[ prog / sol / mona ]


How To Disappear Completely

1 2021-10-07 17:56

How do you all deal with paranoia?
I'm to the point where I can hardly trust anyone at all.
To where it seems more interesting to just shed my identity and create a new one.
Usually people retort that you're narcissistic since you assume anyone would care about sabotaging you.
Nevertheless I've had unpleasant experiences in the past that I would rather forget and not be connected to at all.

2 2021-10-08 01:55

i like it when the paranoia levels out into high distortion with peaks outside the realm of normal human experience, into areas where logic mean nothing and what you're dealing with becomes mostly a sort of physical pain that cannot be intellectually grappled with. I love it when all I can do is cry out to God, because then I know in truth that He is that anchor for my soul.

Anonymity is a fine way forward for a young person, and I support your decision to transmute yourself of your dross.

3 2021-10-08 03:39

usually if you grapple with it enough there's a way out

I believe there's ALWAYS a way out, you just may not like it at the time

4 2021-10-08 09:44

Learn to live a solo life in the wild. You need to learn how to live off the land by foraging for food, farming your food, and even hunting and butchering meat (if that's applicable). That's only the food part; you'll need to learn how to stay warm and sheltered, how to maintain a water supply, and how to work yourself all day long so that you go bored.

5 2021-10-08 12:37

Your life is public domain one way or another. Maybe that thought helps.

6 2021-10-08 13:03

I'm with >>4. I recently heard of a friend that hiked the appalachian trail. Maybe a change of scenery would do your internal universe some good. Don't stagnate and stew, because when you hurt, it's to let you know that something in your life is wrong.

7 2022-05-07 01:58

Read about things

8 2022-08-01 12:10

Teleport Other

9 2022-08-01 13:28

this. go complete tarzan. dont ever turn back to soiciety. Wear ebin tanned hides for clothes and eat bush berries and rabbit stew.

10 2022-08-01 13:31

TO and vaults ruined Angband

11 2022-08-01 13:54

these dubs ruined angband

12 2022-08-01 16:01

Just be ugly like me, people will look through you.

13 2022-08-01 18:45

>>12 already on it.



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