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The Jews

14 2021-11-11 02:16 *

Good point.

And they failed. Who won?
Is it unfair or fair they won?
Doesn't matter if it was either, they have the desired outcome.

I'm not admonishing someone's desire to defend their blood-tie groups. In fact, I hope you do.
I just see a lot of people frothing about race when it means nothing at all. Why would I care about some stranger when they can't see in-front of their nose?
People don't understand how relations are supposed to be and are too riddled with fairies and princesses in their head. Why bother forming something?

It's just important to acknowledge the current position of the world today. Most "goys" are... just out to lunch.
Instead of crying foul play, it's important to understand why.
Instead of hating Jews, maybe taking notes from them and trying again would be smart.
Or to understand that maybe the idea of "race" is stupid; seeing as Jews fuck other Jews over all the time.
It's about your family. You screw other Jews over to enrich yourself. Do the Jewish billionaires give any fucks about Israel? Why would they?

I sure wish I was jewish because they're practical. Or chinese, or german. Practical.

Hell, I'm waiting for the fourth reich as much as you are, even though I'd probably be an untermensch. That'd be interesting to witness.



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