I want to buy a cheap laptop for software development. I'm okay with the bare minimum specs. I want it to last long with minimum repairs. Please recommend laptops which fit this description.
I looked into buying an old Thinkpad but the hype has marked its price up and there aren't good sellers near me. Please share your experience with laptops as well.
You should post your budget. I think Dell laptops are the best on market atm. Old Thinkpads are great too (especially for the durability).
Please share your experience with laptops as well.
I think Laptop are only good for the portability, and I think desktop PCs are better otherwise (desktop PCs are much easier to upgrade and its easier replace broken parts. And you can get the build/parts you want). If you need a system that you can use to freely test stuff on, I recommend you get a Raspberry Pi (or a clone) or use a virtual machine (like VirtualBox or Qemu).
Under $400 if possible
Opinionated list:
A few months ago, I bought a used ThinkPad T450s for about $190 (including shipping). Durable, but I have had some strange hardware issues. A track pad button will stop working randomly, but a restart will fix it. I also had an issue with ghost pixels, but that seems to have stopped. I'm running GNU/Linux, so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
(I do prefer workstations for development work TBH.)
I just bought one of these: https://www.newegg.com/lenovo-thinkpad-11e-3rd-gen-everyday-value/p/1TS-000E-0W6S9?Item=9SIAANWHDD1534
I've used much less powerful machines in the past, as long as you have a decent desktop your laptop can be the cheapest smallest piece of shit you can find.
Dell laptops are cheap crap nowadays. I bought a Dell Lattitude recently and it's really bad.
I just bought a laptop. It was ~$75.
Literally just get anything with EFI. Linux will probably work. Anything more than $200 is absolute bullshit.
Thinkpad x220 (you can get them for under 100$ used), and the Thinkpad t420, best value, put Linux/BSD on it and it's good to go.
x230s are good
I've had my hp probook for years and I use it much more often than my desktop
Think I'll get another soon, I prefer to use laptops, desktops are dead to me