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Cool Lisp projects

1 2020-02-28 22:49

Post them here as you stumble across them.


Array Programming Re-Imagined in Lisp
Ken Iverson's masterpiece reflected in the medium of Lisp.

April compiles a subset of the APL programming language into Common Lisp. Leveraging Lisp's powerful macros and numeric processing faculties, it brings APL's expressive potential to bear for Lisp developers. Replace hundreds of lines of number-crunching code with a single line of APL.

2 2020-02-29 02:50 *


An interface to Last.fm API for Emacs.

3 2020-02-29 12:03 *


ARM Assembler in Lisp.

uLisp is a version of the Lisp programming language specifically designed to run on microcontrollers with a limited amount of RAM. It currently supports Arduino AVR boards, Arduino and Adafruit ARM SAMD21 and SAMD51 based boards, Adafruit nRF52840 based boards, BBC Micro Bit, STM32-based boards, ESP8266/ESP32-based boards, and MSP430-based LaunchPad boards. You can use exactly the same uLisp program, irrespective of the platform

4 2020-03-02 17:15

NASA quality Common Lisp library


PVS is a verification system: that is, a specification language integrated with support tools and a theorem prover. It is intended to capture the state-of-the-art in mechanized formal methods and to be sufficiently rugged that it can be used for significant applications. PVS is a research prototype: it evolves and improves as we develop or apply new capabilities, and as the stress of real use exposes new requirements.

PVS 6.0 is the current version. It is open source (under the GPL license), and we also provide pre-built binaries using Allegro Lisp (commercial), and SBCL (open source) for Linux and Intel Macs. See the download page for details.

5 2020-03-04 05:03 *

Read this if you haven't already.

6 2020-03-04 16:36 *

A tiny Lisp written by Ian Piumarta

It started off really small (about 150 LOC) but I got carried away. I hope you will forgive the bloat. Compiled on x86 with gcc -Os it's about 17 KB for the interpreter and 4 KB the garbage collector (a cheesy, home-made, stop-world, precise collector -- although it can also use the classy, incremental, conservative Boehm-Demers-Weiser one in /usr/lib). That makes for about 21 KB of self-contained Lisp interpreter, including a rudimentary (but useful) FFI and macros, that runs at about 1 million funcalls per second on my Q9450. (If you do something interesting with it in the embedded space, I'd love to hear about that too.)


7 2020-03-05 03:05

Jupyter Kernel for MIT Scheme

docker image: https://github.com/antimatter15/jupyter-mit-scheme

8 2020-03-05 17:42 *


check this defun make-dog

9 2020-03-06 00:14

Space shooter game that runs in terminal, written in Racket. Pretty fun.


10 2020-03-08 21:11

Looking for MIT Scheme code actually has a lot to do with archaeology.


This file contains the Scheme-functions that compute the sequence A091202-A091233 & A091238-A091257 A106442-A106447 & A106451-A106457 & A106490-A106495 found in Neil Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) available at http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/

11 2020-03-11 01:19


engineering of emergent order: to identify the engineering principles and languages that can be used to observe, control, organize, and exploit the behavior of programmable multitudes


HLSIM is a simulator for an ensemble of `gunk' processors which allows programs to be written in (nearly) Scheme. The gunk processor is distinguished by having no input or output other than a short-range radio-like communications device, and possibly some local physical sensors and actuators. The need for HLSIM arises out of the desire to simulate thousands of identically-programmed processors running in parallel at a fine grained level of interleaving, without having to worry about the details of the interleaving.

12 2020-03-11 17:00

A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev (Common Lisp)

Cross platform async http-server for Chez Scheme

13 2020-03-15 18:36 *


14 2020-03-20 06:10

Shill: A Secure Shell Scripting Language


15 2020-03-22 07:35 *

Menelaus: Keyboard firmware in Microscheme: https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/menelaus/tree/when/menelaus.scm

Atreus keyboard: https://atreus.technomancy.us/
Microscheme: https://github.com/ryansuchocki/microscheme

16 2020-03-23 01:23 *

I don't get the hype for those shitty keyboards with a tiny space bar. This one doesn't have as much as a number row. Maybe they're keyboards for phone users or just a way to brag about buying useless expansive toys?

17 2020-03-25 20:27

GDB can be scripted using Guile. It's very handy, but unfortunately many distros compile it without.

18 2020-03-27 11:09

Wasn't there a story about GDB maintainers wanting to ditch Guile and support only Python scripting?

19 2020-04-02 06:55 *

Retro game engine for Racket

20 2020-04-03 15:17 *

slip.js - A performant Scheme interpreter in asm.js

21 2020-04-06 15:57

xbindkeys can also be configured with Guile, it's nicer than having to write many small shell scripts.

