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The Jews

1 2021-11-06 02:27

The Jews are not God's people. Their prophet Hosea explains how God left them (yes, the one that married the prostitute.)
They reject God and live in fear of him. They erect barriers to hold him back. They are the very children of Satan.

2 2021-11-06 04:35

jews are not god's people
hosea ia a jew


3 2021-11-06 13:39

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

4 2021-11-06 15:22


5 2021-11-06 15:40

God does too real, or esle then why aren't monkeys?

6 2021-11-07 05:07

Blaming the Jewish people is wrong much like blaming the German people was wrong.

Their dangerous race based ideology is what must be ended.

7 2021-11-07 05:14

I have loved many Jewish people as brothers and friends. I have had them feed me when I was hungry, and love me when I had no one that knew me. They are pretty special, and for all that could be said I know in my heart that many of them are fine people, and are the chosen of the most high God.

I have also met some shady shysters of this sort that hell would be too good for.

Like any folk, it's a mixed parcel.

8 2021-11-07 15:53

Right. It's not the people, it's the ideology and racism.

9 2021-11-07 15:58

it's not like they're the only people out there who have some of their population who are weird over the race issue.

10 2021-11-07 22:46

Sure but they're the ones who are in charge of the US government and media right now.

11 2021-11-10 21:44

so you just got done reading "The Jews and Their Lies" by Martin Luther and decided to come here and brag about it.

12 2021-11-10 22:47 *

What's amusing about jew haters is their inability to reconcile this fact.

J-Jews are horrible and they j-just somehow cheated their way to the top!
W-We're better than them but we're j-just not organized enough and uh ... it's all the jews fault my life is like this!

13 2021-11-11 00:14

Hitler tried organizing the way the Jews do and the entire world became hostile.

14 2021-11-11 02:16 *

Good point.

And they failed. Who won?
Is it unfair or fair they won?
Doesn't matter if it was either, they have the desired outcome.

I'm not admonishing someone's desire to defend their blood-tie groups. In fact, I hope you do.
I just see a lot of people frothing about race when it means nothing at all. Why would I care about some stranger when they can't see in-front of their nose?
People don't understand how relations are supposed to be and are too riddled with fairies and princesses in their head. Why bother forming something?

It's just important to acknowledge the current position of the world today. Most "goys" are... just out to lunch.
Instead of crying foul play, it's important to understand why.
Instead of hating Jews, maybe taking notes from them and trying again would be smart.
Or to understand that maybe the idea of "race" is stupid; seeing as Jews fuck other Jews over all the time.
It's about your family. You screw other Jews over to enrich yourself. Do the Jewish billionaires give any fucks about Israel? Why would they?

I sure wish I was jewish because they're practical. Or chinese, or german. Practical.

Hell, I'm waiting for the fourth reich as much as you are, even though I'd probably be an untermensch. That'd be interesting to witness.

15 2021-11-11 13:30

I think you might be missing my point: I think the Nazis were wrong as well.
I don't hate the Jews for being Jews. The Jewish race is fine just like the Germans or the Anglos or the Africans. What I hate is their racist ideology that destroys countries just like the Nazis destroyed Germany.

16 2021-11-11 14:18

"Race" is the same as "country" - it's just another front of warfare.
Ideological warfare. It's not wrong to perpetuate ideas that are to your advantage... is it?
With ideological warfare in mind, how do you think PC culture works, and who does it benefit?

Homogeneous "nations" function well, evident through any homogeneous nation today i.e. Japan.
Or studies. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1465-7287.2010.00215.x
Unlike a "country" there is some basis in reality for race ideology. It's not salvation like fascists paint it, but it's amusing!

17 2021-11-11 17:59

My country, the USA, does not have a native race. At best you could say it's the Anglos but there are lots of Germans, French, Italians, Spaniards (even before the Mexico mess we created in the mid 20th century) and of course black people (although there were far fewer before the NGOs started busing them in.) I don't mind a lack of racial homogeneity, its the sudden influx of people who don't appreciate *why* our country is so successful and are doing everything they can to tear it apart (and in addition are themselves extremely racist) that really bothers me.

18 2021-11-11 18:24 *


My country, the USA, does not have a native race.

It's not your country, you are living on stolen land. Even though your kind did its best to genocide the natives, some of them still remain.

19 2021-11-11 18:42 *

Japan does not function well, they are rapidly going extinct and are depending on migrant labour from China.

The study you linked just says that people in the USA are racist. It does not gave any basis for "race ideology".

20 2021-11-11 19:35

Yes, Japan is going down the shitter because they're detaching from their culture through globalization.
By function I meant social relations and cleanliness of the city, to name a few.
Do you think you would see this in Japan?

The basis of "race" ideology is the same as anything else - there is always an implicit "US" vs "THEM" in cognition.
THAT is the basis. That's reality. You're in this reality right now, with me. I am the "other" you do not like.

SO, if we were all the same race or no longer saw race, people would come up with new things to denote "US" vs "THEM"
"Race" as an ideology has staying power because of this cognitive deposition.

Now if your main qualm is that you hate that people do "US" vs "THEM" then sure, yeah, it's annoying.
But it's essential to survival. If you just accept everyone in your posse, someone is going to take advantage of you.
For example, would you want to have me in your village?
Considering how different we see the world and what we want out of it... aren't I just the "THEM" you want to eliminate?

Do you think you can think your way out of the fact you're shifting the "US" vs "THEM" into a meta "US" vs "THEM"?

