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Keto Diet

10 2021-11-06 19:51

Not necessarily, weight gain only happens with a caloric surplus.
Although, sometimes your body normalizes onto a weight and tries to hard to stay in that weight.
For me, it was 133.2lb for a while, but fasting has helped me reach 130lb.

However, bread is a carbohydrate, meaning your insulin will spike alot.
iirc, white bread is really high on the glycemic index (97?).
A hard insulin drop will cause a lot of hunger, causing you to eat more.
Overtime this adds up and leads to weight gain.

Although its not as simple, people don't just simply eat bread, they eat multiple foods.
And the combined glycemic index is lower as a result.

Carbs are not bad per say, they have their place, but if you have to eat carbs,
at least eat whole grains and more fibrous ones, as they satiate you more.
Also, avoid sugar at all costs.
There's also the issue of gluten, which is very inflammatory and alot of carbs have it.

There's more to all of it, its all about the lifestyle and food combinations.
Inflammation is the big problem and a clean keto diet minimizes it.
Sugar, along with vegetable oils and refined iodized salt are the biggest culprits
and a sure way ticket to having health problems later in life.



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