of what we do know, island
[[note: as knowledge increases, knowledge of ignorance increases]]

Ro. 11 knowledge
things concealed from us
"slow of heart to believe"

5 2022-05-26 14:23

propitiation- covering
Test. Boy, I sure am mad.
Racis is a wordly designation. I hate racism, essentially.
"always stepping in it."
Pride, arrogance, (greek) way of living.
wp; the crusades
ratchet back pride
evolution is... racist?
"God created every creature."
Mostly identical, genetically.
God made every man.
Fearfully & wonderfully made.
"Y'all are all the same."
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

who was buddha- was he real? what did he believe? what did he teach?

Christ came to be good news for all epoples.

Culture, ethnnicity, whole new race- children of every tribe, tonge, & nation.
* "putting a nut on a bolt somewhere."
"shut up, listen, ask questions, learn."
Can't be silent about race, bring contrary to the Gospel.

6 2022-05-27 04:25


7 2022-05-27 13:05

I've smoked meth with e-popples.

8 2022-05-27 13:46


9 2022-05-27 13:55

Ah the old Textboard jpg switchamarooo

10 2022-05-27 14:22

whoopsie-doodle i thought this was 4chun

11 2022-05-27 14:23

Bet you hadn't thought of deez dubz.

12 2022-05-27 15:15

how about 'dem apples

13 2022-08-03 07:09




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