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Bible control and containment thread

1 2022-02-14 05:48

Psalm 30
King James Version not the only version under the sun
30 I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me.

2 O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.

3 O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.

4 Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

6 And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved.

7 Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled.

8 I cried to thee, O Lord; and unto the Lord I made supplication.

9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth?

10 Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper.

11 Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;

12 To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.

2 2022-02-14 18:37 *

Kaj mi trovis, ke la mortintoj, kiuj jam antaŭ longe mortis, estas pli feliĉaj ol la vivantoj, kiuj vivas ĝis nun;
kaj pli feliĉa ol ili ambaŭ estas tiu, kiu ĝis nun ne ekzistis, kiu ne vidis la malbonajn farojn, kiuj estas farataj sub la suno.

3 2022-02-15 06:18

Nero did nothing wrong.

4 2022-02-15 18:51

G for Jesus

5 2022-02-19 18:09

But Moses asked him, “Are you jealous on my account? If only all the Lord’s people were prophets and the Lord would place His Spirit on them!” - Numbers 11:29

6 2022-02-20 01:25

1 Corinthians 15:56 "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law." Death really hurts because of sin and sin is so painful because the law condemns. 1 Corinthians 15:57 "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Christ fulfills the law rendering no condemnation thus the sting of death has lost its sharp teeth.

7 2022-02-27 23:20

“There is no greater love than this: that a person would lay down his life for the sake of his friends.” -John 15:13

8 2022-03-05 00:50

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 1 Cor. 4:17-18 We must look beyond what the eye can see to lasting things not transient ones.

9 2023-03-13 05:16 *

Needs more hamburgler!
What can a man give God for his eternal soul? Church, read, tell. How does one become rich towards God? Find the things that are valuable and invest talents & personal resources towards that. "you have to manage life"
Search --> "Tyson Fury interview- [[Jesus]]"
Loving favor rather than silver/gold. Peace that surpasses understanding. Budget has to happen! Ask AI? Evaluate your peers! Search- "Biblical commandments on prisoners and interacting with them"
Essay- Terrence McKenna & the fear of death.
1. TM was a great man.
2. TM was a master criminal & psychologist.
3. TM was weathered to and experienced in extreme states & was not afraid to die.
4. Terrence McKenna was smart & capapble, but was mistaken & unprepared for death, judgment, & hell.
5. Terrence McKenna will come to nothing. His teachings are incorrect & will come to nothing. The Word will last forever.
6. What can we learn from the horrible mistakes of TM?
"Well done thy good & faithful servant." Glit and glimmer.

10 2023-03-13 05:17 *

OK- got to digitize these into obsidian & paste to tb etc. "Daddy long legs" ?! "My grace is sufficient for you." March 15th business meeting. Easter candy donations. Translation of Enoch. "Go to the Bible for everything." "a darksome path" "Champing at the bit." Draw nigh to me & I'll draw nigh to you. Financial poverty. Searching the couch cushions for change. Been there. We know who holds the future. Brick by brick? God slamming the door closed. Full time pastor. "Baptismal waters being stirred." very beautiful. "I promise you, you're gonna see growth." parsonage. Adds value. Rent is astronomical. "six month plan." "He is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek Him." Tires- God bless my jalopy. Purging, cleansing- come forth as gold. "We're not to be so heavenly minded that we're of no earthly good." Finish your training. Combat evil w/good. Talk to **** about this. Website. ask! Plan to go full time. Church business & of treading out the grain.

11 2023-03-13 05:18 *

So this is the new year... @Wednesday service @I******. "Live clean & be obedient." Through work. "God will bless a people who seek His power" Skip a meal to tithe. Leave good review on ** google/yelp. Look up Dr.'s name. :( "Sorrowed to repentence." "My sins hung the Savior on the tree." Psalms & hymns & spiritual songs. *Victory in Jesus* Doingnothingness.

