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78 2020-11-01 23:14

College textbooks represent most blatant, predatory form of book industry that is evident to every victim of this system(US education). More evidence:

1.Scientific publishing(mention with sci-hub >>42, not a single book-worshipper answered this).
These publishers deny scientific collaboration and consequently progress of science for profit.

2.E-Book DRM is also a form of exploitation: it creates artificial value from file copies. You're paying DRM "protection money" to access books and this access can be revoked at publisher's whims.

3.Pirated electronic copies of books are treated as some sort of 'criminal product'
which is absurd, since these books can be electronically copied with zero cost.
Its ridiculous how much the book(and media) industry has invested in promoting copyright regimes to limit information.
In supporting books vs files, you're supporting the tyranny of publishers over the common man.
For example, you're brainwashed that only 'legit content' comes from a publisher-approved, censored paper container signed and mass-produced to be sold at hefty prices to proles instead of zero-cost files. This is the essence of book industry at the digital age.



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