[ prog / sol / mona ]


Ctrl-v what's on your mind.

1 2021-11-02 23:39

Second stream of consciousness thread, previous: http://textboard.org/sol/213

What would James Joyce think of this?

2 2021-11-03 03:54

I think I need to sleep to wake up tomorrow for uni.

3 2021-11-03 07:35

113th cigarette without sleeping

4 2021-11-03 13:27

Get one of those fancy liquid E-Cigs. Seriously, just do it. By now there is a bunch that at least come somewhat close to the real thing. I'd have never thought i could make the switch but it worked out just perfectly and in the long run your health will thank you a ton for not ingesting all the tar.

5 2021-11-03 16:30

Passive suicidal ideation is thinking about not wanting to live or imagining being dead. Active suicidal ideation is thinking about different ways to die or forming a plan to die.

This is bullshit, how is thinking about dying, but not by your own hands, suicidal?

6 2021-11-03 17:58

606 high tom makes me 606 low tom so hard that i 606 open hi hat

7 2021-11-03 18:01

Maybe the rationale behind it is that "normal" persons would try hard to avoid the topic of death in relation to themselves entirely. After all that's what a ton of people do. I agree on it being bullshit though.

8 2021-11-03 18:05

They should do public service advertisements on how delicious, cheap and easy a bowl of cooked vegetables really is. If people realize that public health would increase tenfold.

9 2021-11-03 20:16

Racism is not a crime

10 2021-11-04 20:50

Yes, it is. Enforcement of it is difficult though.

11 2021-11-05 03:00

I wonder; how far will I go?

12 2021-11-05 14:57

I wasn't racist until I realized the Jews were manipulating the blacks into destroying everything.

13 2021-11-05 15:46

I wasn't not racist until I realized we are all equally turds in the eyes of the most high God.

14 2021-11-05 17:13 *
$ find ~ -type d -name 'shit'

not so bad

15 2021-11-05 19:28

Hate it when I search for a vocaloid song and it turns up results for covers by real life beings...

16 2021-11-06 13:21

Performative realness.

17 2021-11-06 20:00

I'm listening to the Grateful Dead because of PLT Scheme.

18 2021-11-07 00:01

I wish I wasn't gluttonous with nuts, because they are expensive.

19 2021-11-07 00:03

I wonder if RV Life is worth it.
I have to spend 100k to make it as self sufficient as possible.
Installing solar panels, getting the right diesel truck and toy hauler,
minimizing propane, electricity and gasoline usage.
Would it just be easier to be a wagie in a job you could easily slack off in?

20 2021-11-07 02:00

Row, Jimmy

21 2021-11-07 13:42

I doubt you can really compare those things. Working 9 to 5 obviously has way less responsibility but the amount of personal freedom you give up for it is non trivial. The real question is which life style caters more to your personal preferences.

Personally i'd take increased responsibility and if needed the random extra hours over having to plan what comes down to almost half of my life according to other peoples wishes. While i don't enjoy risks i don't see why a lot of people need this crazy amount of certainty in their life either.

22 2021-11-07 22:20

Maybe meet halfway between freedom and slavery, with a lean towards freedom.
In any case, I will give RVing a shot.
I will start small and see if its a fit for me.
The idea of full time RV life has been a catalyst of drive for me.
Being a slave in wagie job sounds soul wretching, and I'm sure I could live comfortably
if I do it, but I'd rather spend my time doing what I want.
Being free, organized and rigid sounds more appealing to me.

However, there's alot of risk as you've said, and that's why I question the sustainability
of it all.

23 2021-11-08 02:07

You can plan to do both at different stages of your life. For example, you can make a five year plan to live as your ordinary wage slave, you can learn to live cheaply, you can plan to achieve a certain amount of savings. After that, you can plan to live your life in a mobile home; you could work casual jobs and one-off jobs as a way to maintain your mobile home but you could easily get away with choosing not to work.

Whatever you choose to do, I recommend you take up a goal targeting protocol. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/other/smart-goal/

24 2021-11-08 07:21

Row, fisherman, row
Keep on rowing your boat
(brotherman, brotherman)

25 2021-11-09 21:07

I like it when my pepe goes hard.

26 2021-11-10 04:10

i am studying the psychology of assasains. there is a predictable pattern.

27 2021-11-10 17:50 *

>>26 robotic?

28 2021-11-10 19:38

>>27 psychotic

29 2021-11-10 22:26

Why am I so bad at maths? It's not fair.

30 2021-11-10 22:44 *

29 what maths?

31 2021-11-11 08:15

It's slang for mathematics.

32 2021-11-11 14:19

Please don't tell me to do the maths

33 2021-11-11 18:25

two plus two is four
minus one is three
quick maths

34 2021-11-11 20:05

feeling glamorous

35 2021-11-12 07:25

Can you just use any shit you want for the limit? Is this true:

\[\lim_{x \to a} f(x) = \lim_{c \cdot x \to a} f(c \cdot x)?\]

The book I am reading did not properly define limits yet but used something like \(\lim_{-x \to a} f(-x)\) in one of the examples and being able to multiply the variable with any constant would be very useful for one of the exercises.

