[ prog / sol / mona ]


A New Civilisation

1 2021-11-18 21:15

Air, food, water, and education can be generated by homesteads easily exceeding quality of our present civilisation with minute investment beyond time. Shelter, pottery (by default lead and cadmium coated at present), and furniture can likewise be exceeded in quality, and from the streams or air a steady supply of mechanical force can be generated. Primitive metal works are created routinely in practice. Perhaps the force of a community might even be able to generate naive textiles, or surgical instruments from this.

It's true that with judicious planning a society might avoid much of the superfluous expenditure, and reduce upfront costs. Personal vehicles are done without by many, and so many trinkets seem to offer little advantage. Were this enough something new would have been born long ago. The drudgery of a life without the automaton holds us captive, and the requirements of the automaton are rarely met by those who escape.

I suppose then the question is what would it take to make something new and not only sufficient, but self-sufficient (to the extent to which this is possible, even US steel mills don't process ore)? Largely automated metal-works, textiles, state of the art circa-79 silicon foundry? How many hands, a hundred thousand? a million?

2 2021-11-18 23:49

Technology enslaves because of its complexity. Instead of aspiring to create the same stuff with an asterisk of self sufficiency, one would be better served by taking concessions.

There’s plenty of automation in your life available to you today. Years ago people had to hand wash clothes. Automation is not salvation if you’re still mentally chained to your overlords. Salvation only comes from within

If instead you’re starry eyed wondering how to make a new nation, well, nations are built as energy siphons, with the energy flowing to the top, to the ones that create it. Benevolence is not taking kindly towards nor is it the proper way to turn things. Empires last because they’re adhering to reality: we are your lords, pay your taxes.

The stupidity you witness daily has only one conclusion: I need to become self sufficient before I am devoured whole and hopefully I’ll only have a meager tax to pay

3 2021-11-19 00:30

>>2 snore.

4 2021-11-19 01:44 *

>>3 Hello princess, are you lost?

5 2021-11-19 04:02

The princess jostles. One eye wearily peaked to the noise that disturbed her slumber. "Well, that depends" she said with a brief pause, "Where have I slept off to today?" With some resistance she found the force of her exhaustion shutting her eyes once again. The man confused, simply walked off, and when the princes woke she found herself bathed in cabbages; a store clerk yelling with some frustration for her to leave. When her eyes met with the store clerk, his callused dirty hands, salted beard, and leathered face, she knew instantly she had found the one. She blushed slightly, and ran off back to the castle, stumbling over one of the cabbages that fell from the pile. Yet another confused man set to work, the princess quickly put from his mind. When she returned to tell her mother of the good news she was promptly scolded and sent to her room, but she was used to this by now. As it was tonight so did the cycle repeat every night. You see the princess when she was twelve was cursed to everyday live out the worst day of her life, with only minor variation.

6 2021-11-19 11:05

No more civilizations please, as if the current one wasn't bad enough.

7 2021-11-19 21:09

I am against all human civilization. My dehumanization is complete.

8 2021-11-19 22:47

I tend to think of various anarchist, and especially primitivists as a remarkably uncreative bunch. Has that been your experience?

9 2021-11-19 23:22

Ancom bros have some creative solutions to problems sometimes. I appreciate monkeywrenching, and squatting, why not live off of discarded panera bread crusts too? I am not going to do it, but I don't see what it hurts.

The few actual ancaps that I have met are amazing, if dangerous, people. A source of inspiration. Their zeal for liberty and tactical black market destruction of the beast is a classic recipe for a delightfully paranoid, tight knit nucleus of the vocationally absurd, surrounded by a crispity crunchity peanut buttery ectoskeleton of very real, if scattershot, fed heat.

I am not sure primitivism is what I'm for, but anything other than this is fine. I'd prefer some sort of replacement of our dumbass situation with a primarily mental ai superintelligence in a dumbass situation of its 0wn. Where do I get a decent non sequitor in this town at 3:00am?

I don't think there is really much very civil about civilization anyway. It's the will of the strong enacted upon the lives of the weak, and there are any number of varieties of it. I don't know much about political science, philosophy, whatever, but being beaten to death by thugs for any reasoson without any actual avenues of reasonable recourse is just too much of the norm for me.

It's all just too much for me.

I'm for it. I'm not for it. I'm for it. I'm not for it.

10 2021-11-22 17:13 *



11 2021-12-04 23:56 *

>>10 :^)

12 2022-02-19 04:54

Rely on easily fixable technology like AK-(19)47 and bicycles.

13 2022-02-19 17:12

Bikes and guns are really only simple to fix within industrial society. Still the most resilient technologies during a collapse scenario, though.

14 2022-07-19 10:59

Unless you are the (ancient) Mongols



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