People are re-inventing Lisp and REPL all over again!
Is Lucy stealing videos?
Otherwise Allen & Ryan are fine to explore old ideas, tis how you learn. But the idiom of reinventing a wheel is more of for so not recreating the same mistakes of the past, but further improve on the science.
Practice, not rehash.
This seems to be the original video: coming from: where at the bottom it notes:
each video is downloadable and released under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Lucy does correctly mention the license in the description, although I am not sure if there should be some other attribution or not, the website does not mention who the copyright holder is. But I think it's okay, Lucy is not stealing videos.
≥ license
≥ copyright holder
Pity that so many innocent people live under the iron grip of the American copyright police and its extraterritorial powers. The dogmatic ideology of the copyright religion wastes a huge amount of resources to sustain a large bureaucracy of paper-shufflers. The copyright inquisition is a threat to human freedom and must be eliminated!
This should be copied and apsted everywhere the already obsolete word "copyright" rears it's ugly head.
Sad, many such cases.