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22 2020-06-07 10:18 *

This page is a parody, right? Assange is mentioned in the first sentence. He's not jewish and even if he were, how is he a villain in this story of Internet control and censorship?

I would like to point out that despite the virtual Jew-ownership of the Internet, the Internet certainly was not a Jew-invention. The Jew has only bastardized the great invention of the Internet for their efficient use against Gentiles. Such censorship on the Web as IP Addresses (invented by Jews Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf) which are used to track our online lives, and the Internet Service Providers, Host Servers and Programs, of which all are operated by Jews, has been a Jew-constant since the initial days of the Internet.

It's just hilarious. /pol/tards believe there was a golden age of packet switching that somehow operated without hosts having an address? And then Jews invented IP for the sole purpose of surveillance and suppression of speech?

At the end of the article there's a list of photographies of ``suberverters and infiltrators''. First one is Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive, a site hosting all the most hardcore nazi material that's been deleted everywhere. Fifth is Walt Disney, a notable antisemite who died 3 years before the first packet was remotely sent over ARPANET.

This is a Mossad site whose purpose is to make you look even more stupid, >>21-kun. Be wary.



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