In Stanovich’s “Rationality and the Reflective Mind” Stanovich provides ample evidence that the reflective mind is in fact a Type 1 process, but this is not its position in his model. The reflective mind sends brief signals base on thinking disposition to the algorthmic mind which performs simulation and serial associative processing. The decoupling of secondary from primary representation and the inhibition of Type 1 response circuitry are the resource intensive functions here, both handled by the algorithmic mind. The reflective mind itself is not responsible then for effortful processing, but is merely a spontaneous impulse by certain aspects of temperament. This sounds to me far more analogous to the effortless, fast, emotional response of Type 1 processing.
It seems to me the focus on Type 2 processing should more or less be jettisoned from the model if the goal is normative rational response. As Stanovich himself says the highest level of training is likely to overlearn the rules of rational reasoning to the point where they become like a Type 1 response. Rationality should be developed just as one develops aesthetic appreciation and moral refinement, to the extent to which this is done at all. What do you think about this? What have you done to improve your rationality?