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Suicide [taboo]

1 2019-12-29 14:50

If you're just rational about it, no passion involved. What's wrong with that?

2 2019-12-29 17:04

What does passion have to do with anything?

3 2019-12-31 09:06

Passion is being possessed by uncontrollable forces of nature (Eros). The passionate suicide is a the termination of your own life caused by an unbearable emotion.
A rational suicide would be the logical conclusion that another day isn't worth it (Logos)

4 2020-01-03 04:18

I'd say in many but not all cases it's selfish. But why would I care if someone opts out?

5 2020-01-04 07:12


Passion ... (Eros)

HAHAHAH!~~ Passion is whatever mood sufficiently strong to cause suffering.

... rational ... (Logos)

Perponder your writ prepostally. (fairly) Good is this textboard. Ruin it, would you?, for all. Logos be grander than whatever ration. And plenty rationals antiLogosic. Rigour! Caution! Unfaltrage! (Progress.) These principles to bellegy, toward bellambions. unsuicide, wherefore?, you.

6 2020-01-04 07:17

>>5 (corrigenda)
:s/is this textboard/this textboard is/

7 2020-01-17 22:28

>>4 You shouldn't, but a lot of the times people (normalfags) will get pissy and say that you can never do it ever, under any circumstance. Hence, "taboo". Like even if you're terminally ill you have to jump through hoops in order to get euthanized.

8 2020-01-19 04:01

>>4 Suicide prevention is selfish. Sure, it's important to have the social safety-nets to help false-suicidants avoid commit that error. Nonetheless, suicide-prevention should never be insistent.
The primary reason that suicide prevention exists is that non-suicidants want each would-be suicidant to continue to work and be as beneficial to them as possible. Another reason is that some people suffer from emotonal dependence, and want to prevent the suicide of someone on whom, emotionally, they depend, to avoid grievence or mourning.

9 2020-03-08 03:04

If you're a non-white than sure go for it buddy. If you happen to be white then think of your ancestors, don't be a weak little faggot.

10 2020-05-29 20:38

It probably depends largely on your culture and circumstances. For example, it's considered acceptable by the Dutch in cases of terminal illness. But, in general, it seems like the reason it might be taboo is because it inflicts trauma on the community. At the very least, someone has to clean up your remains. Depending on how public it is (and how large or tight-knit your community is) it has the potential to have an unintentionally broad effect.

11 2020-05-29 23:33

If you ever find yourself contemplating suicide, ask yourself one simple question: did I just lead three Roman legions into a catastrophic ambush in the Teutoberg forest? If the answer is "yes", then suicide is an option you should definitely consider. If the answer is "no", then there are different factors to consider.

12 2020-06-01 14:49

Also works with the question: did I just lead three Japanese divisions and a bunch of civilians and middle-schoolers into a desperate attempt to defend Okinawa?

13 2020-06-01 17:48 *

Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!

14 2020-06-01 18:03

While you sit here struggling to move
With no vitality
The murderers in prison who cut a dudes throat open wakes up wide eyed
He's going to get his life together when he gets out
The cartel member torturing some officials daughter with a knife
He pauses and thinks about the great time he's going to have this weekend
The pedophile rigging up cameras in his local childrens hospitals toilets
He's been planning this for months and he could do it all day

And you
You can barely get up to do anything
Because the world doesn't care
About you

15 2020-06-02 06:42

Sure, sometimes it seems like the only thing standing between you and the 713th flame tank battalion is a bunch of housewives you armed with spears, but you know what? It gets better.

16 2020-06-03 06:29

I think I am going to do it.

17 2020-06-03 10:15 *

Now is not the time.

18 2020-06-03 22:54

I think I'm paranoid when I'm alone for too long.
When I have someone to talk to it's ok but I can't stand not being alone.

19 2020-06-05 07:48

This is why we have omegle

20 2020-06-05 15:20 *

Sounds fun

HI ASL????
Stranger has disconnected

/prog/ created it https://archive.tinychan.net/read/prog/1196829427

21 2020-06-07 00:23



22 2020-06-07 10:18 *

This page is a parody, right? Assange is mentioned in the first sentence. He's not jewish and even if he were, how is he a villain in this story of Internet control and censorship?

I would like to point out that despite the virtual Jew-ownership of the Internet, the Internet certainly was not a Jew-invention. The Jew has only bastardized the great invention of the Internet for their efficient use against Gentiles. Such censorship on the Web as IP Addresses (invented by Jews Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf) which are used to track our online lives, and the Internet Service Providers, Host Servers and Programs, of which all are operated by Jews, has been a Jew-constant since the initial days of the Internet.

It's just hilarious. /pol/tards believe there was a golden age of packet switching that somehow operated without hosts having an address? And then Jews invented IP for the sole purpose of surveillance and suppression of speech?

At the end of the article there's a list of photographies of ``suberverters and infiltrators''. First one is Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive, a site hosting all the most hardcore nazi material that's been deleted everywhere. Fifth is Walt Disney, a notable antisemite who died 3 years before the first packet was remotely sent over ARPANET.

This is a Mossad site whose purpose is to make you look even more stupid, >>21-kun. Be wary.

23 2020-06-07 10:20

Richard Stallman is also on there.

24 2020-06-07 19:20

Richard Stallman and LISP are both pretty Jewish, but cool people and things get a pass.

25 2020-06-08 22:06

Every night with my star friends
We eat caviar and drink champagne
Sniffing in the VIP area
We talk about Frank Sinatra
You know frank Sinatra?
He's dead.
To be famous is so nice
Suck my dick
Kiss my ass
In limousines we have sex
Everynight with my famous friends
Suck my dick.
Kiss my ass.
So nice.
VIP area.
Frank frank frank Frank Sinatra.

26 2021-07-20 03:13

Platina Jazz - Come, Sweet Death [Komm, süsser Tod]



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