AI tract generation- let's get it! Spurgeon. Love. Lipker. "Talk about Jesus." Wed. Night. Priorities. Monday- New Haven Taxes. :( Jesus as example & encouragement. Make arrangements. "what is valuable." "Good meat" Upbeat/downbeat. Feeding poor, fatherless, & widows. Balance * harmony. Where am I spending my time? How am I spending my time? "Obedience to principal takes time." "Learn to obey your spiritual impulse." *Israel my glory* sub *computer music sub* "[[Whole armor of God]]." -how do I get more green tea in me?

12 2023-03-13 05:18 *

Reread "stand out" [[Bible]] verses over & over & over.
Casting lots. "A rough bunch."
music promition india assistant
ableton suite
KVM switch
"Life is out of balance." Good things in body- good things in mind- good things in heart. GIGO. Encourage & strengthen. God help us. Determine what is valuable. "Be smart, be wise, invest in eternity." Wed@7:00pm 1hr!

13 2023-03-13 05:19 *

Christmas soon. Thank God **** & ***** are with us still. *Review: The Jerusalem Bible.* Christmas Service @ 10:00am- check website for details, or ask for clarification. Where we are primarily defined by our crimes & mistakes. But in heaven there are no thieves, murderers, or liars. There are only the redeemed. In the person of [[Jesus]] is the definition of forgiveness.

14 2023-03-13 05:19 *

unknown date
Dt. 29:29 secret things belong to the Lord. Gh: high minded things. GGL- "Don't bid them good day." *Music*- preaching? Avoid slippery places to avoid slipping. As you would men do to you, do to them. As your Father is merciful, be merciful. "sanctimoniously." ;Forgive & you will be forgiven. Give & you will be given. [[Silver]] combibar? Delight in the Lord. "measure twice, cut once"
When you desire- ask
ask, seek, knock
don't despair
Faculty, Finances, Facilities.
Invest in eternal treasures.

15 2023-03-13 05:20 *

Pray for Kirsten w/pneumona. Casting lots, Biblical guidance. "Meet it head on with worship." What is valuable? Why? *Eisenhower Matrix* of priorities. "Fill my cup & let it overflow." Excess when you serve the Lord. Turn finances upside down. -Help others also. Poverty? Food issues become real. Chicken thigh aspic. *Spreadsheet/savings goals* Value, worth, life-balance. Live with purpose & joy. Obedience to principal takes time. [[Friendship rainbow]] There is no end to obedience. It keeps us safe! Put God at the forefront of all that you do. ...doeth it not, count it as sin.

16 2023-03-13 05:20 *

Destruction can be beautiful.
*Archive .anarplex*
"You can't be a patriot unless you know the will of God." *TR-8S* "I am not my own, I belong to Him." A suggested mantra. A servant King. Cyber! Undo the harm- you can't. Zionism & that. Ramblin & Gamblin' Luke Ch. 12 seared/marred "You can't shack up with the Devil & expect God to pay the rent." [[Friendship Rainbow]] as Biblical book on developing friendships/ebook. With spice! Layout/100pgs. Tears, crying, pain, anguish- what the devil gives- what he shows is a good time. Set free from Egypt, but you're still making bricks for Pharoah. -ask about bus Lazarus & rich man. Investing personal resources- how? why? To what ends? Talents/aptitudes/interests. Time/talent/treasure into eternal things.

