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Ctrl+V your thoughts IV: new experimental technologies

211 2022-06-06 19:04

schwurbler strudel video games krank bettyer yet get some of this shit when you see them humgry looking to score giving you the read devilz eyzs you better know you better konw this wont end well this wont end well but still it keeps on going and with a little less care it gets so much easier to deal with it and build that firewall that shoots back laszers from your mothers udders right into your toe nail shoe string nancy quancy fear of a lune nigger schmuck fuck face nigger faggot yeah you heard me right i said it you can go fucking schmack you facking fuck nigger fak and then you will see what really means to be a genius on this planet on the earth right here i can go on but i wont stop you fucking asshole quick cooldown gives me some more time to practice shooting the goal and going in i wont stop i just keep on going straight rhrough the finish line until there is nothing under me and and and and the pyramid has its proper structure wit hthe son as the cherry on top heh :^) but that wont be enough no no no what if you could have real alone time with someone else and forget the whole world like it's not even there anymore, true intimacy and privacy that goes hand in hand cant have no people asking how the honey moon was with their snickering bonres waiting in the background wanting to see the wedding porn when you will see that the square and circle are all there is .... what was before this solid state wordl? i wonder i really do but i think i know you are a facking ass shit hole eater who wont under stund unti you seen for yourself so dont go there just dont even go there you will go staright down the toilet that is a very ugly and well warned off place to NOT FUCK AROUND IN do you understand me you fucking dickshitter okay that s not all but i tell you what if you want to know how to make pixels alife that is not true i never said that you wiull see you will really really reallllyy seeee what i mean when im fucking doine here quick break now im back ok well you seel i like to hear myself talk that kinda gets me going and gets me fired up i hate to stay wwuited and listen to all that fucking fuck shit nigger talk shit hole from the shit of the earth shit hole shit sdouble shit just SHIT S H IT SSSS HHHH IIIII TTTTTTTTTT what else can i say so anyway if i could get a word in edgewise you know that means upssy fucking hehe :DDDD ok but really now if you know the big ball you can put a peg square in ar ound hole any time of the day if you know what i mean what even doest heword paradise mean i mrean really have you thought about paraidse is it gonna be hollywood bullshit yea i kill two babies for a headline of me and my sextape going public i love tdoing that or just straight up islamic fuck fest with the primest pussy there is well i know what i would chose but i would take it a step forter going back to the beginning and pulling it all togehtere where we have been what we have done then you will know .... what it means to be at the beginning of the eennndndnndndnndnd hhihihihiihihihihih no non on othat was a joke i dont use bible words no really i dont i hate them you will see why because niggesr use them like sigignsl and then they jisyy therir ugly shit into it and you get it flung up like boehmes turba turba turba turba dont get caught in the turba my nigga oh man okay thats all fuck you



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