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Making a textboard just to learn webdev

6 2022-06-09 11:39


Who are you trying to convince?

Anyone who's a beginner.

After learning HTML, I tried starting programming with Java but that was unnecessarily complicated language and I dropped it. Then I learned Windows's Batch scripts and a bit of Bash. Then I learned a tiny bit of Lua but went to Python because of its popularity. Then I tried learning C but I didn't like the language that much. I get it's perfect for embedded systems and similar but C is pain to use for regular applications that often need to deal with strings. It doesn't help at all that C has so much undefined behavior. With high-level languages, you can get immediate feedback (especially if you use a REPL). I also believe that using a high-level language is better for maintaining the motivation to learn programming since you can quickly (or at least quicker) make useful programs. Finally, if you wanted to learn how a computer works, you should learn assembly language instead: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pgubook



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