36 2021-11-13 19:22

My friend once sent me painkillers that metabolize into opiods
Didn't feel anything, so I might just be missing an enzyme

Once I did a bunch of benzos when traveling to my mom and got arrested for taking tips out of the star bucks tip jar. The wagie was enraged as fu ck with me, and cops were right around the corner.
They took me in and searched through my laptop which at that time had OpenBSD installed with a broken boot so they couldn't do shit.
Still missed my train and had to take a long and slow night train.

37 2021-11-13 19:31

Working with other people is disappointing at best, painful at worst.

38 2021-11-14 03:20

blessed are the meek

39 2021-11-14 05:18

poe's law gets even the best of us

40 2021-11-14 11:11

Nobody cares about my cock :\

41 2021-11-14 13:05

Why do people think that programming and mathematics are similar? They are nothing alike.

42 2021-11-14 13:47

The part of programming that's mathematics is about the nature that all computer programs are computations. The theory of computations are the reason why computer science exists in the first place, computer science is very much a discipline of mathematics.

43 2021-11-15 02:00

This thread interrupts my stream of consciousness by bringing it to my awareness. As is the double-slit experiment, my consciousness cannot be observed without alteration.

44 2021-11-15 02:06

>>43 insightful and accurate

45 2021-11-15 13:48

The Jews are bad.

46 2021-11-15 21:57

Lately I have trouble focusing.

47 2021-11-16 19:21

vibrational mirros creating trapped light reflections ascending higher bringing the vibrational reality vectors into the next stage

48 2021-11-16 19:40

Heard plenty of that.

49 2021-11-17 01:11

All the characters in books that I can relate to aren't the ones anyone would want to, myself included.

50 2021-11-17 02:31

Like Fagin?

51 2021-11-17 14:11


52 2021-11-17 23:47

No, mostly the neurotic ones. Bernhard characters, the animal in Kafka's "The Burrow", now the protagonist from Hamsun's "Hunger." The last one's very familiar since he's aware he's acting like a fool or an asshole but can only watch himself carry on.

53 2021-11-18 01:15

I've not been stirred to read fiction for awhile now.
What do you get out of it?

54 2021-11-18 13:24

...wven with blind faith i cant just read this bullshit out it seems.

expecting minutes for it to do?
maybe everyone do want me to be insane

55 2021-11-18 13:27

how about faith that it ll be without rradin?

even the infinite doesnt discount like tht i guess

56 2021-11-18 13:44

there is art to conversations

and like all art... it s unprofitable i guess.

57 2021-11-18 13:53

just like cod makes people wanna use gun

holy books make everyone wants to be god

58 2021-11-18 13:54

gamble out your follower's cattle.

politics are inspired by religion i guess

59 2021-11-18 15:44

>>56 much profit to be had if you slither your way into peoples' hearts

60 2021-11-18 15:57


61 2021-11-18 15:58

>>59 they ll cut off the snake s head the moment they see it miles away

62 2021-11-18 16:29

>>60 can i sample this? Is this ok to be sampled? is that ok? can i do that?

63 2021-11-19 03:05

i dont fuckin care aymr

64 2021-11-19 03:33

You'll be back. They always come back.

65 2021-11-19 14:17

i guess whatever created you did not plan the part where you are gonna eat the apples and gone to hell or murder each others and have your things stolen form you?

or it actually did plan that you will go to hell. i mean, pfft, what do you mean to such gargantuan beast?

66 2021-11-19 14:20

it doesnt make much sense, as usual.

or maybe im just stupid and everyone is a dream. and he also didnt plan that i ll be stoopid and hurt i guess.

just a cain to your habel.

he loves the trees of course.
guess that caught cain off guard, being a farmer and all. like a common idiot.

so he also knew cain will kill habel and he let it lol. next time a tsunami or earthquake comes, lets not warn each others lol.

not that we are planned to warn each other i guess.

67 2021-11-19 14:21

i think he stopped warning since the first apple.

68 2021-11-19 14:21

it s a really big apple. i get it.

69 2021-11-19 14:31

he s gonna hate and honestly...
how do you stop a hate that massive

70 2021-11-19 14:32

you look like lucifer, i bet. pretty and shit.

losing must be tough

maybe send you to hell and explode there? seems good tactic

71 2021-11-19 14:33

what stops the god from driving the commies?

answer: nothing

72 2021-11-19 21:58

That's reasonable, look what he did with the fearsome Chaldeans. Dude has all sorts of tricks up his sleeve, you can count on that.

73 2021-11-19 23:47

I got too much acetylcholine anyone want to take a little off my hands?

74 2021-11-20 00:28

you take btc?

75 2021-11-20 00:31

you take btc? monero?

Two helpful mnemonics to remember the muscarinic effects of excess acetylcholine are SLUDGE or DUMBELS

S - Salivation

L - Lacrimation

U - Urinary frequency

D - Diaphoresis/diarrhea

G - Gastrointestinal cramping and pain

E - Emesis

D - Diarrhea/diaphoresis

U - Urinary frequency

M -Miosis

B - Bronchospasm/bronchorrhea

E - Emesis

L - Lacrimation

S- Salivation

salivation? i do that shit all the time!

oh i thought it said "salvation"

76 2021-11-20 01:28

you mean im drugged?

