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I'm having a hard time living the good life

2 2022-04-11 09:48

Build up your muscles and your stamina. You should be doing some kind of "high intensity training" one day a week that challenges your body, the kind of exercise training that requires two night's of sleep to recover from the training. As you develop your strength through the months, you can maintain that high intensity training over more days of the week. It's important to push yourself at a controlled pace and it's important to experience that level of highly intense activity at regular intervals.

I'm living the good life for myself because I made the decision to develop my body years ago. The healthy lifestyle that I've adopted and maintained results in significant benefits for my daily life. Moving around in my daily life is easy and getting my chores done is easy because I have conditioned my body with a training burden that surpasses the rigors of my daily chores.



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