[ prog / sol / mona ]



4 2019-12-31 21:06


"Oh, I can see it now," Rei sneered, looping an arm through his and gesturing out into the air. "'Rose-Man! Gifted with the ability to turn girls gay! Coloring the rainbow, one lesbian at a time!'"

"And people wonder why we hate each other," Mamoru said fondly, patting Rei's head. Truth be told, the miko was more of a sister to him, than anything else. A sarcastic, snarky, rude, mean, loyal, strong, and annoying sister, but a sister nonetheless.

"Aww, they think that?" Rei gasped. She clung to his arm, blinking up at him with doe eyes. "But I wuvs mah Mamo-baka."

"Okay, no. Just no," Mamoru laughed, shoving Rei away from him; the miko was already clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. "Stick to the women, Rei."

"Can do," she replied suavely. " I can do her and her and her..." she continued, pointing out random women from the cafe. Her eyes lit up as she noticed Usagi stomping towards the door of the cafe, her face scrunched up cutely. "Oooh. Can definitely do her."

"Innocent, virgin ears," Mamoru reminded her in a sing-song tone.

"Don't really care," Rei replied with the same tone. Usagi finally made her way into the cafe; Rei spread her arms with a cheeky grin as Usagi neared them. "Usagi! C'mere and give us a kiss!" she said with a joking tone.

Mamoru's eyebrows joined his hairline as Usagi fisted the top of Rei's shirt and yanked the miko into a bruising kiss. Then he whipped out his camera phone and started snapping away at the scene.

"Why would you just leave?" Usagi hissed when they parted. "When I'm trying to seduce you, you just don't get up and leave me."

"...hubba-wha?" Rei squeaked. Mamoru could have sworn there was a bit of grey matter leaking from her ears.

"Rule one," the blonde held up a finger. "When I sleep over, you follow whatever instincts you have and ravish me beyond belief. Understood?"

Rei nodded.

"Rule two," Usagi leaned in closer. "When you sleep over, I pin you to the bed, and we do it until you're making sounds only dogs can hear."

"Can I sleep over tonight?" Rei asked quickly.

"Say yes," Mamoru added in, having switched from camera mode to video mode. Usagi turned to him and smiled sweetly, chirping him a hello before her mood switched again.

"Did you think I would give you a choice?" Usagi smirked. "You're sleping over whether you want to or not."

"I want to," Rei supplied, ensnared. "Can we go now?"

"Duh." Usagi merely hooked a finger in Rei's jacket and began to tug her to the door. "Bye Mamoru-kun," she called over her shoulder. Rei looked over and pumped her arm, mouthing, "FUCK YES" at him.

"Have fun ladies," he called after them, grinning. He looked at his camera smiling evily. "And now that I have evidence of Rei being the bitch of the two," he said aloud. "I can be a happy man again."

Good luck, Rei. You're gonna need it.



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