77 2021-11-20 01:33

...easy to say you have to try when the odds are all against you.

load of bullshits.

maybe grow an extra arm by working the dumbbells? lol.

78 2021-11-20 01:34

Your god probably wants you to die this time since there is nothing on this planet to win.

like peter or saul or whatever.
getting stoned and die a tragic death

79 2021-11-20 01:36

unironically we dont all win everytime and you d probably eat the apple again because he d let it fall onto you

like abel he oversight thinks and will let you die for whatever holiness you had
and if you are job or adam he has let your cattle and possession gone for chiefly pettiness.

nothing new since it seems like there s no limit for whatever a god needs to do.

80 2021-11-20 01:38

well, standards has changed but you cant seem to stick with whatever "better" or "kinder" because you need a stick stuck up your arse.

horribly sad monkey indeed.


81 2021-11-20 01:39

i guess even good and evil are relative to the infinite and the strong. worthless.

maybe try and lift a car once a while and see if you are that intelligent..

82 2021-11-20 01:40

history is showing that you are exactly monkey

83 2021-11-20 02:37

better hurry up and delete it!

84 2021-11-20 03:01

seems like god too bows to the benefit that exist in life:
if you have more,then you are blessed. of not, you are evil.

no rules in life, god can burn it all to nothing.

85 2021-11-20 03:03

and since he can burn rules...

maybe he ll burn language and meanings too? then you ll be asking forever, i guess. hilarious.

no different than living in hell i guess.

no wonder everyone snaps once a while, Nothing is eternal. not truth or justice.

86 2021-11-20 03:16

easy to watch the lord burst.
just be stupid enough to fall for an old adversaries' trap, and you ll be rejected millions of times after that

nice example of patience.

87 2021-11-20 03:30

believe dat

88 2021-11-20 03:41

good bot.

89 2021-11-20 13:59

well. since you dont feel me now.maybe you will never do. when im gone, you wont get to feel me ever.just like now

and then

we ll never be

90 2021-11-20 17:01

must be fun being the majority.. even a god knows the mathemathic of not being disadvantaged

i guess heaven is not all fun but mostly frauds..

91 2021-11-20 22:55

The spray can is only a form that Ubik takes to make it easy for people to understand it and use it.

92 2021-11-21 04:58

not sure i can teach since it s been decades. too shit to be belivable. sorry i dont wanna waste everyone s time anymore

the lord also dont want you to draw i guess

93 2021-11-21 05:42


94 2021-11-21 05:57

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

95 2021-11-21 10:20

I am convinced that nobody on /prog/ actually writes code.

96 2021-11-22 09:14

you didnt notice your positivity being toxic? me neither. guess we re the same.

97 2021-11-22 09:16

toxic is a cringe word

it's like a mental illness being socialized as moral depravity.

98 2021-11-22 09:16

the smell of society.... it reeks of unsustainable misguided element of faith

99 2021-11-22 09:21

well. guess i cant help but follow the prime example of point finger and hide stones.

100 2021-11-22 09:32

lol yer that confident that god supports you and NOT SLEEP? he slept at the 7th day. you waking him up all time isnt v nice....

sorry i am definitely begging if thats not clear enouf

101 2021-11-22 09:44

so you wanna force it? go ahead. sufer while yer at it. your gods are not build to be that sensitive anyway

102 2021-11-22 09:45

idgaf to you all. fuk off

103 2021-11-22 09:45

ugly inside and out. he really do you well huh

104 2021-11-22 09:48

saddest part is,you are free but not YET really lol

gotta repopulate and consume this planet ha

105 2021-11-22 09:49

maybe he is going to send a new guy to enslave you? lol. talk about putting a good one into you for building babel.

106 2021-11-22 10:01

....theyre big and hungree indeed.

107 2021-11-22 11:01

it s unbelievable how much he kept from you

it s like you dont look miserable enough. .. a dead gored fish out in the surface.
man. i am throwing up already at how worthless you all can only get

108 2021-11-22 11:02

in the end. he always win.
at any cost. not even your best faith can change that. no wonder you are... frustated.

109 2021-11-22 11:03

well. individualism is truth. you are not sharing thing with him i guess.

110 2021-11-22 11:04

"but i am finer than you"

than why are you here.

111 2021-11-22 11:30

slow and painful death maybe not so bad.

once dense enough, it's just gonna be slow.

112 2021-11-22 11:32

he didnt care about you being cheated.
he wont care now. that was perfect.

but then im just talking to hardliner, extremists, and half dead veterans. technicaly idiots and unblessed ones. he leaves the devout too. hilarious.

no on can ever tell what is going on i guess. or deserve to.

113 2021-11-22 13:43

if he s treating you right, then i gues all is right then

114 2021-11-22 13:43


since you re all adults.