22 2020-04-09 16:02 *

Implementation of the JsonLD algorithms

23 2020-04-10 22:48

GNU Emacs telegram client

24 2020-04-12 02:23

It's perfect. Telegram is as far as I can go to communicate with normal people. At least their client is open source.

25 2020-04-13 01:07 *

OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming language for computer-assisted music composition created at IRCAM, inheriting from a long tradition of computer-assisted composition research.


26 2020-04-13 22:12 *

Secure Scuttlebutt for Emacs

27 2020-04-13 22:21 *

A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.

28 2020-04-27 05:45 *


29 2020-05-07 11:09


Hall is a command-line application and a set of Guile libraries that allow you to quickly create and publish Guile projects. It allows you to transparently support the GNU build system, manage a project hierarchy & provides tight coupling to Guix.

30 2020-05-08 11:15

ulisp has been ported to Sipeed Maixduino RISC-V board


31 2020-05-23 13:15

An HPC library in CL: https://github.com/marcoheisig/Petalisp

A small web-based livecoding environment for editing images: https://100r.co/site/ronin.html (uses a Lispy DSL named Lain)

32 2020-05-23 20:53

A dependently-typed Lisp-like with dynamic memory: https://github.com/u2zv1wx/neut

33 2020-05-23 20:57

On that note, there's Turnstile, a Racket-based Lisp that implements dependent types on macros: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3371071 https://docs.racket-lang.org/turnstile/index.html

34 2020-05-23 21:47


A small web-based livecoding environment for editing images: https://100r.co/site/ronin.html (uses a Lispy DSL named Lain)

This is damn cool. I needed something simple like that to draw a small logo.

35 2020-05-24 17:41

A Lisp-like language for barebones embedded devices: https://github.com/sbp/hedgehog

36 2020-06-01 15:12

Lisp Window Managers

* StumpWM, a tiling, keyboard driven X11 Window Manager written entirely in Common Lisp: http://stumpwm.github.io/
* CLFSWM is a 100% Common Lisp X11 window manager (based on Tinywm and Stumpwm): https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clfswm/clfswm
* EXWM (Emacs X Window Manager) is a full-featured tiling X window manager for Emacs: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm
* wm, A minimalist WM in CL: https://github.com/mgi/wm
* Sawfish, an extensible window manager using an Emacs Lisp-like scripting language: https://github.com/SawfishWM/sawfish (dead?)
* GuileWM, a framework for creating an X window manager: https://github.com/mwitmer/guile-wm (packaged in Guix, not so dead)
* SCWM, the Scheme Constraints Window Manager http://scwm.sourceforge.net/ (last release was 20 years ago, dead)
* Footwm - Focus On One Thing Window Manager, in Chez Scheme: https://github.com/akce/footwm-chez (new project)

37 2020-06-01 17:08 *

Scwm is also of (historic) interest: http://scwm.sourceforge.net/

38 2020-06-01 17:09 *

Oh, I somehow managed to miss Scwm in your post, sorry.

39 2020-06-06 12:43 *

Lisp Koans

40 2020-06-08 04:27 *

A Chiptune Audio Workstation for the 21st Century

41 2020-06-15 17:38 *

a bot that posts links to new Lisp repos

42 2020-08-16 09:05

I was looking for an open source text-to-speech software for a project. espeak isn't that great. Then I found festival: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/

You interact with it through a Scheme interpreter (it's SIOD I think). Here's a tutorial: http://festvox.org/festtut/notes/festtut_toc.html

43 2020-08-23 13:46 *

Zrythm is a digital audio workstation with GNU Guile scripting: https://www.zrythm.org/en/

44 2020-09-14 19:51


What is it?

TXR is a pragmatic, convenient tool ready to take on your daily hacking challenges with its dual personality: its whole-document pattern matching and extraction language for scraping information from arbitrary text sources, and its powerful data-processing language to slice through problems like a hot knife through butter. Many tasks can be accomplished with TXR "one liners" directly from your system prompt. TXR is relatively new: the project started in 2009.

It is difficult to give a small introduction to TXR because it is no longer a small language. The PDF rendition of the reference manual, which takes the form of a large Unix man page, is 720 pages long, excluding any index or table of contents. There are many ways to solve a given data processing problem with TXR.

TXR is a fusion of many different ideas, a few of which are original, and it is influenced by many languages, such as Common Lisp, Scheme, Awk, M4, POSIX Shell, Prolog, Ruby, Python, Arc, Clojure, S-Lang and others.