Morality is a spook. God is dead, honey.

There is no "we" here. That "we" has been dead for awhile now.
America denotes an open-border economic zone. It has very little resemblance to a "nation".

21 2021-11-11 19:40 *

Morality and Nativity* is a spook

22 2021-11-11 21:03

American natives did their best to genocide American natives.

23 2021-11-11 22:05

the yahudis invented us/them.

24 2021-11-12 01:53

The national relation for America relates to the classical liberalism of the founding fathers of America. It relates to civic ideals such as limited government, universal human rights and government restrictions, and also the civic ideal that anybody can make it big in America. These are the national ideals of what it means to be an American in the US. This is the foundation of the meaning of the American nation.

25 2021-11-12 02:07

America is a social darwinism petri dish.

26 2021-11-12 02:27 *

The wavering between negative liberty and positive liberty is the ideological Achilles heel which ruined the nation; or perhaps negative liberty was not all that great.
And yet... I find negative liberty closer to reality.
This nebula manifested with the Civil Rights Act, if not with the Civil War.
Money fixes everything now, of course.
Now no one knows their architect in the shadows, what a character they must be
Simple as

27 2021-11-12 02:59

the civic ideal that anybody can make it big in America.

I don't remember being taught that one growing up.

28 2021-11-12 03:43

Japan isn't doing well because of various traditional Japanese cultures, the most significant of these being the way of the samurai. The consequence is that the Japanese don't care to produce more babies to replace their aging demographic.

29 2021-11-12 07:34

"Anybody can make it big in America" would be an interpretation of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

30 2021-11-12 10:42

All that says is you're free to try for whatever you want, not that anyone can actually do it. Those are two *very* different things.

31 2021-11-12 10:57

How is it possible for anybody to choose to make it big in any place without having the freedom to try whatever you want? The freedom comes first. One of the ways to practice your freedom is to choose to make it big. Another way to practice your freedom is to settle into a peaceful neighborhood to live a fulfilling peaceful life without making it big. Another way is to work as part of a cog in a giant machine system. The country of America has been the greatest force on earth of transforming normal people into figurative giants. America is the country where it is an ideal for anybody to make it big.

32 2021-11-12 12:23

Freedom isn't free.

33 2021-11-12 12:26

It's ideal, and you have the freedom to try. That does not imply you can do it. I'm free to try to become a famous athlete. That doesn't mean I can.

34 2021-12-07 16:56

'Tis the season.

35 2021-12-09 04:23


36 2021-12-09 04:33 *

i regret posting that, politely ignore

37 2021-12-09 04:34 *

everyone knows its a copypasta

38 2021-12-09 11:35

maybe you were supposd to cry at the part where the shepherd boy died while the old beardy man watches in silent thinking "shit i forgot to tell them you d die if you bash the head like that"

39 2021-12-09 11:35

but you dont; like the monkey you thought the dead carcass is still alive.

40 2021-12-11 16:50

gas the jews

41 2021-12-11 22:01

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
The trampling of the vineyards where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword;
Our God is marching on!

42 2021-12-12 23:17

what miserable life, stuck with sad bunches. the kings are flaring and so is the gods. man, everyone s a fucking monkeys.

43 2021-12-13 03:07

The bolsheviks were Jews. Their control of the media is why we always hear about the Nazis and not the far worse atrocities committed in Russia.

The Nazis may have been on the right side.

44 2021-12-13 03:43

The freemasons have squares and compasses and with them they architect masonic plans of immobiliary domination.

45 2021-12-13 04:52

ahy do we care about this stupid gay shit it s a tiny rock in a middle of africa holy fuck

46 2021-12-13 13:43

Yes why care about anything?
For the rest of us:
The Jews are importing violent people from other countries to keep themselves in power.
The Jews hate us and want us dead.
The time for tolerance is over. It was a nice idea but the people claiming to be victims of it have forced our hand.

47 2021-12-13 16:09

>>46 it's like you have no life.

48 2021-12-14 12:41 *



49 2021-12-14 14:02

My life has been repeatedly threatened by elite jews. I consider this one of my chores.

50 2021-12-16 05:49 *

The Jews hate us and want us dead.


51 2022-05-24 03:32


52 2022-05-24 05:35

"E1337 JOOZ"

53 2022-05-24 14:16

I've met a few of them, and it's like scamming is all they did. Bunch of honest, God fearing people. I love them all.

54 2022-05-25 01:47

what he said^

55 2022-05-25 02:11

I honestly truly do love Jewish people in a big way. My hero Jesus was Jewish.

56 2022-05-25 03:25

its DA

57 2022-05-25 04:36

Jesus wants to get on your dick right now.

58 2022-05-25 07:19

gee i wish i wonder and i wish to wonder that maybe one day you can look at pron and just pretend

59 2022-05-25 14:43

I'm not investing myself in it, but it's a honeysuckle dream that could make a young man blush, sure.

60 2022-05-25 16:03

Lol you dont know how gay that sounds uWu.

61 2022-05-25 17:07


62 2022-05-27 10:48
 / / / / ___|  ___| |__   ___ _ __ ___   __\ \ \ \
| | | |\___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | |
| | | | ___) | (__| | | |  __/ | | | | |  __/ | | |
| | | ||____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___| | | |
 \_\_\_\                                   /_/_/_/
63 2022-08-02 10:00

Do they liked fried chicken?

64 2022-08-02 11:14 *

>>62 congratulations you won



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