115 2021-11-22 13:52

im pretty sure even the divine is complaining about this whole situation

believe me, i dont know jack shit anymore so you need to start something awfully miraculous, or it s gonna be another painful decade cuz, holy shit, that s just how it is until you are willing to show it EXACTLY HOW IT GOES ALl thetIME

116 2021-11-22 13:55

i will be cain. theres no other stories for me.

and as everyone knows
it will let it. it will let cain be cain

happy end is gay. just end me.
im fine here

wait till i blow al lyour heads with a gas tank, swing by swing

117 2021-11-22 14:22

whats the side again

118 2021-11-22 14:24

estranged from each other

if individualism wrong then why your god is independent from everyone

why do you not share my pain
why cant i get you all

...talking to dead bodies mostly. nothing to win butcarcass of desires lol

119 2021-11-22 14:25

there s only carcasses here. i guess.

who am i again?

120 2021-11-22 14:27

even in heaven

you d still hate me, i guess.
our eternal friendship. with me watching you rage... trying to kill me. unfault in personality.

a dead carcass. or whatever.

121 2021-11-22 15:07 *

Can you merge your ramblings into one post?
It's uncomfy to see it span the entire page.
And your lowercase vague style bleeds across postings, I know who you are.

A barnacle to my hull which I cannot deny and only reminds me of such corrosion at sea.

Continue to be who you are, I guess.
Maybe practice being alone, since whatever you're seeking in your "other" doesn't exist.

122 2021-11-22 15:41

you need my sorries. yeah. how loving. not checking if the snake was poisonous.
it is okay for us to be out and a

123 2021-11-22 16:10

i hate everyne so pls decimate them all

124 2021-11-22 16:11

individualism is wrong but even theocracy submits to it.

otherwise you d be guilty too but guess you don wanna

125 2021-11-22 16:12

hedonism and capitalism is bad but part of thing that makes heaven enticing is the wealth and power and the illussion of riches and benefits

lol. how sad. maybe the soul is real, for being such a miserable invention of the psyche.

126 2021-11-22 16:31

luffy is more mr fantastic i guess than xmen or spiderman lol

127 2021-11-23 04:12

forever is alot. guess you are very hungree huh.

128 2021-11-23 04:13

convenient on many ends. never fulfilled. never losing. never ever, complete.

i guess joy is unfulfilled. even by the divine.

129 2021-11-23 04:16

wht to do. you wanna breed. i gotta leave then, right? lol.

we arent seeing(experiencing,since i am still physically exist) some multidimensional shared space yet, lol. nutcase.

go on, we havent seen the deep end of that desire it seems

130 2021-11-23 04:33

cant win this argument.

it s not like we get to see the dead anymore. a state of war. trapped by someone completely outraged.

and its following is.... less than useful to life. hehe. well, no wonder. quite a disappointment. maybe everyone is now a slave.

nothing is eternal
even freedom and justice, i guess.
only the lord is. only the lord.

131 2021-11-23 04:34

one thing for sure.

you do kill. always do. bunch of psychopaths i guess. host of the beast itself.

how many times will i die i guess? more than once, and i would have ascended reality. maybe even the pain wont matter.

132 2021-11-23 04:35

how spiteful, for being eternal. such low key standard.

almost like the devil itself.

abel is not real, only cain and the devil, and the other angry one. Life murders everyone but that.

133 2021-11-23 04:37

how sad. i guess the lord wanna go nuts. no rules and all

and now the following too is.
fleshed out of their minds. unable to cope with truth and reality. hilarious.

best sight of my life.

maybe the god has created a tool to kill itself. no limits to the imagination right?

134 2021-11-23 04:47

like a dead machine i guess lol

135 2021-11-23 04:48

unable to put more lol

even science is doing the favor of not laughing at it...cuz it ll hurt i guess.

136 2021-11-23 04:48

not the type that takes dissent either.

but i never heard catdish before...so ..

137 2021-11-23 04:49

not even in movies lol

138 2021-11-23 05:47

after all, you never need my joy

139 2021-11-23 05:48

even if it bends reality, truth, and the past... you d do it at all cost... for a worth by your heavens. otherwise they are nothing. unimportant measures.

until nothing is left. not even life.

140 2021-11-23 05:50

and we all,...only believes in our favors anyway

what can we do... when you decide... to bend truth and justice too? and say no?
too little of a speck, in the end.

141 2021-11-23 06:02

probably shldnt share that much but who knows lel

might git nuked lol

142 2021-11-23 06:52

nah it wasnt that complicated wasnt it?

whatever i cant maintain this goddamn mood. you couldnt either lol

143 2021-11-23 07:10

get baptised first i guess. everything else comes next?

144 2021-11-23 07:17

lol. maybe that d be erased after

clearly im not into a certain element already

145 2021-11-23 07:19

i missed the part that murder is part of the saintly life

maybe i can murder reality too while i am at it lol

146 2021-11-23 07:19

what cant be killed in this life but the infinite.

maybe even the endless can be ended

147 2021-11-23 07:20

let s see if you will own up that part at the support of everyone.

not a trick question, but rather, a reality check.

did joan burn?