TXR consists of two languages, which can be used separately or tangled together: the TXR Pattern Language, and TXR Lisp.

A comparison may be drawn between the TXR Pattern Language and the Unix utility Awk. Both provide an implicit, convenient way of scanning input. Whereas Awk implicitly reads a file, breaking it into records and fields which are accessible as positional variables, TXR has quite a different way of making input handling implicit: namely via a nested, recursive pattern matching notation which binds variables. This approach still handles delimited fields with relative convenience, but generalizes into handling messy, loosely structured data, or data which exhibits different regularities in different sections, etc. Constructs in TXR (the pattern language) aren't imperative statements, but rather pattern-matching directives: each construct terminates by matching, failing, or throwing an exception. Searching and backtracking behaviors are implicit. It has features like structured named blocks with nonlocal exits, structured exception handling, named pattern matching functions, and numerous other features. TXR's pattern language is powerful enough to parse grammars, yet simple to use in an ad-hoc way on trivial tasks. Speaking of Awk, TXR in fact contains an implementation of Awk, in the form of a Lisp macro, which brings us to the next topic.

The other language in TXR is TXR Lisp. This is not an implementation of an existing Common Lisp or Scheme, but a new dialect, which contains many new ideas. TXR Lisp is feature-rich, and oriented toward succinct, convenient expressivity. While staying completely true to the Lisp heritage, it takes cues from new scripting and functional languages.

TXR Lisp programs are shorter and clearer than those written in some mainstream languages "du jour" like Python, Ruby, Clojure, Javascript or Racket. If you find that this isn't the case, the TXR project wants to hear from you; give a shout to the mailing list. If a program is significantly clearer and shorter in another language, that is considered a bug in TXR.

45 2020-10-09 22:00

Does anyone have any favorite libraries for numeric tasks? I've been writing my own stuff for numerical analysis and statistics, but they're not great. For example my statistics package is over-specified for crummy classwork, and finitist statistics, further it lacks nice visualizations etc. I think my peers are using mostly scipy and R for this sort of thing.

46 2020-10-10 21:04


47 2020-10-11 02:33

Thanks for sharing this, but I'd prefer something with a first-class lisp interface, and from what I've seen Maxima's is not that great. I just starting taking a look at some alternatives and it seems like in addition to some wrappers around Maxima, there are three others:
Of these Weyl which is a fork of Cornell's SimLab interests me most. I'm actually in midterms currently so I'll have to wait a second to do more in depth research, but it seems like there is a great selection, even if in Common Lisp and not Scheme.

48 2020-10-11 03:35 *

Maxima isn't centered around common lisp just written in it. The interface is an afterthought, no idea why >>46 posted it.

49 2020-10-11 03:42

Guile and incomplete https://hidamari.blue/yn comes with a guix package.

50 2020-10-12 14:59 *

In retrospect my statistics package is not too over-specified for my class work, or frequentist statistics. Really the only thing frequentist is the ability to bessel-correct, and take the sample-error. The main influence of the course is on determining which functions take as input a data-set rather than data properties for example computing standard-error on the basis of a data-deviation and population size rather than from a data-set. Really the only thing I'm actually missing is some sort of ability to visualize data. My numerical analysis work is actually completely fine, although data visualization could be useful here too. Weyl seems absolutely amazing, and mjrcalc, FiCAS, and Maxima are also very interesting, I should probably just continue writing my own procedures, especially considering Weyl actually doesn't do the things I need to. That being said the closest thing I could find to a R6RS or Chez Scheme graphing library is: https://github.com/hinkelman/gnuplot-pipe which is far from ergonomic in terms of doing something like plotting a lambda function.

51 2021-02-09 13:37 *

A kitchen-sink utility library for several R7RS Scheme dialects.


52 2021-03-04 08:01

Bootstrapping OCaml using Guile: https://github.com/Ekdohibs/camlboot

53 2021-03-27 22:40

LISP1.5 implementation on Gauche


54 2021-04-27 10:22

Lisp interpreter written in Malbolge


55 2021-05-02 23:47


56 2021-05-03 07:26

Lambdachip: https://lambdachip.com/index/

57 2021-05-03 18:24

PreScheme: https://thintz.com/resources/prescheme-documentation
A low-level Scheme-like with HM type inference!

58 2021-08-02 14:02

Lightweight Scheme IDE on macOS and iOS

59 2021-08-02 14:12

Casio AI-1000 Pocket Lisp Computer from 1989

60 2021-08-30 21:06


61 2022-08-02 16:02

A Lisp operating system

62 2022-08-02 16:07

Do you feel that Lisp mentality reflects "rewrite this in Rust" ideology? Instead of creating something useful in Lisp, they just make bad imitations of established programs which are working well.

