[ prog / sol / mona ]


the mans position is to look down but he doesn't want to

1 2021-08-29 09:56

i'm so infested with liberalism that even though i don't like the results it sows in the world, i nevertheless like to think of every one as equals

of course its obvious (seen at work) that some people just aren't fit for some work for whatever reason

now they don't like you to be a misogynist, but there is some secret power in this

once you see women below you (at least try to see her as something DIFFERENT), that they need to be guided, put in their place and such, there is real sexuality of the man

mars vs venus

sometimes when looking at women it's just so much hotter to think of them as dumb bimbos

but maybe that's just roleplay, but without roleplay, where is the tension, where is the FUN?

2 2021-08-29 13:07

I don't find this particularly attractive. I much prefer the idea of a sort of self-reinforcing power-couple. e.g. hey honey want to go mount-climbing, I only sleep with women who have read their Livy for the day, lets learn to paint with our friends, we should discuss the impact of philology on Nietzsche's thinking over breakfast, etc. Two pistons in a two stroke of personal advancement, or something like this.

3 2021-08-29 13:42

agreed, so maybe it is all roleplay (something even nietzsche mentioned)

but there is some real fun in feeling like a real man, and i assume for a woman to feel like a real woman.

now what defines the realness of the thing is up to debate. nowadays you can call yourself anything you want, but who represents the true idea of it?

4 2021-08-29 14:04

For me when I think man I think beer belly, beer in hand, southerner on a 4x4. When I think women I think of a histrionic housewife freaking out about something to do with the blender. The essence of both these terms is entirely negative for me. I see the virtues of man and women identically, literate, physically strong (although with women only to a degree), philosophically stoic, aesthetically refined, practical, well mannered, frugal, passion for life, etc.

5 2021-09-01 20:41

Ayn Rand died alone.

6 2021-09-01 21:01


Ayn Rand died alone.

What's the implication?

7 2021-09-01 23:22 *

And then who doesn't?

8 2021-09-02 12:37

Don't date Ayn Rand fans and don't become one yourself. In fact, you should be skeptical of progressive and extremist ideas in general.
Don't neglect your culture, effective living is balancing it with reason.

9 2021-09-02 14:39

One should be skeptical of all ideas, but especially those which have become ingrained in us. To do otherwise would be to stop thinking. If by culture you mean the culture described here >>2 then I agree to its value. If by culture you mean tick-tock, videogames, television, alcohol, mcdonalds, etc. etc. then no way. These are plights to be overcome on the road to becoming a human being of worth. Life should not be about passing the time; by god it should have some substance! Also I strongly dislike Ayn Rand for the record.

10 2021-09-02 20:29

tick-tock, videogames, television, alcohol, mcdonalds, etc.

Those are social pathologies used by corporations for profit, not culture.

11 2021-09-02 20:46

beautifully put; if you don't think that our intuitions should be free from skepticism then we are in total agreement.

12 2021-10-30 18:13

If there are no categoricaly differences, there is no magnetisim, then there is no attraction or sex or thrill of union.

13 2021-10-30 18:31

This is of course agreeable physically, sexual dimorphism means there are categorical differences in the expression of different virtues, namely how a healthy body looks. I simply struggle to think of a virtue or personality attribute which is not shared by both. The closest I can think of at the moment is "playfulness" which to me seems more attractive in women.

14 2021-10-30 18:52

Sun, moon, etc...

15 2021-10-30 18:58

The Sun and the Moon, and even Mars
The Milky Way and fucking shooting starts
U-F-Os, a river flows
Plant a little seed and nature grows



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