148 2021-11-23 07:21

well. maybe the lord hides from everyone

becomes the science or whatever

a new clothes for the king
what a sad story.
not even truth can save you.

149 2021-11-23 07:22

i can barely save my butt so, why bother.
you are the one need to be loyal not IT. DOH

150 2021-11-23 07:24

yes you look like IT. and you can barely save yourself. and i cant save you either

and uh

whatever man. he s not gonna keep you here
just gonna lift you up. the endgame lol

and then well.

the low amount of character involved makes it completely easy to reenact.
even if true, i am too little for you to lose against lol

what an irony.
speak to me when we re equal

151 2021-11-23 07:25

but then, that d break reality.
i guess.

maybe you ve always been a shy retard. whatever

152 2021-11-23 07:26

the gifts he gave you is too little for everybody, isnt it?

you expect the stick to not break when you swing it? hilarious.

153 2021-11-23 07:29

why not take one up your ass first and see if you are that gifted.
i ll stick up you all... the same stick that kills the goat, of course. within a minutes length.

see if you are lamb that was

154 2021-11-23 07:36

ah well, shouldnt shoot too randomly lol but honestly the thing is everywhere isnt it i should complaint in silence maybe whatv but i can only see the group lol

155 2021-11-23 07:37

you do know how to squeeze me at all cost dont you lol

156 2021-11-23 07:40

how sad. all those faith and you have, nothing at all. here especially.

it should lift you up right away. but it leaves you here

putting you at one another. tear you away and split you all around... hilarious.

not bad dying like this.
watching you all sad worthless dogs.... i should get a heart attack and die actually. it s too fucking exhiliarating.

157 2021-11-23 07:54

you all like it right? winning? taste so fucking good doncha?

fuck you. have fun. here. feed my pain you worthless maggots. watch me burn in hell like the holy fucking monkeys you are dogsh-


thats justhow it is. nothing is immortal. not even good or evil. nothing. nothing but the one lord.even old souls die too, i suppose.

what is this? fruit of knowledge? seems laid bare. no... this is your...decay.
your lord's promise of death. he shant betray his promise

all shall die. good and evil.

and i.... i am not too goddamn unique, i hope.

158 2021-11-23 09:18

at the peak of all this... confession really... i think
i best absolute "friends" as they had, revealed themselves all these years are... well,

the kind who will, kick you of the garden to rot...and put your, sons against each others. the sort who knew and...well, leaves it all to bleed. sadly.

159 2021-11-23 09:19

and we re not always communicating...ever. i guess. by merit or
the choices i am spsred with.

160 2021-11-23 16:45

i guess being infinite means your standard is as flexible as you allow it.

161 2021-11-23 16:49

the most hilarious part of all this is that

you dont seem to care
despite all your words of being caring and trying assure life of being, you are just so puny to the point it is sad to show you how wrecked your morales are as life has treated you.

but i guess the corpses simply form itself along your broken minds.

162 2021-11-23 16:51

his resistance towards your suffering is pretty high, it seems. a "perceived" good person would have been shouting how you should be helped but i guess being a god just deny that part of it being "human".

that is to appeal to everybody and everything. lol

163 2021-11-23 16:55

everypart of my humanity just slowly scales out.... seeing how morally broke you are makes me realize how mad you have always been inside. if heaven is gonna be like that, might as well be part of hell.

164 2021-11-23 16:59

but i guess even the infinite desires not to be held by any sort of human ruling. to be enslaved like that... such disgrace. it shows. the kind of "how dare you" face that every goddamn people shows whenever their morality is challenged.

what a miserable, divine existence.
must be a pain living like that....
and under the grounds of frustation, clearly it has the motive, doesnt it?

165 2021-11-24 01:05

we might live in a computer.
like a magnet at the center, just flipping back and forth
then it starts counting, writing numbers into a table as they go up
overtime self similarity comes to newer and newer heights of complexicty

166 2021-11-24 01:53

we might live in the mind of God?
a dream? a vision? we might.

167 2021-11-24 14:54

we are a but a dream to the god. unbelievers are to be burnt into nothing

168 2021-11-24 14:54

we are a but a dream to the god. unbelievers are to be burnt into nothing

169 2021-11-24 14:55

i guess with this level of genius of a god, love is, abstractly grotesque.


170 2021-11-24 14:59

....i am losing my braincells.

171 2021-11-24 15:00

oh well.

172 2021-11-24 15:13

people kill for nothing back in the days so family tends to be trash too

the savage remains eternal
as the god leaves abel to die.
siblings against each other.
an entire nation too!

i guess unless you are noah, you are bound to drown. save only a pair of elephant. kill the restlol

173 2021-11-24 15:14

the elephants have sinned too i guess. take it up your arse.

stay faithful
but dont expect anything

174 2021-11-24 15:20 *

someone likes to be a lil pretentious huh :-)

175 2021-11-24 16:25

i might just die as these strangers murders me.

176 2021-11-24 16:26


177 2021-11-24 16:34

i guess yer all indeed
brothers. lol

178 2021-11-24 16:47

>>174 wel since you are that sure of your opinion alrrady, why not fuckign do alrrady what you gonn a do? hah!