63 2022-08-02 17:37

think of lisp like this

lisp to pascal to python

and remember with this mentality not using the current thing with the biggest ecosystem is bad

64 2022-08-02 18:25


I don't get what you want to say, junkie. Pascal and Python are shit.

65 2022-08-02 18:50

shit eh never heard of new jersey

a majority of lisp machine dittors went to being pascal dittors to python dittors

this is the lisp mentality and it only gets worse

66 2022-08-02 18:53

rust GET

67 2022-08-03 06:00

Lisp programmers try to come up with cool and fancy new things only to get bored halfway and abandon it.

68 2022-08-03 07:34

That's the Curse of Lisp.


Another feature about this guy is his low threshold of boredom. He'll pick up on a task and work frantically at it, accomplishing wonders in a short time and then get bored and drop it before its properly finished. He'll do nothing but strum his guitar and lie around in bed for several days after. That's also part of the pattern too; periods of frenetic activity followed by periods of melancholia, withdrawal and inactivity

69 2022-08-03 10:24



I thought it's normal and everyone has pattern like that.

70 2022-08-04 12:01

I'm a Lisper who actually achieves the goals I set for myself.

71 2022-08-04 15:21

That's amazing! You should seriously consider writing a book to help all the poor Lispers. You would be recognized as a legend among Lispers.

72 2022-08-04 21:55

I'm aware of the issue and have worked well to avoid it. I finish and document my work.

73 2022-08-05 09:28 *

The only advice I'd give is to practice self-discipline. Some major lifestyle habits that are correlated to self-discipline are cultivating your body's fitness with a sensible training regimen, and also a diet that's fit to support your regular exercise training, and also a sensible sleeping schedule. The other one would be to keep your room clean.

74 2022-08-05 15:33

Also unplug your internet connection in the morning. You'd be amazed by how much this clears your head.

75 2022-08-05 19:58

I also achieve my goals, if I have enough time to finish before depressive phase. In rare cases, I can return to stuff from the previous manic phases.

76 2022-08-05 20:00


Bullshit Instagram-tier advice. You'll just get boredom, if there's no inspiration.

77 2022-08-06 00:54

Loko Scheme

78 2022-08-06 08:10

>>76 boredom is the doorway

79 2022-08-06 08:55


Yeah, a doorway to more boredom or even worse to more stupid activities than surfing net.

80 2022-08-06 10:30

I don't know how the hell people get bored. Even before I had reliable access to the internet I had a nearly infinite queue of projects to work on thanks to books and my imagination. Now that I've seen so much on the internet I could probably work non-stop for many lifetimes and still never run out of things to do.

81 2022-08-06 11:43


I don't know how the hell people get bored

That's because those people are smart and you are not. Smart people get bored because usually don't have enough challenge and you are fine because you are thrilled by endless queue of primitive boring things.

82 2022-08-06 20:11

smart people get bored

smart adjective
\ ˈsmärt
smarter; smartest
Definition of smart
1 : having or showing a high degree of mental ability : intelligent, bright

How can someone have a high degree of mental ability and also let themselves be subjugated to boredom - assuming boredom is an undesirable state?

Would we not measure someones intelligence by their ability to solve their problems?
Is boredom not another problem to solve?

Should we not measure someone's smartness by solving the fundamental issue: boredom, sadness, anger, etc?
Would not a smart person be someone who is stable, smiling, happy and engaged each day?

To label someone as smart and prone to boredom is comparable to labeling a fast car unreliable and prone to crashing: there's no point to such an existence, and its very existence is only indicative of limitations. That, though the fast car wants to be considered fast, it may be possible to reach 200mph, it cannot even handle the basic task of being a car. It rarely if ever reaches 200mph because the tires lock out.
Why even call it a car? It fails its basic reality. It doesn't deserve the label "fast" or "car".
It ceases to be an entity.
It may as well not exist.

83 2022-08-06 21:45

Would not a smart person be someone who is stable, smiling, happy and engaged each day?

Usually stupid people are such.

84 2022-08-06 22:00

Usually stupid people are such

Look at the genuine definition of smart.
Read the definition.
Read it and read your answer.

85 2022-08-06 22:06


common lisp linguistic tools for texts in japanese language

86 2022-08-06 22:11


An operating system

87 2022-08-08 13:50 *


Don't care about your niggerlicious language. Clever, smart, sassy, quick-witted, discerning, eggheaded, brainy, whatever you niggers decide to use this fashion season.



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