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A New Civilisation

9 2021-11-19 23:22

Ancom bros have some creative solutions to problems sometimes. I appreciate monkeywrenching, and squatting, why not live off of discarded panera bread crusts too? I am not going to do it, but I don't see what it hurts.

The few actual ancaps that I have met are amazing, if dangerous, people. A source of inspiration. Their zeal for liberty and tactical black market destruction of the beast is a classic recipe for a delightfully paranoid, tight knit nucleus of the vocationally absurd, surrounded by a crispity crunchity peanut buttery ectoskeleton of very real, if scattershot, fed heat.

I am not sure primitivism is what I'm for, but anything other than this is fine. I'd prefer some sort of replacement of our dumbass situation with a primarily mental ai superintelligence in a dumbass situation of its 0wn. Where do I get a decent non sequitor in this town at 3:00am?

I don't think there is really much very civil about civilization anyway. It's the will of the strong enacted upon the lives of the weak, and there are any number of varieties of it. I don't know much about political science, philosophy, whatever, but being beaten to death by thugs for any reasoson without any actual avenues of reasonable recourse is just too much of the norm for me.

It's all just too much for me.

I'm for it. I'm not for it. I'm for it. I'm not for it.



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