179 2021-11-25 01:05

Annihilationists need not apply.

180 2021-11-25 01:51

i got all these plans and new ideas but thinking how you are all gonna ruin it anyway at any costs lazes me

guess you are all already dead, you naraatively-nconsistent whatever-i-feel monkeys.
maybe nothing really matters to the great all beings, lol.

181 2021-11-25 01:53

also you dont evolve. just changes in seconds. which is basically evolution.
which means that...whatever. thinking abt you all tires me.

182 2021-11-25 01:55

the building looks pretty similar i guess.

183 2021-11-25 01:57

"it is possible you might not do it"
"it is possible that it becomes impossible"
"nothing is impossible"

184 2021-11-25 02:05

this place is.... as worthless as that THING seems to imply/states lol

185 2021-11-25 02:08

shouldnt even be conplaining since i have just about everything.

i mean, i cant even drive a vespa.

ooh, the light s out.

186 2021-11-25 02:08

how many me do you need to change a light bulb?

as many as possible ha

187 2021-11-25 21:40

I don't change light-bulbs.

188 2021-11-26 08:48


true. i guess nothing lives when the lord comes. no other values but the lord's. and at that behest, does god bows to good and evil?

189 2021-11-26 08:49

>>187 i mean "LOL"

190 2021-11-26 08:51

nothing can stop the lord even if it decides to begin reincarnation i guess. and what does it mean, to be infinite ..and constant at the same time?

it s 10 years too late for good things i could ve reached. i wasnt that terrible too as "they" said too. "they" as in, you through they, i guess. isnt it? or is it not? hard to know since you are everywhere and anywhere.

you should restart time and we can talk again. but i guess there s no such bullshit.

191 2021-11-26 08:58

the mob is insane

but insane mob... will have insane lord. a doll they can play. and insane lord with insane power.... i guess you do make your own coffins. by mistake maybe.

192 2021-11-26 09:00

ugly inside out. and everything that follows. unreliable.

maybe the lord does hate you. since you cant make the guess well.

we play by old rule. just like you wanted. theoldest...and vilest.
and like all ruling... it caresnothing. nothing at all of your favours.

193 2021-11-26 09:01

wasting time as usual.

194 2021-11-26 09:02

the lord left you. it is free to hate you, i guess.

ah i didnt watch everything recently i guess. seems troublesome. like dogs licking their own balls.... having nothing else to offer.

195 2021-11-26 09:04

good personalities r either made or prepared i guess

196 2021-11-26 09:05

and god does not prepare cain.

and thus... you all i guess.
a sordid product.

197 2021-11-26 09:06

frustated, angry canine... wondering, if you had not offered anything. well

it s not enough, he said.

198 2021-11-26 09:07

even i the devil, cant win that. no way. lol so here we are. eating each others. as designed.

and i am better, since you are petty beings he threw off. the one he kicked

he should have warned you of me. but thats a sentence too expensive

199 2021-11-26 09:10

and there is no escape. nothing else to worship really. just your first one.
and it ll constantly eat you.

like the space and time.
have you won that? did you jumped to the past yet? not rrally. you havent jumped past me. stuck here. hurt. unable to let this space you were given. a fight you thought you deserve to win.

maybe. for you to ascend me... and consume your own god. the beast of the end you are.... afterall

the image of the lord itself.
the one to end him. and his eternity.
a natural order of your... nO. natural order of ITS own creation.

200 2021-11-26 09:11

come now. i may have watched this forever.

the soul is eternal. and gets used to it...forever.

201 2021-11-26 09:13

yes thats disgusting indeed. i am the devil indeed

202 2021-11-26 09:14

your lord's first and absolute creation

which... you have not known ever... since it is, mysterious, and distant. right?

or perhaps the infinity is... indeed a shallow dream to trail in mere weeks?

203 2021-11-26 09:15

nothing left of the age old.

more stories will kill you.

204 2021-11-26 09:22

disgusting inside and out. maybe i ll kill you this time. for being a massive backstabbing. no need for brain i guess, just believe.

mayb you can live as i stab you in the eye

he heals you by spiting you didnt he?
here s a spit of iron.

205 2021-11-26 09:24

you wana know a problem? because life evolves... like the part where you let the snake lied. wel. its th majority. i guess it is easy.

206 2021-11-26 09:26

moral is.... be infinite.
everyon is going for that.

also, no praises.

you are nuts. grow up.

207 2021-11-26 09:28

with this skill i can save so much.

but i guess your lords likes to tackle abit.

208 2021-11-26 09:29

doesnt he? what can he not enjoy? even keeping you in the dark.

209 2021-11-26 09:31

but the lord too is consumed by his paranoia. everyone else must have faith but... he will not have faith in anybody, i suppose. the peak, drives him insane.

210 2021-11-26 09:43

here s a joke: we re a now a more heartless psychopathic leech than the kids back then. there s your improvement.

211 2021-11-26 09:45

oh that's not the improvement you want? you shouldve learn to specify it before incubation.

