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Merge sort in Scheme

2 2023-10-12 00:51

anon : write merge sort in scheme

ChatGPT :

Certainly! Here's an implementation of the merge sort algorithm in Scheme:

(define (merge-sort lst)
  (if (<= (length lst) 1)
      (let* ((mid (quotient (length lst) 2))
             (left (take lst mid))
             (right (drop lst mid)))
        (merge (merge-sort left) (merge-sort right)))))

(define (merge left right)
  (cond ((null? left) right)
        ((null? right) left)
        ((< (car left) (car right)) (cons (car left) (merge (cdr left) right)))
        (else (cons (car right) (merge left (cdr right))))))

(define (take lst n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (cons (car lst) (take (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))

(define (drop lst n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (drop (cdr lst) (- n 1))))

;; Example usage:
(define my-list '(5 1 4 2 8 7 3))
(display "Original List: ")
(display my-list)
(display "Sorted List: ")
(display (merge-sort my-list))

This code defines the merge-sort function, which takes a list as input and sorts it using the merge sort algorithm. It also defines the helper functions merge, take, and drop to facilitate the sorting process.

Make sure to load this code into your Scheme interpreter or compiler to use it. You can replace my-list with your own list of numbers that you want to sort.



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