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Reading Recommendations

1 2021-10-02 05:39

It's deeply satisfying to come across recommendations from random parts of the web.
What are some books you would recommend or ones you often think about?
Anything goes, any genre.

I'll start: The Way of Chuang Tzu by Thomas Merton

2 2021-10-02 06:05

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman.

3 2021-10-02 07:05

Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky

4 2021-10-02 07:26

Course of Theoretical Physics by Lev Landau and Evgeny Lifshitz.

5 2021-10-02 08:36

Fredy Perlman, Against His-Story, Against Leviathan!

6 2021-10-02 09:43

The Psychopaths Bible For the Extreme Individual by Christopher S. Hyatt (z-lib.org).pdf

7 2021-10-02 15:14

I have a copy of the psychopath's Bible. It's not on my reading list, but maybe should be? all the gloomy darkness "toxick magician" sort of turned me off, but as a probably psychopath myself, might as well put it on the list.

8 2021-10-02 15:18


9 2021-10-03 19:12

It's just words and labels. Don't get too hung up on it.

10 2021-10-03 20:28

my problem with being ASPD/probable psychopath is that there is so much diagnostic similarity, that I am concerned about the future of my life aligning with the typical behaviours of the sort. I fight a lot, for the sake of love, to fight impulses and unacceptable thought patterns and behaviours.

11 2021-10-04 05:16

It could be worse i guess. Being an asshole is not exactly great but given your unlikely to care it's kind of other peoples problems.

12 2021-10-06 23:29

Every so often I think about The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa

Perfect numbers, in particular

13 2021-10-07 02:29

Proofs and Refutations by Imre Lakatos, and The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord have had a significant influence on me, even if I fail to live up to their expectations.

14 2021-10-07 03:12

Yukio Mishima's Patriotism is pretty hot (... and strange... and fashy...)

15 2021-10-07 15:14

the culture series by ian m. banks is a delight

16 2021-10-15 16:41

I have been meaning to read Lakatos' book already read Debord's, but it is out of print here. Is it good enough to be read on a computer screen?

17 2021-10-15 17:16

If you're interested in dialectic materialism, or mathematical discovery, and especially if you're interested in both, I would consider it mandatory. If you engage in it fully you won't be disappointed, whatever the means (within reason).

18 2021-10-15 17:35

It is very good and very readable (esp. if you put it in the context of Popper, Kuhn, and Feyerabend).

19 2021-10-15 18:51

I tried to read some of the letters between Feyerabend and Lakatos once, I didn't get much out of it besides being pretty creeped out by how much they talked about being invovled with their grad-students (especially when you actually look at Lakatos's face). I'm not a fan of Feyerabend, and I'm not even sure he's too relevant to Lakatos's work, but the other two for sure (just knowing the basic ideas behind e.g. fallibism and paradigm shift was enough for me though, I only vaguely remember reading Popper at some point).

20 2021-10-15 19:11

Ah, you know there was that bit where he said something along the lines of "It's okay to irrationally hold to a research program kids." I guess that was Feyerabend influenced.

21 2021-10-20 00:18

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr

22 2021-10-20 09:58

* Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schemer by Friedman, Daniel P. and Matthias Felleisen.
* The Reasoned Schemer, Second Edition by Friedman, Daniel P., William E. Byrd, Oleg Kiselyov and Jason Hemann.
* Programming from the Ground Up by Jonathan Bartlett. https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pgubook/
* Donald Knuth's book(s)
* https://gigamonkeys.com/book/
* Common Lisp - A gentle introduction to symbolic computation by Touretzky, David S..
* A Mind for Numbers by Oakley, Barbara A.. (A book on learning techniques)


23 2021-10-23 14:18 *

Don't forget the other thread đź–™ https://textboard.org/sol/22

24 2021-10-26 11:36

Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair https://www.sacred-texts.com/psi/mrad/index.htm

25 2022-03-17 22:00

Pistis Sophia

The texts of Bruce Codex

26 2022-04-11 20:26

I recommend reading The Songs of Maldoror by the Comte de Lautréamont, it's a classic of literature.

27 2022-05-30 16:34

Read Apology by Plato. Socrates was accused of impiety and corruption of Athenian youth. Ha ha, Socrates then said that the suitable punishment would be a free meal that the state would pay for! Instead he received the capital punishment, hemlock and all. RIP

28 2022-05-30 16:50

Read Dora by :Arthur Winifred Read
it's a classic knightingale dixie. A true tale of the riches.

29 2022-05-31 01:35

Eriugena's On the Division of Nature

Plotinus' Enneads

F.W.J. Schelling's Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom

Mikhail Bakhtin's Rabelais and his World


30 2022-05-31 01:53

How to train your art of peace by J. K. Steinling

31 2022-06-11 23:15

What follows is a review of Alan Turing's Electronic Brain:

A book review is added monthly, on each fifteenth day.

32 2022-07-31 22:28

We arrive early one Sunday morning at Tartine Manufactory. It’s a square building in the middle of a light industrial area. The line has already formed outside with people waiting for a table (and the line will continue after we leave at 10am).

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

I watch a man take out loaves of risen dough from the metal shelves. He removes the flour coated sacks and the conveyor belt and then moves the dough into the Italian oven.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Slashing the loaves

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

The dough going into the oven

“That oven cost $100k but it also cost $80k in shipping,” he tells me as he notices me looking at their ovens. It allows them to increase the amount of sourdough production and they make 600 loaves a day here. You can also watch the bakers doing their thing from behind the glass walls.

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

Tartine Manufactory, San Francisco

It’s a light filled, airy spot with simple but tasty breakfasts. Adjacent to the eat in café there is a section where people can buy the bread and pastry to go. At 9am there is an already depleted display.

33 2022-07-31 23:53

here, look, im about to display these dubs

34 2022-08-01 00:43

>>33 good reading recommendation would recommend



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