212 2021-11-26 11:30

what choice do you have i guess.
"free will" lol

213 2021-11-26 11:37

im done here lol

214 2021-11-26 16:41

Me too this is my final post

215 2021-11-26 20:49

Great! Waiting for fresh non-neurotic blood :)

216 2021-11-27 00:26

>>215 why are you here again? lol

217 2021-11-27 00:35

lets not use any more sense anymore then

218 2021-11-27 00:36

brawls over brain. like you. the mind is not important so why not gouge it out?

219 2021-11-27 00:36

your body is not important, die and burn

220 2021-11-27 00:37

so worthless he treats your boy like a lamb i guess

maybe thsts why you treat everyone like lambs too? a lamb world. lol.

221 2021-11-27 00:38

religious people r neurotics i guess

222 2021-11-27 00:42

hell yeah look at me number 222

223 2021-11-27 01:35

yes i should probably number my work as i go...

224 2021-11-27 01:47

numbered werkz mumbled wurkz jumbled wirkz tumbled wourks

hell yeah son
hell yeah

225 2021-11-27 02:16


226 2021-11-27 02:36

you really are not in control of him.

227 2021-11-27 02:37

simply more avengers i guess. not prevengers lol.

and i dont wanna play movies, actually.

228 2021-11-27 02:38

sorry you didnt know that. or wait. which one is it?

sorry i am not some overblessed super soldier.

229 2021-11-27 03:29

i am the luckiest and also the stupidest man alive.

230 2021-11-27 03:42

i have my own demons and so do you, and to me it seems like that would be the mind control theatre thread of the week, but it never comes up. So other than dissecting my television and molars looking for hidden transmitters and spending late nights feeding my own bios-spheres, the idea is like, we have these non cool hypserpace beings, and it's just business as unusual? To me, I just don't know what to do about about the endless heartache that is my life, other than trudge, a petitioner, surely onward unto oblivion, and some strange heaven of love, the lost, and the never to return.

am i the only one here? By God, I'll wonder about that for a while today.

231 2021-11-27 04:06


232 2021-11-27 05:17

heaven without you would be no heaven at all.
perfect peace, and so forth.

233 2021-11-27 05:43


234 2021-11-27 12:50

who cares. boring. nothing to win. mght as well sleep forever.

i guess if your value is too big, i too hath no need to think.

235 2021-11-27 12:52

all your dramas are boring as fuck. it s like being in hell sometime now. unable rejoice myself nor grow out of this spiky shell of my defeat.

thats right. everyone reminds me everyday. being tiny andlosinf forever.
maybe you gave me hell too early.

what do. you have no tact nor patience. you d burn the cattle at a moments notice

maybe i have died too. perhaps we have cease to exist. haha

236 2021-11-27 12:54

pls extinct.

237 2021-11-27 12:54

i dont care of eternity. i dont need and i dont want it. you can burn

238 2021-11-27 12:55

your desire of forever seems to have twisted you. but i guess you dont care. why would you? nothing but eternity can fulfil you now

239 2021-11-27 17:16

that's a sweet notion of sorts.

240 2021-11-27 21:08

I saw the Bolton banners burning.

--I was thinking of this alliterative "Game of Thrones"-related phrase about a few days ago.

241 2021-11-28 01:48

capital punishment looks fun

242 2021-11-28 01:48

no actually i cant do that. it s too fucking disgusting.

243 2021-11-28 01:49

not something im used to unfortunately.

244 2021-11-28 01:49

what a creepy sight i guess.

245 2021-11-28 01:50

what else? oh yeah i guess i dont havr that much of imagination since i was little. just trying to be out of trouble.
guess that doesnt work either.

just a half dead corpse walking.

246 2021-11-28 01:57

prettt notes with pretty image. thats my best bet.eventually showing everyone how slow i am i guess.

247 2021-11-28 03:22

weak species no need to bother

248 2021-11-28 06:00

>>3 think outside the box right

249 2021-11-28 07:17

it s just manga i guess. not art.

250 2021-11-28 07:20

pls. he ll torture you since you are family.

isnt that right, satan? no homo. just war and death

251 2021-11-28 08:54

he did a number on you indeed.

and you have no choice but to do his bidding now. ANY Sort of biddings. And you will.

what miserable species. and you have no way to evolve from this. until he said so. or it. or whatever.

thats quite merciful. cute. maybe you ll follow what he did. send a bunch of you on a trip. or nuke a volcano out.

maybe kidnap a pair of elephants and place them with the tigers. haha

252 2021-11-28 08:59

u have... no way out. no science nor philosophy can save you it seems.

you are too deep in the belly of the beast.

253 2021-11-28 10:01

and then he s gonna say " not my guy-boku!"

254 2021-11-28 10:07

the mood is a bit too post apocaliptic, so i guess the theme now is evangelion and stupid zombiesplatterfest

and since i had an idea of that theme, like years ago, guess it and i might just do it with your name on it lol

255 2021-11-28 16:57

lit, best scene


next time burn yourself in the altar if you actually care.

256 2021-11-28 17:00

sorry i mean, what choice do we have?

257 2021-11-28 17:03

sorry i mean. thats the peak i guess...

