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8 2021-08-03 02:42

i'm not sure that i'm very political to begin with, and honestly don't know very much about it all in all. I have known some free market types in my day, and honestly I'm more of a theocrat at this point, everyone free to do whatever they think is right under a system of arbiters or great spiritual leaders or whatever, and honestly I can imagine a lot of people may consider that "far out."

I think the nation of israel basically did good under judges, and there was a lot of upset when they demanded a king that would exact tribute from them. Whatever was actually going on, you decide, but I think they were better off without kings too.

When Christ was among His people, they all shared among themselves and everyone owned everything they all had. This, I mean, if that's how people want to behave, that's fine, and their own business, so I see something like this as an excellent way to be if the big man was in on it.

That said, at this point I'm not really sure. I like the idea of AI creating a post scarcity society. What's the big problem with everyone having a little wealth to live on? Useless eaters have hearts and minds, and there is much to be said for peace.

I like the idea of there being healthcare available to everyone, if they're going to tax why not? There might be other ways to go about it that are voluntary though, like through a Church.

I think .gov is unnecessary. I don't agree with people taking from others at gunpoint to fuel frankly off the wall crazy nonsense at the expense of human lives, human families, human souls and minds.

I am for liberty. I personally don't give a damn what you're doing as long as you're not tearing up other people's property in one of many ways, enacting violence or theft against anybody else. Wear a pink mohawk and get transumanistic about your gender, I simply don't care. It's none of my business. If you're a fine person, kudos, extra points with me.

I am most concerned with human dignity and decency and that's about where my politics end.

I just want to be left alone to do my own thing, and I think that's reasonable most of the time.

I feel really bad for regular folk.



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