Is there a comptime lisp interperter in zig? I noticed that S-Expressions can
be embbeded in zig quite easly, for instance:
(define (power b e)
(define (recursive_step b e accum)
((= e 0) accum)
((even? e) (recursive_step (* b b) (/ e 2) accum ))
(else (recursive_step b (- e 1) (* accum b)))))
(recursive_step b e 1))
.{ .define, .{ .power, .b, .e },
.{ .define, .{ .recursive_step, .b, .e, .accum },
.{ .cond,
.{ .{ .equals, .e, 0 }, .accum },
.{ .{ .isEven, .e }, .{ .recursive_step, .{ .mul, .b, .b }, .{ .div, .e, 2 }, .accum } },
.{ .Else, .{ .recursive_step, .b, .{ .sub, .e, 1 }, .{ .mul, .accum, .b } } },
.{ .recursive_step, .b, .e, 1 } };
With some minor alterations due to not beeing able to have .else and .= .+ and etc