Well, I don't know about this Scheme thing
me neither, lol i barely read a paragraph ;^)
I can write stuff to automatically generate table of contents
the question is whether it is more costly, letter-by-letter, than the original way
every time i see one of these generators, they present themselves as more costly and rigid than free and direct html writing
you mention the index's an example, but you can do this at no cost at all, all you need is a decent text-editor and a minimum knowledge of regex :3
in fact, you do not even need that shit or another more complex nonsense if you add articles to the index organically
you should not waste even five seconds adding another article by hand when creating a new one
;;;input a new article and a new id
1. duplicate the predecessor <li>
2. paste the [article] title and id
no bullshit, that is it, folks
is more convenient to write for me than
it is not more convenient, could not be... i would agree if you said it was more rox [or elegant] but
this pseudo-cl is a full-direct reference of the html code, which [i presumed] you have fully mastered
so, consequently, the "new-way" cannot be more convenient than the html code itself
it would be like pig-latin been more convenient than english
your pseudo-cl is even one character longer lol and has the same number of special-char than the html one
Also the automatic header generation, being able to make changes to all the pages
what changes? and what are these changes that cannot be made using, uh, do not know, maybe just one little <sed> command?
seriously, i manage a website of a "société savante" which is entirely made of static pages, and the site is considerably large
since myself-cave-man wrote it, in 2006 a.c, the only change i made to the header was:
1. switch from xhtml-basic 1.0 to xhtml 1.1
2. add viewport and larger icons for smartphone-assholes
if you write everything right and well, the only change you will make for good between the <head>es is the title
oh more, as a website with [academic] publications, i have to add dates to the pages as well
do you know how i do that and how much did it cost me? strftime, one hotkey
and that is just useless lazyness, because it would cost me no shit to write eight numerals ;--)