17 2023-03-13 05:22 *

4.16 450. 9 x 50
Compile notes soon.
Sound doctrine.
Wed Feb 8. M****
7:00pm. Germany/Turkey KJV. Vitamins 100 500-Vinnie "Low grade human being." "I can have enough wine if I have enough Church." :( Lord God help me with my wicked tongue! "Life gets out of balance when you spend too much time chasing things we cannot have." "We cannot obtain lasting joy by chasing the American dream." *Lucky Samurai*? Your will? Make your will His will, and then have your will. "A hall of fame Christian. Labrum & rotator cuff- preach.
balance with consistency. with consistency comes greatness. Accept [[God]]'s appraisal of the things of life. For earth on earth- wood, hay, stubbl, For eternity on earth- Gold, silver, precious stones. Happy/bitter- 40's on. http://synthmania.com No screen time after 6:00pm. Bluejacket thrift? World is wrong- social norms are wrong. Straight out of the pits of hell lyrics. Experimental backstitch hemming. All they did was laugh @ your Bibles, & you couldn't stand for Love? Not balance between good & evil- but balance in a spiritual life. Lessons- goal- 1 chapter of Proverbs daily. Manly influences in your life. "I'm all for easy money." In all labor there is profit. By the sweat of your brow. Intellect & hands build a man, country, a world- industry. The world doesn't turn on entertainment. "Maybe later." All may change, but [[Jesus]] never. Glory to His name. Clean slate, closet, value system.

18 2023-03-13 05:22 *

Love one another. Come to fulfill the law. Love your enemy. Political/ethnic/economic divisiveness doesn't serve our purpose.

Strange & beautiful spring weather lately. The roads are dark & full of mud, but here is spring, nevertheless. Work & prayer. hymn- work for the night is coming. Easter is coming soon. Obedience to principal takes time. 2% principal. -me Obedience takes all the time we have. Life gets out of balance when people chase things they cannot obtain. You don't lose if you keep getting up. Peace is not to be found on earth. As soon as I have the thing I think will make me happy, it's gone. What can truly be obtained? Live right, do right. Funeral homes are sharks for your money. People capitalize on death, sickness, addiction, mental illness. The world of flesh & the devil. The goodness of God leadeth men to repentance. Consider, privately, the barren womb. A mountain of victory, grattitude & confidence. Filthy language out your mouth. 1st Timothy 6 regarding $ check if there is a mixer(illegible) option in OT like ST. A rising tide lifts all boats. Hellfire & damnation preaching. Praise the things that are valuable. Spend time in eternal work. Figure out how you spend your time. Make a list of what's valuable & make a list of the time spent on what's valuable. Take some time & prioritize. "Alright! Yeah!" Stuff that keeps attention away from God.

19 2023-03-13 05:22 *

More of the same. Shoes have been bleache.d In Jeremiah Ch.5 Always had problems with Jeremiah. Jer 5:25 Sin as thief. Steals fellowship, not sonship. Concious cleared/severed? (?!) 1Tim1:5= "a good conscious." GIGO. Perception of right & wrong. Wickedness, unnatural affections. Biblical principles. Sin steals a good conscious. Power, love, sound mind.
"O, God, cleanse me of secret faults." Secular society. Praise, prayer, confession. Isa26:3 "Sin will arhc your back & stoop your shoulders." Ha! Snarl. Sin will rob you of good character. Who you have been thought of, not as you are. Broken heart & contrites spirit. 2nd Ja1:8-"that we receive a full reward." REDACTED. "Be sure your sin will find you out."

20 2023-03-13 05:23 *

Let C*****s & J****s & Co. know that Rev Dr.*** & me have been praying for them & hoping they're doing OK. Call [[****]] Dr. Lee Robertson "# to Thrive." Ro12:16 Seek peace & persue it. The Lord does not despise a broken heart & contrite spirit. Some things are more important than others. "Stay busy." Loud, rowdy, laughing, aggressive. Be of the same mind in honor preferring one another. 1. Abstain from fighting. Avoid froward people- rude, obtuse, hard to get along with. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Don't try & answer questions on the spot- save it until the end. They usually forget about it. Commerce makes brothers of all men. Lean on the Lord. Air pressure. He delivers me from hopelessness & gives me direction. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. I'd rather find a wife in Church. Day by day by each passing moment, God gives us direction. "Saved my bacon." Labor with effort. The Lord blesses hard work. Don't just work, but work hard. Pray fervently. Whole lot of confession & intercessory prayer. Supplication, less so. Pay attention to small things. Be faithful in little things. PRess forward. "Get you prayed up." Set goals. Rework D- Switch (???) He will continue to show Himself faithful.



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