[ prog / sol / mona ]


Doffing his fez with an impish grin, The Sussman returns.

29 2020-10-19 00:53 *

Komeiji satori is like how haskell throws in spiritual concepts without basis, /prog/ gave meaning to both but I don't think so, the usual sicp memes with the 2hu came after. It's more likely japan being edgy by mixing foreign concepts with native ones then focusing on something like usual, mix that with japanese and wapanese collage students speaking english on the network and you get this.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Zen Ancient instance of integration. Not hilarious like the germanised and latinised terms, different from pseudoanglicism. If you think wapanese are bad you haven't noticed these really being used yet, by er, ``underground subcultures''. Don't give them any ideas to out edge two nukes and one country.
https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html Self explanatory.
https://www.internet2.edu/ Reminder for part of the historical basis of the network. Should I push memetics into here.
Or it's just some /jp/ wapanese hapa avatarfagging as satori that crossposted on /prog/ really far in the past with intent of using ``awaking'' while taking cs but no archives, dio schwul hakka.



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