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Anyone looking to engage in intelligent conversation?

8 2022-04-30 12:15

Poetry exists to evince one's propensity for self-oblivion. Literature has an edifying intent or it can prefigure decadence. Alienation affirms self-oblivion. Do ALL novels emerge from precarity? I don't think so. They may emerge from internal contention and friction in spite of a flourishing of abundance in other respects. There's a book called The Unknown God by Deirdre Carabine. It serves as a comprehensive introduction into apophasis. I think you mean esoterica. Exoterica is explicit by definition. Yes. It's possible. Through negation and privative predication. A distinction should be made between esoterica/occult knowledge and metaphysics. Neoplatonism and other forms of monistic emanationism mainly. I haven't gotten to Vedanta yet.



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