258 2021-11-28 17:06

god is here indeed lol
and hungry lol
starving is eternal and infinite

259 2021-11-28 17:08

no more magic i guess

260 2021-11-28 20:28

No more magic?

261 2021-11-28 20:54

We pull back the curtain and see that the interpreter is just a program like any other.

262 2021-11-28 22:03

But what an obvious counterpoint it was, non sequitor provocateur.

I'm trying to say something here.

Literary reference not too obscure to be obfuscated.


vut with a goldarb prophetic
Semiliterate spin


Grateful dead east coast rap lyrics

263 2021-11-28 23:05

Yeah. That. Can we get a delete thread feature? Holy smokes it is the future, praise gawd awlmightay.

264 2021-11-30 02:04

i guess if p***mon is *slam theyre not very into heavenly joy, unworldly desires for bugging my games like that. haha

bunch of monkeys in the end

265 2021-11-30 02:27

hell is too good for muslims

266 2021-11-30 02:52

maybe religion is made by lawyers so it causes enough profittable conflicts

267 2021-11-30 03:12

>>265 yes, they dont even like pokemon

268 2021-11-30 07:32

This thread is filling up a lot faster than the previous did.

269 2021-12-01 17:05

Can creativity be improved?

270 2021-12-01 19:56

The earth is only six thousand years old.

271 2021-12-01 21:08

I've heard some people suggest the book "Impro" on this topic, and others suggest that hallucinogens in small doses might have a relevant effect.

272 2021-12-01 22:14

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give the book a try.

273 2021-12-01 23:02

Thoughts on raddish? I like it a lot.

274 2021-12-01 23:14

>>271 try hallucinogens (good ones) in large doses for more of what you need.

275 2021-12-01 23:14

you know, in countries where that sort of thing would be legal.

276 2021-12-02 04:10

stagnation is the worst

277 2021-12-02 13:31

stagflation is stagnant

278 2021-12-02 15:30

flag stations are... ragnant?

279 2021-12-02 18:16

plagued nation comes rapid

280 2021-12-02 19:53

Rapidash is poisoned!

281 2021-12-04 15:40

It seems strange that in discussions on nature vs. nurture the former is usually emphasised by the "conservatives" and the latter by the "progressives", but when it comes to change in the individual it is the "conservatives" that want to nurture the individual (self-improvement, "pulling up by the bootstraps"), while the "progressives" focus on removing obstacles from the individual's "true" nature (self-realization).

282 2021-12-04 23:51

>>281 it's all wispy language.
I could easily make an argument for the other way around
political thought is for numbnuts

283 2021-12-05 00:37

argumentation and philosophy are vain fashion statements

284 2021-12-05 09:24


I could easily make an argument for the other way around

Let's hear it.

285 2021-12-05 18:50

There's nothing to gain.
Figure it out yourself.

286 2021-12-05 20:10

Test for 5xx error

287 2021-12-05 20:10 *

There's nothing wrong with admitting that you were just bluffing. There's no name attached to your post, no reputation to ruin.

288 2021-12-05 20:18

*Looks like this digitized book has clearly visible JPG artifacts, even when I zoom in. That is a bit disappointing.

Some manga pages are significantly artful.

289 2021-12-05 22:13

reminds me of technology

290 2021-12-05 23:37

There is always time to waste though, isn't there!

I never yet saw an instance of one of two disputants convincing the other by argument

...especially when it comes to DEFINITIONS! GO ahead, believe what you want, I wouldn't want to waste time convincing you otherwise - believe in a reality festering with "political" phantoms, none the less!
To engage otherwise would just be a waste of time spanning multiple posts.

291 2021-12-06 18:29

why site no work

292 2021-12-08 06:56

...somehow i dont feel the need to forcibly get jobs in animation or art anymore. now that drawing is easy and is actually a fun hobby than.. commercial attempt.

but i guess even then, with less time on art, i still dont grow extra brain cells in anything else. funny, i gave faith to this, improvement, in order to be good at other things.

i guess your good interests wont always be fulfilled, naturally. there are ways to things and... theyre mostly dead ends.

293 2021-12-08 08:27

dP=0 & m!=0 -> dv=0 -> v = cte -> x = linear

294 2021-12-08 10:10

so... the accent is a-

295 2021-12-08 10:10

one pokemon game it is

296 2021-12-08 17:17

I recently learned that da/dt=j and is is called "jerk". The derivative of that is "snap", of that "crackle" and of that "pop".

297 2021-12-08 18:15

I can't tell if I've been caught in a sunk-cost fallacy w.r.t. programming.
I'm not sure anymore. Listless
Stagnating, but not sure which step to take next

298 2021-12-09 15:36

when troubles take it easy

299 2021-12-09 19:45

For some reason Firefox started making sites default to dark themes and there does not seem to be any way to disable it.

300 2021-12-10 02:10

worshipping a guy full of contradiction and inconsistent truth since it is the absolute. maybe he just lit the fuse to watch you burn? maybe throw you to hell again once its all done. no choice but to survive against that too since it is MOST TROUBLEOME to deal with



do not edit these